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Reduction of the movement of agents to and from the management to the market

Assignment 3: Project Presentation
Please use the project from Assignment 1 and 2 to complete this assignment.
Your project is now in its closing process. You are ready to present a final report to your major
Develop a Closing Process PowerPoint Presentation. Your PowerPoint must have speaker
notes and these speaker notes must be written as if you were presenting this project to your
stakeholders. A template is provided for your use. You can modify the template based on your
professor�s instructions. Do not omit any information from the template because the
information aligns with the rubric. Note: The template can be found here or in the Student
Center. (I will provide you with the template)
Prepare a twelve to fifteen (12-15) slide presentation in which you:

  1. Identify the project objectives and how the project team has met each of the identified
  2. Analyze the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), along with explanation for each task.
  3. Create a timeline, and note the critical path.
  4. Identify stakeholders on the project team matrix.
  5. Establish the approved budget, and identify the cost for resources.
  6. Recommend plans for the project communication.
  7. Determine risks, the competitive analysis, and project benefits.
  8. Distinguish the scope, time, and cost constraints.

Objectives of the project

 Reduction of the movement
of agents to and from the
management to the market

while responding to customer
 Ensure successful switch-
over from Right Now to Sales
force system
 Give room to utilization of
technology in order to make
better decisions on how to meet
customer satisfaction
 Provide the right theoretical
framework within which the
sales force system will be
 Enhance management from
whatever location hence
hastening decision-making
 I take this opportunity to welcome you to listen to my presentation. This presentation is on
project focusing on the movement for RightNow to Salesforce response system that will
address customer requests and queries as well capture the service orders from sale agents.
The objectives of the projects are five in number. One of them is to reducing of the
movement of agents to and from the management to the market while responding to
customer issues. Second, is to ensure successful switch-over from Right Now to Sales force
system. Third, is to give room to utilization of technology in order to make better decisions

on how to meet customer satisfaction. Fourth is to enhance management from whatever
location hence hastening decision-making and lastly is to provide the right theoretical
framework within which the sales force system will be functioning.
How the project team has met objectives
 Addressing the
customers issues
 Switching over from
RightNow to Salesforce
 Use technology in
making decision
 Provide advice on the
best framework for sales
force system
 Expanding locations
that have made

management easy and
making decision easy
The project has been able to meet its objectives through the following. It addresses the customers’
issues as it has made it easier for customers to interact through requests and queries. It has also
enabled switching off from RightNow to Salesforce system. Technology has been embraced in
decision making allowing the company to operate efficiently. It also has enabled creation of a
framework that is suitable for the sale force system and helped to expand the locations making
management easy as well as hastened the process of decision-making.
Timeline and critical path
 Training of IT and back
office staff on Saleforce- 3
 Training of sales staff on
Salesforce- 1 month
 Training of customer
experience and relationship
management staff-2 months
 Training of Accounting
staff-2 months

 Migration from
RighNow to Salesforce-2
Activation of Salesforce and
switch-off of RightNow- 1
Timing is important as it allows completion of project tasks within the time set. In this
project as you can see, various activities will take certain duration of time. Training of IT and
back office staff on Saleforce will take 3 months, training of sales staff on Salesforce will
take 1 month, training of customer experience and relationship management staff will take
2 months, training of Accounting staff will take 2 months, migration from RighNow to
Salesforce will take 2 months and activation of Salesforce and switch-off of RightNow will
take 1 month.
Analysis of Work Breakdown
Structure (WBS),
 ITcloud solution has various
sub branches:
 IT cloud solutions-controls
all activities
 Training- Information and

 Activation of Saleforce and
switch-off of right now-
Balancing of migration process
for continuity
 Migration from RightNow to
Sales force- Migration logistics
and challenges
 Sales executive- Market
survey and customer concerns
 Business Analyst- Data
collection and processing
 ITcloud solutions are broken down into various segments. Different individuals and tasks are
categorized to ensure that they are executed in the right work. All activities will be
controlled by IT cloud solutions. Training will also be carried out to impact information to the
teams. When migrating to the new system- Salesforce logistics and challenges will be
addressed. Sales executive will carry out market surveys to understand the concerns of the
customers. Business analyst will collect and process data to analyze the trends.
Timeline and critical path
 Training of IT and back office staff on Saleforce- 3 months
 Training of sales staff on Salesforce- 1 month
 Training of customer experience and relationship management staff-2 months
 Training of Accounting staff-2 months
 Migration from RighNow to Salesforce-2 months
ActivatTiming is important as it allows completion of project tasks within the time set. In this project
as you can see, various activities will take certain duration of time. Training of IT and back office staff
on Saleforce will take 3 months, training of sales staff on Salesforce will take 1 month, training of
customer experience and relationship management staff will take 2 months, training of Accounting

staff will take 2 months, migration from RighNow to Salesforce will take 2 months and activation of
Salesforce and switch-off of RightNow will take 1 month.ion of Salesforce and switch-off of
RightNow- 1 month
Stakeholders on the
project team matrix
 IT Project manager
 Sales manager
 Customer
Experience and
Relationship manager
 Business Analyst
 IT Owner Business
Project Manager and
ITCloud Solutions
 The project has various stakeholders as provided in the PowerPoint slides. These
stakeholders are very important in ensuring that the project comes into conclusion
successfully (Batrol & Martin, 2012). They include; IT Project manager, Sales manager,
Customer Experience and Relationship manager, Business Analyst and IT Owner Business
Project Manager and ITCloud Solutions.

 Approved Budget
 Budget is important to ensure that the project succeeds. The approved budget indicates the
expenses for the project teams and the cost of resources. As you can see from the table in
the slides, the total costs of the resources is US $145,000.
Plans for the project communication
 Communication is essential to ensure successful implementation of this project
 Management will have to communicate clearly beforehand to the employees.
 They will pinpoint the department, functions and staff to be involved and their degree of
involvement, a clear description of the end results of the switch-over project and its long-
term effects (Watson, 2013).
 Communication is essential in the project. It promotes effective coordination. The plan is not
complex. The management will keep in contact with the employees to update them on the
progress. Communication will also be between project manager and the team (Jean, 2012).
This communications will as well delves on the switch over process as well as long term
effects of the project.
Project Risks
 Project planning risks:
 Technical
 Scheduling
 Cost of implementation
 Projects face some risks. The planning risks this project is exposed include technical,
scheduling and cost of implementation (Risk Management Process, 2013). Technical risks
includes failures of systems, scheduling risks includes disruptions in plans and cost of
implementation risks includes unexpected increase in expenses.
Competitive analysis
 The project will improve the
profitability and market reach of the
company products giving it a
competitive edge
Project benefits

 Timely and comprehensive
response to queries
 Increases flexibility in adjusting
company products and services
 Elimination of agents that
represent management in the market
 To the management, the
successful migration will result in
better decision making strategic
decision-making and time saving
 Shareholders will benefit from
increased investments
Salesforce response system allows
information to be received directly from
the customers
In terms of competitive analysis, this project will give the company an upper hand due to
improved customer services.
The project as well has a number of benefits to various parties. Some of these benefits
include; it will lead to timely and comprehensive response to queries, will increase flexibility
in adjusting company products and services, will eliminate agents that represent
management in the market. Other benefits are better decision making, strategic decision-
making among managers. Shareholders will benefit from increased investments (Risk
Mitigation Planning, Implementation, and Progress Monitoring, 2014). Finally, Salesforce
response system allows information to be received directly from the customers

Distinction of the scope, time, and cost constraints
 Scope constraints- increased flow of information causing challenging in its analysis

 Time constraints- Require more time to implement fully
 Cost- constraints- in adequate finances hampering smooth implementation
The project may also encounter some constraints in terms of its scope, time and cost. Scope
constraints are that will lead to increased flow of information that may lead to challenges in its
analysis (Megginson, 2011). More time will be required to implement and the project may
experience high cost that may hamper its implementation.

Project dependencies
 Project leaders
 Strategies
 Risks
 Cost
 Project team
 Budget
 The next slide is about project dependencies. These various aspects affect the progression of
the projects. Some of these issues include project leaders, risks, appropriate strategies,
costs, project team members and budget.
Six (6) best practices arising from this project’s lessons learned
 Planning
 Risk identification

 Time management
 Resource allocation
 Competent team members
 Professionalism
 From this lesson, the six best practices learned include, Planning, Risk identification, Time
management, Resource allocation, competent team members and Professionalism. Planning
allows the project to begin well and conclude well. Identifying risk promotes successful
completion of the project. Resource allocation allows proper utilization of resources,
competent teams provides insights and acts professional to deliver the objectives set.
Professionalism is important as it allows upholding of integrity and ethical standards.
Recommended methods to avoid similar obstacles in future projects
 Involve all stakeholders
 Carry out intensive survey
 Improve on the competent of the team members
 Strategies to reduce costs
 To avoid similar obstacles in future projects here are the recommendations, all stakeholders
need to be involved in the project, intensive survey is necessary, team members competent
is also important. Lastly, the project manner must embrace strategies that reduce cost.
List of next steps for another phase for this project
 Recruitment and training of staffs
 Survey of the current system
 Budgeting
 Implementation of the project
 Monitoring and evaluation
Handing over
In implementation of another phase of this project, these steps should be followed. The
steps will ensure that project starts and end successfully (Fuller, 2010). First is to
recruitment and training staffs, carry out a survey of the current system, come up with a
budget, implementation of the project, monitoring and evaluation and handing over (Ralph,
Irwin & Ken, 2009).
 Risk Management Process. (2013

 Fuller, J. (2010). Managing Performance
Improvement Projects: Preparing, Planning and
Implementing, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.
 Jean, H. (2012). Sharpen Your Team’s Skills in
Project Management, Hoboken, New York, NY.
 Megginson, L. (2011). Management, Concepts and
Applications, Harper Collins Publishers Inc,
Chicago, IL.
 Ralph, L., Irwin, S., & Ken, L. (2009). Project
Management Methodology: A Practical Guide, J.
Wiley & Sons, Hoboken,

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