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Reflecting on Mixed Methods Research

Reflecting on Mixed Methods Research 

They are 5 critical questions hear that the writer must clearly respond to them in detail. It is important that
the writer use proper grammar and in text citations as he write this paper.
Reflecting on Mixed Methods Research
Consider how qualitative and quantitative research methods complement one another, and consider the
role of mixed methods designs.

  • Would it ever be viable to consider only quantitative or only qualitative methods for a research study?
  • How can mixed methods vs. single (qual-quan) methods extend our understanding of a research
  • Why would it be important for a researcher to be conversant in both quantitative and qualitative
  • How do your thoughts on these questions relate to your worldview?
  • What strategies might you use to help you become more comfortable with or develop further expertise in
    mixed methods research�as a consumer and/or producer of research?

Reflecting on Mixed Methods Research  2
Mixed research is a paradigm where both the quantitative and qualitative research
methods are mixed into one study. Mixed method research utilizes qualitative research methods
in one face of the project while in another phase quantitative research method is applied
(Tashakkori and Teddlie, 2003). For example, one research can be conducted using quantitative
experimental system and later conduct an intensive interview session with the
respondent(qualitative) to analyze his view on the experiment then later evaluate both
experiments to analyze if the results are similar. The mixed method research is practically like
conducting two series of mini-studies that are within the same research study. On the other hand
the mixed model is entirely different from the mixed method. In this model, the researcher
combines both qualitative and quantitative approaches within the same stage of the research
study. For example, one may conduct a survey using a questionnaire that has a series closed
ended questions (quantitative) as well as open ended questions (qualitative). The researcher may
also collect qualitative data and eventually quantify the data (A publication Journal, 2013).
Mixed research method and the single approaches have very different methods of
research processes and final conclusions. In mixed research methods, the report is Eclectic and
pragmatic while in quantitative report, it’s outlined as a statistical report that’s complete with
correlations, comparisons and also includes statistical significance, degrees of freedom and error
margins of the research findings. Qualitative reports are narrative and contextual. They include
direct quotes from the respondents. The major contents in quantitative reports are variables while
in mixed reports both variables, images and words appear. In qualitative reports only images and
words appear (Migiro & Magangi, 2011).
Mixed research methods draw a lot of positive aspects of both approaches hence it adds more
value to adopt the mixed research method where it’s feasible. The mixed method brings out more

Reflecting on Mixed Methods Research  3
understanding of the research problem that the single methods. The mixed research method
attempts to analyze data both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. Quantitative data analysis
attempts to identify statistical relationships while qualitative research method tries to identify the
patterns, themes or other holistic features that form part of the research results (Mills, 2011). 
The use of mixed research should be applied only when it’s feasible. According to the
key principle of mixed research, a researcher should utilize both qualitative as well as
quantitative research methods by complimenting the strengths of both methods and not
duplicating their weaknesses. Most researchers conduct mixed research and its interesting to note
that most research activities engage mixed research at the aggregate research level even if the
mixed method was not the method adopted initially. The reason being that there is always some
quantitative and qualitative mixed research studies at the research literature level. Hence it would
not be viable to consider only qualitative or quantitative research study (Onwuegbuzie &
Teddlie, 2003).
It’s important for a researcher to be conversant with both the methods. The reason being
that there is always some quantitative and qualitative mixed research studies at research literature
level (Hair et al, 2015). When interpreting the data in a mixed research study there is always
need to be more inclusive and apply the reflexivity principle which literally involves self
awareness together with self reflection in order to provide a bias free report (Mills, 2011). 
These thoughts make it mandatory to be aware and learn all the modern development in
research activities globally as most of the research methods applicable at the moment may be
bypassed by other modern and dynamic methods of research activities or models (Klein &
Olbrecht, 2011). The researcher must also consider if one of the research methods would be
dominant in the research paradigm. Mix research methods aims at providing a research study that

Reflecting on Mixed Methods Research  4
has complementary strengths in both quantitative and qualitative studies and non-overlapping
weaknesses in both cases.
When different approaches in research methods are applied to focus on similar
phenomenon and both methods produce similar results it makes it imperative for the producer of
such information to be knowledgeable in both concepts of research methods. The strategy is to
learn and be conversant with both research methods. The use of experimental and non-
experimental designs in quantitative research would be a good strategy to improve and be
comfortable with quantitative research while ethnography, narratives and grounded theory and
case studies would be a great strategy to understand qualitative research methods (Naquin, Cole,
Bowers & Walkwitz, 2010). Sequential, concurrent and transformative methods may also be the
best strategy to understand the mixed research methods.

Reflecting on Mixed Methods Research  5
A publication Journal, (2013) Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business,
February, Vol. 4/10
Hair Jr, J. F., Wolfinbarger, M., Money, A. H., Samouel, P., & Page, M. J. (2015). Essentials of
business research methods, Routledge.
Klein, T. & Olbrecht, M. (2011) Triangulation of Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Panel
Peer Review Research, International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in
Education(IJCDSE), Volume 2, Issue 2, June. Retrieved August 12, 2015 from
Migiro, S.O., Magangi, B.A. (2011). Mixed methods: A review of literature and the future of the 
new research paradigm. African Journal of Business Management, Academic Journals
5(10), 3757-3764. Retrieved from:  http://www.academicjournals.org/AJBM

Mills, G. E. (2011). Action research – A guide for the teacher researcher. Boston, MA: 
>>>>Pearson Education, Inc.

Naquin, M., Cole, D., Bowers, A., & Walkwitz, E. (2010). Environmental health knowledge,
attitudes, and practices of students in grades four through eight, Journal of Research,
6(2), 45-50.

Reflecting on Mixed Methods Research  6
Onwuegbuzie, A.J. & Teddlie, C. (2003). A framework for analyzing data in mixed methods
research. In A. Tashakkori & C. Teddlie (Eds.), Handbook of mixed methods in social
and behavioral research (pp. 351-383). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

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