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pros and cons of CPM

Discuss the pros and cons of CPM scheduling. In your response discuss how to maximize
the pros of CPM scheduling and how to minimize the cons of CPM scheduling. Provide an
example of a pro for CPM scheduling and a con for CPM scheduling.
CPM (Critical Path Method) is a systematic risk analysis technique used by project managers
to identify risks that cause time-related problems (Hulett, 2016). The CPM method is mainly
concerned with the identification of risks that may hinder the project from completing its
activities within the projected timeframes and schedules (Hulett, 2016). In its essence, CPM aims
to enable the project manager come up with calculations for the minimum time possible that
would be required to complete the project through the establishment of the earliest start and
finish dates for the various activities that would be involved in the project. Therefore, the CPM
method if used appropriately may enable the project manager to enjoy an array of advantages.
Some of these include;

  1. CPM enables project managers to come up with teams and human networks who execute
    the project’s activities in a multitasking fashion and thus helping the project achieve
    efficiency in terms of meeting deadlines and project schedules.
  2. CPM through the construction of project network diagrams enables the project manager
    to identify project activities that depend on each other and thus efficiently allocate them
    the required resources.

CPM Scheduling 2

  1. Use of compression methods and critical path optimization enables the project manager
    to reduce the time needed for the project to be completed.
  2. CPM helps the project manager come up with the project elements and activities that are
    critical to the achievement of the project’s goals and thus allocate these elements
    sufficient resources.
    CPM equips the project manager with a wide range of advantages and capabilities to increase
    project efficiency. That, however, does not mean the method is free of some downsides. Some of
    these include;
  3. CPM becomes difficult to interpret when used on large projects which involve a large
    number of activities. This poses a huge challenge in the identification of risks as well as
    optimization of project paths, especially to new members of the project teams.
  4. In the cases where the project is large and is expected to take a long duration before
    completion, special software programs become necessary to manage and monitor the
    CPM. This introduces extra costs to the project.
  5. CPM is rigid in nature in terms of it does not allow for modification of the CPM diagram
    since altering one element triggers the need to alter the other elements that depend on the
    initial element. For example, CPM cannot handle emergency changes that may arise in
    the implementation of the plan since it would require redrawing of the entire CPM
  6. It is difficult to estimate the completion dates of activities, especially in
    multidimensional projects.
    The challenges of using CPM do not outweigh the benefits. The benefits of using CPM can
    be increased by the use of flexible, cost-effective and elaborate scheduling methods to increase

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efficiency. This, for instance, can be done through the use of powerful software programs which
ultimately decrease the disadvantages of using Critical Path Method of Scheduling.

CPM Scheduling 4

Hulett, D. (2016). Practical schedule risk analysis. Routledge.

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