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Integrating qualitative and quantitative data

Integrating qualitative and quantitative data

In examining the suitability of mixed methods for your research project, consider the type and sources of
data that would be needed and the benefits, if any, as well as the expected limitations related mainly to
the additional resources, skills and robust data integration that are required.

�Review the Required Learning Resources.

�Providing constructive critique on the scope and significance of mixed methods designs.

�Highlighting possible ethical issues and feasibility constraints with the collection of mixed methods data.

�Explaining the most important barriers to integration of qualitative and quantitative data.

Integrating Qualitative and Quantitative Data2

The mixed method research design has been viewed as the most complicated process when it
comes to research analysis. For this reason, different tactics which are essential have been
implemented for a sound approach and the implementation of the rules of the data coming
together. However, the mixed method research design is of greater significance due to the
following reasons.

  1. Triangulation: When a researcher uses different sources to look for data validation of
    each of the method’s findings, (Fielding, 2012)
  2. Initiation: The results from either method may bring out new research questions which
    require being analyzed further, initiating the other study project with multiple sources of
    data, (Bazeley, and Kemp, 2012)
  3. Expansion: The researcher tends to develop one technique by using the find of the other.
  4. Complimenting: The researcher complement findings from a particular source with the
    utilization of the various source of data.
    Ethical issues and feasibility constraints
    When conducting research, the moral deliberation should be at the front position as the
    researchers get on ant capable future research. It is vital for the researcher to be by the ethical
    requirements. It means that the researcher has to consider the following ethical issues:

Integrating Qualitative and Quantitative Data3

  1. Confidentiality: Companies might opt to be anonymous, and it is okay to employ
    pseudonyms for the firms and the person in a business enterprise studied.
  2. Permission: The researcher should not assume that they can video/sound record or even
    take photographs. It is necessary to seek for approval before undertaking the process and
    also request permission when in need to employ direct quotation and secure the image of
    the quoted author where appropriate, (Bryman, and Bell, 2015)
  3. Communication: The researcher is mandated to officially write to the person to be
    involved in the research highlighting the agenda to be discussed, (Mertens, 2014)
    Budget and time constraints constrain the feasibility of the study. It is vital for the mixed
    methods to carefully consider the access of different source of data in line with the significance
    permission as well as the extra time required to gather and analyze various types of evidence,
    (Bell, J., 2014). It is usually impractical for a comparatively green student researcher to get the
    appropriate time and more so resources for such a complicated and time-consuming manner.
    Significant barrier to the integration of qualitative and quantitative data
    The most important barrier as far as the combination of the qualitative and quantitative
    data is concerned different audiences, (Glogowska, 2015). After the researchers have used both
    the methodology to come up with complete results, they at times feel that they end up writing
    their results from the qualitative and quantitative analysis for diverse audiences. That is, either
    the scenery of the content is attractive a particular audience or the notion of the readers and vice

Integrating Qualitative and Quantitative Data4

The mixed method’s expectation at times means that whichever set of data draws
attention to or employed more or less entirely. The opinion of such expectation of the viewers or
readers might cause the researcher to be biased on the keeping out one of the research method or
make it of less significance while stressing on the other, (Venkatesh, Brown, and Bala, 2013)


Bazeley, P. and Kemp, L., 2012. Mosaics, triangles, and DNA metaphors for integrated analysis
in mixed methods research. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 6(1), pp.55-72.
Bell, J., 2014. Doing Your Research Project: A guide for first-time researchers. McGraw-Hill
Education (UK).
Bryman, A. and Bell, E., 2015. Business research methods. Oxford University Press, USA.
Fielding, N.G., 2012. Triangulation and mixed methods designs data integration with new
research technologies. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 6(2), pp.124-136.
Glogowska, M., 2015. Paradigms, pragmatism and possibilities: mixed-methods research in
speech and language therapy. International Journal of Language & Communication
Disorders, pp.1-10.
Mertens, D.M., 2014. Research and evaluation in education and psychology: Integrating
diversity with quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods. Sage publications.
Venkatesh, V., Brown, S.A. and Bala, H., 2013. Bridging the qualitative-quantitative divide:
Guidelines for conducting mixed methods research in information systems. MIS
quarterly, 37(1), pp.21-54.

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