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Evaluate the research questions using the Research Questions and Hypotheses Checklist as a guide
Identify the type of qualitative research approach used and explain how the researchers implemented the
Analyze alignment among the theoretical or conceptual framework, problem, purpose, research
questions, and design


The effectiveness of the research study is considered complete through the evaluation of
issues such as the research the questions used, the hypothesis used, and other important facets
used to develop any research. Therefore, the identification and the conduction of further an
analysis can be carried out in order to determine the effectiveness of the research. This paper is
set to determine whether it is important in trying to determine the general appropriateness of the
through the evaluation of different elements concerns a research study made by Tomyn et al.
Other researchers’ assertions will be used to augment the important findings made.
Evaluation of the Research the Research Questions

According to Tomyn ert al. (2015), the research study concerns the evaluation and
determination of the exploitation of the child investigators in the Australian internet. Therefore,
it has been able to make use of a number of research questions as a way of determining the
manner in which relevant data could be obtained (Tomyn et al., 2015). The research study
requires the use of both qualitative, as well as quantitative data in order to keep on improving the
general information that could be used to draw the appropriate conclusion about the research
study. The questions aims at creating appropriate variables that can be used to derive the
appropriate answers. For instance, one of the research question, the team of researchers wanted
to measure the extent of life satisfaction by different based on the assertions of different authors
regarding the matters addressed in the research question. At this juncture, they wanted to
understand whether the respondents were satisfied with their own life, as well as based on their

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personal circumstances. The appropriate options that were provided were two and were
“completely satisfied” and “completely dissatisfied” (Tomyn et al., 2015). Therefore, the
provision of the two main options meant that the respondents could be limited, in giving out their
answers. As a result, the move proved highly important in helping the researchers carry out more
exploratory analysis of the researcher study. The answers provided could be used for further
qualitative analysis of the research study.
Identification of the Type of Qualitative Research Approach Used and Explanation of How

the Researchers Implemented the Design

As noted earlier, the use of the research questions acted as one of the most appropriate
ways of devising qualitative research approach. For instance, the research had to carry out the
appropriate measurement of the personal well-being of the target respondents. As a result, the
research used seven different ways of defining the personal well-being of the target respondents.
The seven factors, which were also used as the satisfaction score are listed below. These include
the health, the living standards, life achievements, the relationships, the general safety, the
connection to the community, and the future security. As a result, any answer that fell within this
category acted as a strong determinant of the quality relating to the general well-being of the
respondents (Tomyn et al., 2015). This is due to the fact that the answer provided are highly
interconnected with the themes of the research study. Apart from that, the answer provided acts
as a form of exploratory verbs that helps to depict the qualitative analysis of the research the
Analysis of the alignment among the theoretical or conceptual framework, problem,
purpose, research questions, and design
The research study has also been able to make use of the appropriate theoretical, as well

Psychology 4
as conceptual framework in trying to expound the general development of the paper. For
instance, the research study has been able to use a proper schematic representation that indicates
the level of the ‘strength of satisfaction.’ As a result, the proper representation of the seven factor
believed to determine or to have a major influence on the level of personal satisfaction has been
used to determine the mean of the personal well-being. In short, the paper made use of the
conceptual and theoretical framework to give a clear indication of the themes of the paper
(Tomyn et al., 2015). On the other hand, it has also been able to use the mix method research
design. Here, both the qualitative and quantitative method of data collection have been employed
throughout the research study (Tomyn et al., 2015). Therefore, the use of the quantitative
research deign has been used to determine the general response to the major variables that have
been used throughout the research study. Apart from that, this can be used to improve the general
direction of the paper. Here, the use of the qualitative research skills can be related to the work of
Dr. Sreeroopa Sarkar. Sakar has made use of the research design and skills in trying to capture
some of the most interesting data through the use of the directing question. Such questions have
been able to direct the respondents to give certain answers such as the isolation and family
violence as the main causes of the child oppression. This is the same case that the research study
being discussed have followed in trying to portray the use of the qualitative research skills.
Similarly, Babbie ch 10 has also been able to use the same skills in order to identify the main
variables of the research study. Here, there has been use of directing questions in order to give a
certain order of answers. This can be used to make comparative answers.

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Tomyn, A. J., Powell, M. B., Cassematis, P., Smallbone, S., & Wortley, R. (2015). Examination
of the Subjective Well-Being of Australian Internet Child Exploitation Investigators.
Australian Psychologist, 50(3), 203-211

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