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Reflection on Human Resource Management Practices

Reflection on Human Resource Management Practices

Reflect on your experience with any HR practices described in the articles 4 articles that you found in

organizations with which you are familiar.
Note : The 4 Articles are listed below in the references list :


1) Koys, D. (2013).Using the Department of Labor’s O*NET Database in Teaching HRM -. Journal of

Human Resources Education, 7(3/4), 1-21.

2) Caldwell, R (2001) Champions, adapters, consultants and synergists: the new change
agents in HRM, Human Resource Management Journal, 11(3), pp 39�52.

3) Caldwell, R (2004) Rhetoric, facts and self-fulfilling prophesies: exploring practitioners�perceptions of

progress in implementing HRM, Industrial Relations Journal, 35(3), pp 196�215.
4) Mees, A. and Bonham, J. (2004). Corporate Social Responsibility Belongs with HR. Canadian HR

Reporter, pp. 11 � 13, April 5, 2004.

Reflection on Human Resource Management Practices

How HRM Managers Act as Strategic Business Partners through Targeted Policies &


There are numerous issues that have been identified in the provided model articles, as
problems, and need to be addressed in case an organization needs to succeed in how it addresses
issues that relate to HRM and to enhance its prosperity and service provision to the humankind.
It is evident from the articles that the policies and practices of the Human Resource across
several organizations have not been optimized to assist the organization succeed in its
undertakings and achieve goals, and meet objectives. An organization can achieve this by means
of creating the skills and the knowledge of workers or developing the knowledge and skills of the
employees, or the ‘human capital pool’ the human resource factor affects the ability of the
organization to adapt to vicissitudes that enhances the competitiveness of the workers. Koys
(2013, p 18) argue that as the ability of the organization, competitiveness enhances and gains the
shares of the market in its industry. He further argues that there are numerous factors, which are
crucial for an organization to address.
In the first place, an organization necessitates hitting the satisfactory of its shareholders
by ensuring the profit and produce high quality goods as well as services to its clients at the same

Reflection on Human Resource Management Practices 2
time. Therefore, the company has to reflect on its role to the people around them in the
community by observing good environmental friendliness. Additionally, a firm should involve
itself in the activities present in the community. The organization must also ensure that it offers
an environment of work, which is admirable for the betterment of the workers (Caldwell, 2001,
p. 43)
Additionally, an organization’s HR office plays an important role for the posting of the
jobs, hiring, administration welfare along with counseling, the training of the employees in the
campuses and promotion, hiring, wages and salaries. The HR office collects a fitting data of
statistics, puts it in order and analyzes the information with the personnel transactions respect
like the transfers, terminations, hires and the promotions. Another arising problem is that a firm
may have neglected the emphasis on gender balance, thus women and men can access the
advertisements and the position posting except for the occasions where there is an occupational
qualification of a bona fide. To make sure that a tag line is pinned to all the advertisements;
giving the affirmative action plan to all the employees and the policies of the sexual harassment
along with other information, which is related to this (Donaldson, 2004). In addition to this, it
creates job description as well as establishing it for all places within the campuses and review as
well as updating as expected. The Human Resource offices also centralize the clerical staff’s
initial interviewing. In summation, there will be the performance of all testing regarding the
clerical positions in the Human Resource office so that to make sure that all people gets the same
treatment. The discipline of benefit handles different forms of the employers who are not direct.
Compensation, which people refer to as benefit, the managers uses it to identify, attract, and
retain the employees. This contains the designation and the administration of compensations like
the insurance, the income of retirement or the pension, pay leaves, and different services of the
workers along with different compensation that the federal state and the laws authorize.
There is also a very poor business leadership that should be handling activities and
processes, which the company uses in many ways. For example, to formulate the objectives,
aiming at the short and long meetings, the policies, and the practices requires the opportunity of
the organization and gears particularly on the issues of the capital of the human kind (Caldwell,
2004, p. 206). This comprises of the planned process of planning and the procedure of well
arranging the plan management of the capital of human kind in a planned strategy.
Proper compensation equally remains a challenge for most organizations. Compensation
handles numerous forms of compensations, which are direct. This is the payment of the workers.
The managers utilize this amazing strategy to identify, to attract, and to retain the workers. This
comprises of the system of designation and administration of the compensation. It can also be
recognized that a firm needs to embrace consultation when handling the practices of conveying
features of the human resource management like the provider, which is external along the
professional, and the issues of the business. While operating this kind of practices, one should
consider the development of the customer, the management of the customer, the like, and the
contrast (Foss & Foss, 2005, p. 550).
Diversity management handles the similarities and the differences that create uniqueness
in the individuals of the firm. Those kinds of the difference and the similarities of the uniqueness
are like individuals and the traits of the organization, experiences, beliefs, values, behaviors, and
preferences, background, and not forgetting how the organization can transform those useful
qualities sustenance of the objective of the business (John, 1998, p. 306). There is also need for
proper employee relations to enhance a positive, fruitful, and cohesive environment of work.
This comprises of the analyzing process implementing, developing, and administering the

Reflection on Human Resource Management Practices 3
relationship of the employers and the employees; managing the performance of the workers;
making sure that the workers relation matches with the authorized laws and regulation of the
firm and resolving disputes in the workplace.
Sometimes a firm may have a poor enhancement of its Corporate Social Responsibility
and Ethic with regard to HRM to handle the personal and the organizational qualities in addition
to its expression of behavior and decision making in the business (Marianne & Gunther, 2004, p.
340) Therefore, it strongly considers the code of the organization of the ethic but then contain the
requirement, which are legal. This ethic and corporate social responsibility discipline handles the
effect of the decision of the business in the region of the practices of employment, sustainability
and philanthropy, the corporate governance and the responsibility of the profession of the human
resource in advancing the value of the workers life together with its families.
In addition, an organization may lack proper organizational and employee development
programs. The program associates with the performance of an organization and its means of
human developmental resource. The resources negotiate on advancing the efficiency of an
organization as well as training the workers to be able to meet the demands of the present jobs
and other jobs in future. Other resources negotiate on the management of transformation, the
development of leadership, coaching, the systems of measurement and outsourcing the
development of the workers.
Key Components to Business Success from a Human Resources Standpoint
Technology favorably affects the performance of the organization. Therefore, since the
management policy and practices of the Human Resource widely includes the majorly studied
policies and practices of an organization, it can give support to the decision making of the
managers and a suitable problem solving concerning the identification of the location of a firm
that requires special enhancement to improve the performance of the organization (Mees &
Bonham, 2004, p. 12).
Improving the Business through Strategic Human Resources Business Plan
In this case, three issues arise out of contextual factors. These factors include the new
technology, the trend of workforce, and transforming the values of the employees. The
technology that enhances the boundaries of the organization, both inside and outside is currently
an organizational critical issue. The difference in the specialization flexibility and the production
of the mass has insinuation in managing the workers. The alteration in the technologies
consistently changes the firm’s products. The industrial technologies linked with the higher
productive as well as the lower rate accidents particularly outcomes to the poor performance of
the overall manufacturing. In addition to this, Koys (2013, p. 18) claims that the shortfall of the
labor supply is most likely to be spread widely in the future. This claim is associated to the labor
force retiring generation.


With regard to the current trends seen across most organizations globally, it is obvious
that the HRM assists the organization to achieve a very modest advantage. The Human Resource
Management can achieve this by advancing the employees skills and the knowledge. The
practices of Human Resource are strategic when there are targets towards its activities like
diversity management, recruitment, and the training and development to achieve the goal of the
organization. In the organization, the strategy of the recruitment promotes the growth through the
attraction of the candidates who are highly skilled. One should see the training and development
as an asset, which is important to the performance of the work. The organization gives the
surrounding which the workers can appreciate and experience individual growth through the

Reflection on Human Resource Management Practices 4
understanding of the diversity in the place of work hence contributing to the welfare of the

Reference List

Caldwell, R. (2001) Champions, adapters, consultants and synergists: the new change
agents in HRM, Human Resource Management Journal, 11(3), pp 39–52.
Caldwell, R (2004) Rhetoric, facts and self-fulfilling prophesies: exploring practitioners’
perceptions of progress in implementing HRM, Industrial Relations Journal,
35(3), pp 196–215.
Foss, N. & Foss K. (2005). Resources and transaction costs: how property rights economics
furthers the resource-based view. Strategic Management Journal 26(6): 541-553.
John E. Delery. (1998). Issues of fit in strategic human resource management: Implications for
research. Human Resource Management Review. 8 (3), 289-309.
Koys, D. (2013).Using the Department of Labor’s O*NET Database in Teaching HRM -. Journal
of Human Resources Education, 7(3/4), 1-21.
Marianne J. Koch , Gunther McGrath. (2004). Improving Labor Productivity: Human Resource
Management Policies Do Matter. Strategic Management Journal. 17 (5), 335–354.
Mees, A. and Bonham, J. (2004). Corporate Social Responsibility Belongs with HR. Canadian
HR Reporter, pp. 11 – 13, April 5, 2004.

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