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logistics, quality and continuous improvement.

Below is a link that discusses statistical control. Do a little additional research
on the topic of statistical control so that you can explain how statistical control can relate to reverse

logistics, quality and continuous improvement.

The best approach to manage the quality of goods and services and lower not just
operations but instead, production expenses require monitoring, screening, and enhanced
processes. According to Govindan, Soleimani & Kannan (2015), statistical process control
(SPC) supposes that the quality variable is either standard or distributed based on specific
standards. While process controls anticipate to curtail operation costs, create, review and yield
high-quality products and services, different statistical data can alter the outcomes and
interpretations. Statistical data and graphical inquiry allow companies to envisage anomalies
along different departments, whether production or logistics, which then informs improvement
measures. Whereas traditional logistics is about taking products from the producer down to the
consumer, reverse logistics is the opposite. It is where products parts from the consumer world
are returned the manufacturer. In most cases, this would include product recalls, replacing

materials for repair and recycling among others. With the right statistics, reverse logistics can not
only enhance return on investments but can lead to sustainable firms. At the heart of sustainable
initiatives, firms have opted to use recycled content in production, as such this has led to the
responsible dumping of products.
In this respect, mobile firms have put in place procedures for customers that would wish
to turn in an old phone for refurbishment as opposed to having the same gadget dumped on a
junk heap. By and large, reverse logistics control has led to the improved consumer experience,
reduced expenses, and enhanced efficiency. In Reverse Logistics, for instance, statistical data can
help create, collect, inspect and evaluate some quality management (QM) applications and
methods that are employed in practice to comprehend, evaluate and enhance the supply chain
process (Govindan, Soleimani & Kannan, 2015). In short, there is a thin line between quality
assurance, standardized process, quality management and reverse logistics.


Govindan, K., Soleimani, H., & Kannan, D. (2015). Reverse logistics and closed-loop supply
chain: A comprehensive review to explore the future. European Journal of Operational
Research, 240(3), 603-626.

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