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Personal Worldview and Research Mindset

For this paper, the writer must read thoroughly the instructions giving in the assignment, and the writer
must also follow directions and incorporate readings from the course text book and the articles giving in
the paper. It is critical that the writer use proper APA for the entire paper. the writer will follow the
instruction to complete the questioner and will then complete a 2 page paper with a minimum of 3
paragraphs which will comprise of a statement from the information gathered in the questioner in the Your

It is a reality that both the world and the different elements that constitute the world do
exist. People are responsible for generating varied opinions about the world. Apparently, the
world would be a wonderful place to live if people would come together to remove all the
negative things that affect the world. Perhaps, no two conflicting statements can be taken to be
true. The world is therefore controlled by varied views and beliefs which emanate from different
cultural, educational and personal life experiences. As such, history is very essential in focusing
on the future around the world.
The best way to learn is through listening, observing and experiencing life happening. So
as to get informed, I carry out information gathering. This is mostly done through looking for
answers for given topics like health by conducting interviews. The sources of information
include doctors, publications and media sources. The sources ought to contain information about
the topic under study. In addition, information gathering from these sources depends on people’s
experiences and one’s personal experiences(Lester, 2004).Furthermore, Personal communication
skills are very essential in influencing the behavior of other people. Through personal
communication skills, I have been able to utilize persuasion and interpersonal dialogue,
efficiency in terms of solving problems so as to influence others. In addition, I have been able to
challenge people’s behavior without becoming too personal so as to avoid any conflict. Despite
the fact that solving problems has got challenges, problem solving skills assist in coming up with
sound solutions. I therefore utilize the five steps when handling any challenge. The steps include
orientation, defining the specific problem, coming up with alternative ways to handle that
problem, coming up with a well-defined decision, implementing the solution and evaluating the
whole process(Neumann, 2005).

My personal background has been dictated and controlled by so many challenges which
have enhanced my personal experience. Despite the fact that I was born in the US, my cultural
background is of the Indian people. This is simply because my I have spent most of my life in
this country (India). I have a good command of both written and spoken Indian language with
very little knowledge of English. I have therefore gained so much in terms of experience from
living and studying in both India and United States of America. My professional experience is so
vast. I have gained experience in English by attending an Indian adult school for studying
English, I have a high school diploma with a bachelor of science in Business administration. I
have also worked as a secretary for students for a period of two years(Creswell, 2013).
Apparently, my self-identity has greatly influenced my professional practice. In addition,
my personal, cultural and professional experiences have had a great impact on by own beliefs
and how I perceive the world. This has greatly had an impact in the way I carry out my research
work. Basically, my self-identity revolves around my own cultural background and my working
profession. In the initial stages of my career, before associating with varied cultures, the way I
perceived and viewed the world was based on Indian cultural background. This was basically
based on the believes and values of this people. I have therefore acquired a different perception
of the world based on different cultural practices which I have gone through in my everyday
life(Boud, & Tennant, 2006).



Boud, D., & Tennant, M. (2006). Putting doctoral education to work: Challenges to academic
practice. Higher Education Research & Development, 25(3), 293–306. Retrieved from
Academic Search Premier database
Creswell, J. W. (2013). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods
approaches (Laureate Education, Inc., custom ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Lester, S. (2004). Conceptualizing the practitioner doctorate. Studies in Higher Education, 29(6),
757–770. Retrieved from ERIC database.
Neumann, R. (2005). Doctoral differences: Professional doctorates and PhDs compared. Journal
of Higher Education Policy and Management, 27(2), 173–188. Retrieved from Academic
Search Premier database

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