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Learning with Technology

Order Instructions:

After reading chapter 7 of the text (Van de Walle et al., 2013), Using Technology to Support Effective
Mathematics Instruction: What Counts? (Goos, 2010), and Differentiating with Technology (Stanford,
Crowe, & Flice, 2010), access the online PDToolkit and read Reactions to Learning with Technology
(Van de Walle et al., 2013).

Think of a lesson you either taught or observed using technology, and respond in 2-3 well-written
paragraphs to the following:

  • What were the learning objectives of the lesson?
  • In what ways did the technology support or inhibit the learning of those objectives?
  • How did the students respond to using the technology? Did the students respond differently from
    each other? Explain.
  • What guidelines were followed to ensure the technology used would enhance student learning?


I observed a teacher using the Quattropro program to teach students measures of
central tendency to the students. There were three lesson objectives that guided the lessons.
The first one was to understand mean and ways to calculate it. The second one was to
comprehend median and ways to calculate it. The third one was to apprehend mode and ways
to calculate one. The final objective was to graphically represent the measures of central
The technology supported the achievement of the objectives. The students were given
an opportunity to collect data from different online sources based on sports. The data varied
based on the sports that the students selected. The scores ranged for a period of five years and
the students were told to record their data in excel spreadsheets. The data were later on
imported into the Quattropro and facilitated quick calculations. The teacher showed the
students the first example of how to use the program and the students were given the
opportunity to proceed.
The students were active and provided a positive response to the lesson. Most of the
students in the class were able to achieve all the four objectives by the end of the lesson.
Since this was an individual lesson, I was fascinated by their enthusiasm in entering the data
calculating the measures of central tendency, and drawing graphs. Furthermore, I observed
that most of the students were more interested in the last objective, that is drawing graphs,
compared to the others.
Moreover, observed that two students found the input of the data challenging which
made them demotivated. Their attention shifted and they found themselves engaging in other

activities during the lesson. Two students stared amazed at what their neighbors were doing
while one of them pretended to be busy following the instructions. The teacher managed to
spot the students and was able to work with them individually.
I loved the transition from confusion to understanding that the students reflected in
their facial expressions. They smiled as they also found themselves able to achieve all the
objectives of the lesson plan. The instructions that the teacher used simulated with the article
by Goos, (2010). They ensured that all the students, by the end of the lesson, were actively
able to comprehend the objectives.
In order to ensure that the technology provided was effectively used. The teacher
began the lesson by explaining the different measures of central tendency. In addition, the
teacher provided them with an application of the measures in real life. The students were
given the assignment to collect data from online sources on, the performance of the sports
they liked within a span of 5 years. The teacher, later on, showed the students how to enter
the data in the excel spreadsheets in their laptops.
Later on, they were provided with formulas and directions on how to calculate mean,
mode, and median using the program. Finally, the students were shown how to use the
graphing tool to achieve the last objectives. The teacher indicated the suitable graphs for the
different measures of central tendency. The students were provided with an opportunity to
decorate their graphs based on their own creativity.
The readings have changed my perception of using technology in class. I will
definitely change the manner in which I incorporate technology in the class. The students
need to feel engaged when using the technology to foster understanding. Therefore, instead of
using only PowerPoint and online resources in class, I will have to come with new interactive
forms of technology (Van de Walle et al., 2013).

In conclusion, technology that the students actively participate in enhances their
understanding of mathematical concepts. Technology makes it easy for students to find
solutions to the problems presented to them in the lessons. It also eliminates the
memorization of concepts and fear in mathematics. Technology makes mathematics
interesting to students in all grades.



Goos, M. (2010). Using Technology to support effective mathematics teaching and learning:
what counts?
Van de Walle, J. A., Karp, K. S. & Bay-Williams, J. M. (2013). Elementary and middle
school mathematics: Teaching developmentally (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson
Education, Inc.

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