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Marketing Activities Industry Research

Marketing Activities Industry Research

Assessment Task 2 � Marketing Activities Industry research

Executive Summary

Events, a retail outlet has retail stores in each of the territories and states of Australia. Events
retails an extensive range of clothing products targeted at women. It specializes in career wear,
desk to dinner, as well as special occasion. The retail segments targeted by the company include
professional women and teenage girls. The company uses the 4Ps of the marketing mix
effectively to achieve its marketing goals.


Marketing Activities Industry Research: Events Retail Outlets

1.0 Introduction
The selected Australian retail outlet is Events, which retails various clothing products
especially for women. This company has both online stores and online stores. This paper
describes the core business of this retail outlet as well as its marketing mix and marketing
2.0 Core Business
2.1 The main business of Events retail outlet
The core business of Events is to sale women’s fashion as well as accessories. This retail
store offers contemporary fashion for women. It specializes in career wear, desk to dinner, as
well as special occasion (EventsRetail 2015). It caters for the discerning consumer of beautifully
designed and finely tailored outerwear (Balderston 2010). The design team of Events often

travels around the world to source the new season’s fabrics, colors, and styling, and then
interprets these to offer shoppers the events collection (Randle Mall 2014). Events stores have a
wide collection of jumpsuits, tops, knitwear, bottoms, outerwear, workwear, and dresses
(EventsRetail 2015).
2.2 Two current market segments
At present, there are two market segments that Events retail outlet targets. (i)
Professional woman in the 28-55 age group – this woman is college educated, resides n a higher-
income Australian neighborhood, and has a household income of over $90,000 Australian
Dollars. (ii) Teenage girls segment in the 14-25 age group – Teenage girls are targeted with the
company’s trendy new fashion lines, which include blouses, jeans, as well as other clothing. The
company offers its products on both online and offline platforms (EventsRetail 2015b).
3.0 Marketing Mix
The marketing mix is of major importance to retail marketing plan and comprises the 4Ps –
promotion, place, price, and product – of marketing (Kahler & Calabro 2010; Constantinides

Differences in Events’ marketing mix between each segment

Segment Product Price Place/distribution Promotion
1 Professional,
rich women (28-
55 year olds)

 Elegant,
 Cool

 High price
 Price

 Retail outlets
in high-income
 Online

 Social media
 Personal
 Outdoor

2 Teenage girls
(14-25 years

 Brightly
 Stylish,

 Inexpensive,
 Price
 Wholesale

 Online
 Retail outlets
in high-income

 Social media
 Outdoor

Table 1: Marketing Mix for Events retail outlet

Keynote summary of explanation of similarities and differences
Differences: In the professional women segment, Events offers products that are of cool
colors, which are elegant and of simple design. On the other hand, Events retail outlets offers
teenage girls products which are brightly colored that are stylish (Dabija, Abrudan & Anetta
2009). The second difference is that in the professional women segment, Events prices its
products very highly as it targets high-income women and it uses personal selling to promote the
products (Kahler & Calabro 2010). In the teenage segment, Events prices its products less
expensive and applies wholesale pricing. Similarities: in both segments, Events Retail outlet
offers fashionable clothing. It also places its retail stores in high-income neighborhoods, and also
uses the online platform to sell its products. Events also uses outdoor advertising and social
media marketing to target both segments.
4.0 Marketing Metrics

Marketing mix element Marketing metric
1 Product  Achieve competitive advantage

 Retain customers
2 Price  Draw wealthy women
 Gain new customers
3 Place/distribution  Increased market share

 Gain new customers for instance online sales

4 Promotion  Increase brand awareness

 Boost sales

5.0 Keynote Summary
The identified metrics are all significant in measuring the 4Ps of marketing mix. The
product is designed such that it is expected to make the retail outlet achieve competitive
advantage since the products are unique and very fashionable unlike those of competitors. The

high quality products also help to retain customers. The products are priced highly in order to
attract rich, high-income women who are attracted to expensive clothes. The price will also help
to gain new rich customers (Schmidt 2012). The online platform of selling products helps to
attract consumers who like to shop online. Together with retail stores in high-income areas, the
online platform helps to acquire more consumers and increase the company’s market share.
Promotion activities are intended primarily to increase brand awareness and boost sales.



Balderston, FE 2010, ‘Assortment choice in wholesale and retail marketing’, Journal Of
Marketing, 21, 2, pp. 175-183, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 25
April 2015.

Constantinides, E 2009, ‘The Marketing Mix Revisited: Towards the 21st Century Marketing’,
Journal Of Marketing Management, 22, 3/4, pp. 407-438, Business Source Complete,
EBSCOhost, viewed 25 April 2015.

Dabija, D, Abrudan, I, & Anetta, A 2009, ‘Retail marketing instruments — An analytic approach’,
Young Economists Journal / Revista Tinerilor Economisti, 7, pp. 85-96, Business
Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 25 April 2015.

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