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Qatar Airways company

The purpose of the Final Project is to apply the concepts and techniques of the module to the analysis of
real-world situations or problems. Students are expected to use diverse sources of information, which
must include the University library resources, and to carry out an original analysis rather than summarise
or rehash existing work. Students are encouraged to use situations and data from their own experience

where possible.

Final Project

Qatar Airways is a company that has been in existence for more than two decades.
During those two decades, the company was seen as the fastest growing airline internationally.
The reason being that the airline serves over 140 destinations all over Africa, Europe, Asia and
the Middle East. Furthermore, it has an employment base of almost 31000 people, of which

19000 directly work for the airline. The headquarters of the company are in Doha, located in
the Qatar Airways Tower. In addition to the prosperity of the company, it is seen as a
multinational company that has set the pace for other multinationals to follow.
Qatar Airways is a large organization that has multiple branches located all over the
world. However, for an organization of dynamic size like this one to operate and function
optimally. There has to be a proper organizational structure in place. Therefore, we take a look
into the organizational structure of Qatar Airway. At the top, the most position of the structure
is the CEO. The CEO is at the front line of making organizational decisions that will impact on
the organization in some ways. To understand the work of the CEO, let’s refer to him or her as
the Managing Director. So, what is the role of the Managing Director?
The managing director is the one who is in charge of all the management operations in
the organization. He is the captain of the organization when referring to it as a ship. Therefore,
all the managerial decisions made are made by him or on behalf of him. Hence, he or she is an
important tool to the effective running of the organization. Below the managing director there
happens to be the operations department, finance department and the fleet manager. The
specific sections are defined simply by their names. Operations department in charge of all
customer care and service issues. The finance department is mainly concerned with the funds of
the organization while the fleet manager handles the managing the fleet of airplanes owned by
the company. This includes operations such as servicing and maintenance of the airplanes
owned by Qatar Airlines. Therefore, every employee is assigned to a specific section in the
organizational structure according to their set of professional skills.
In consideration of the strategic goals of an organization, there are specific significant
aspects that need to be looked at. In essence, one cannot afford to oversee the significance of a

mission statement and a vision statement in an organization. Most organizations in the world
have these statement even before they start operating. The importance of these statements gives
a scope of how the company operates and the specific goals that are important to the operation
of the company. The mission statement of Qatar Airways is, “excellence in everything we do”.
Looking at the mission statement, it is very evident that the organization has very much interest
in excellence in every aspect of their operation. Hence, the organization believes in working
towards an end goal that would ensure that it excels in everything that it takes a business
interest in. Therefore, the objectives of the organization are all aligned towards excellence in
every aspect. Thus, the values of the organization can all have a basis of excellence, seeing that
every aspect of the organization is somehow reflected on the mission statement.

Qatar Airways operate in a dynamic environment. Looking into the business interests of
the organization, it is evident that the travel business is the mainstay of the organization.
Furthermore, the organization has more interests in other business areas such as tourism and
much more. For instance, the organization operates in all of the six inhabited continents. The
geographical area in which the organization operates shows the level to which the organization
has grown to become a multinational organization. The environment is therefore quite dynamic.
This is evident from the many nations in which the airline has over 140 destinations that are
available to their customers.
To enable the organization to function in an efficient and effective manner. The
organizational structure must be shifted from time to time to allow dynamic business

management in the diverse environment the business takes place. Therefore, the organization
has put in place a system that ensures that the very many destinations it provides to its
customers are available and well managed every time. To achieve this level of diverse
management, there has to be a management model put in place to allow effective
intercommunication between the various agencies of the airways that exist globally.
Communication is key to the function of all organizations. For this specific
organization, there needs to be an effective communication scheme that allows the managers to
effectively communicate certain aspects to their employees to ensure the swift manner of
running things in such a dynamic organization. Therefore, the need to ensure that one such
scheme is put in place and monitored from time to time is very crucial. In a business lifecycle
that is as demanding as the one experienced by Qatar Airways, the manager needs to consider
every important aspect of the organization’s function to properly operate business in the
For instance, there is the current reward and pay strategy that is being implemented at
Qatar Airways. The strategy has different sections that in overall make the whole strategy be of
much significant to the organization in question. The different sections all have different ways
in which the reward and pay strategy is implemented. The following are the different sections
available in the current reward and pay strategy in use at Qatar Airways. These sections include
compensation, benefits, affiliation, and work content and lastly career.
Compensation is all about paying the employees for the work well done. In essence, it is
all about rewarding the employees for the effort they have put into improving the performance
of the organization in its daily operations. Compensation is achieved through the following
aspects, transparency of the pay process, basic salary, and regular incentives. Benefits are the

other aspect that is of much consideration when implementing a reward and pay strategy
(Aksakal et al., 2014). This aspect deals with solely health, retirement, time off, talent
development and work/life balance. Affiliation, on the other hand, is concerned more with the
social aspect of the organization. The affiliation aspect looks into specific details like the
working relationships, the reputation of the organization, culture, and community citizenship.
Work content and lastly career focus on the customer side and work aspect of an individual
employee. Work content includes things like variety, autonomy, structure, feedback and
challenges at work. While career involves things like training, employment security, personal
growth, status and last promotion. All these aspect look into the specific areas that are covered
overall by the reward and pay strategy implemented by an organization.
The current reward and pay strategy being used by Qatar Airways is a good one. Its
benefits are both financial and non-financial. In the business world, it is said that the best
reward should be a combination of many things. The organization, which is the Qatar Airways
are keen to ensure that they do not leave out any aspect that will make the reward and pay
strategy weak at any point. A reward strategy would be a good one if it went hand in hand with
the strategic goals of the organization. The current reward and pay strategy at Qatar Airways
encompasses a lot of objectives that outset the following.
Firstly, the significance of a reward strategy will depend on its impact on the individual
and team performance of employees in the organization (De Gieter et al., 2015). The strategy
currently in place at Qatar Airways proves to be significance in every aspect. In essence to
employee performance. The strategy seems to drive individual and team performance on the
side of improvement. This is evident from the ever growing numbers of customers that use the
services offered by Qatar Airways. Leading to the high growth rate of the multinational

company in a global perspective. Better employee performance eventually points to an
improved overall organizational performance.
Secondly, Qatar Airways have been in near to perfect control of their resources. This
only means one thing. That the current reward strategy is a sustainable one. A reward strategy
should be one that would not cause any stress on the finances of the organization to the point
that it affects the normal running of the organization. In this context, the current reward
strategy is effective in a way that it does not put any stress on any financial aspect of the
organization. If the opposite were true, then the reward strategy would have been inappropriate
to use in the current state of the organizational and then it would have been wise to adopt a
reward strategy that would amend the wrongs done by the current one.
Thirdly, there is the issue of assessing the effect of the strategy on the employees. The
current effective reward and pay strategy at Qatar Airways would not have been as effective as
it is if it was not fully integrated into the system. For the reward and pay strategy to achieve full
integration into the system, it must not only support, but also compliment the organizational
strategies. This means that the working of the reward and pay strategy would have to use the
strategic goals of the organization to form the basis on which it would operate. This would
ensure that the goals of the reward and pay strategy would go hand in hand with those of the
However, there is a loophole that needs to be fixed in the reward and pay strategy. The
non-financial aspect of the reward strategy seems to be weak than the financial aspect.
Furthermore, in the current age of business and human relation matters. More and more
employees are becoming more attracted to the non-financial aspect of reward and pay strategies
(Perkins et al., 2011). Hence, there needs to be some change effected into strategy currently in

place at the organization. To effectively tackle the challenge of the rising need for non-financial
aspect of reward and pay strategy. The organization needs to identify the things that retain
talented employees. This can be identified using employee forums. Employee forums would
help in determining what drives performance and what encourages retention. Reviewing the
policies to ensure fairness and equity is another wise move that the organization can make
towards improving the non-financial aspect of reward and pay strategy.

In conclusion, the reward and pay strategy in use at Qatar Airways is an effective one.
The effectiveness is evident from the integration with the organizational goals, improved
employee performance both in teams and individually and lastly does not put any constraints on
the finances of the organization. However, there is still room for improving the current reward
and pay strategy. The key areas where such improvement would be considered needed is the
non-financial aspects of the reward and pay strategy. In essence, in the current age of financial
crisis that multinational organizations are undergoing. It is prudent that these organizations do
not overlook the importance of putting in place a reward and pay system that would consider
the financial situation that an organization finds itself in.

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De Gieter, S., & Hofmans, J. (2015). How reward satisfaction affects employees’ turnover
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Massingham, P. R., & Tam, L. (2015). The relationship between human capital, value creation
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Perkins, S. J., & White, G. (2011). Reward management: alternatives, consequences and
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Renwick, D. W., Redman, T., & Maguire, S. (2013). Green human resource management: a
review and research agenda*. International Journal of Management Reviews, 15(1), 1-

Scott, D. K., & McMullen, T. (2013). Rewards next practices: 2013 and beyond. WorldatWork
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Zabouj, N., & Antoniades, N. (2015). A study about the use of reward systems and employee
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