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Green Logistics

The implications of green logistics on society can influence government policies and guidelines. What do

you see as the relationship between green logistics and society in creating policy?

Green Logistics



Over the recent past, environmental conservation has been a significant concern in the
world. This has caused the government to implement some policies on the production, transport,
and use of goods to take good care of the environment. The government policies and legislation
can reach over the environment either indirectly or directly. This has led to the coming up of
green logistics.
Logistics refers to a sort of management in which the movement of goods from one place
to the required destination is controlled, to meet the required demand by either the customers or
the government. These goods can be categorized as either tangible or intangible good such as
information or electricity. Green logistics can be defined as a management system in which the
production, transport, and use of goods are environmentally friendly. Green logistic policies may
have many effects on the packaging and supply chain of goods.
Impacts of Government Policies

`Policies from the government has affected the reverse distribution industry. The primary
concern of this reverse distribution industry, is to take care of the used material in which they can
be recycled or reused (Bag, Anand, & Pandey, (2017). This has led to new job opportunities to
the society and opening up of new markets. Besides, the reverse distribution industry has led to
the production of cheap commodities since raw materials can be reused. Lastly, it has led to a
clean environment hence making the environment aesthetic.

The government has been on the forefront in encouraging the use of green energy
sources. Green energy sources are types of sources which produce power from natural sources
such as sunlight and wind. These sources are environmentally friendly as they do not produce


pollutants. This has caused a breakthrough in the society, has it has lowered the cost of living
because countries which cannot produce fuel, have other alternative sources. For instance, the
society can consider the use of solar energy instead of generators.
The government policy may adapt better material management. This is to make sure that
proper packaging of goods is done and the maximum load density is attained. Proper packaging
reduces the waste produced as well as the raw materials required for production. Also, the
government policy can control the use of waste materials or ensure that the end products are
carefully disposed of after use (Dekker, Bloemhof, & Mallidis, (2012). This will call for creating
awareness in the society on how to dispose of the end product after use. Lastly, the society will
benefit from healthy living, as some of the end products are hazards to the community is not well
disposed of.
Also, the government may come up with strategies to construct rail terminals for railway
transport. This is to reduce the pollutant road transport for bulky goods. Rail terminals require
large land sources as well as substantial initial capital for construction. This will call for
displacement of people for construction, especially in urban areas. Furthermore, construction of
railway may lower gross domestic product per person because of the high initial capital required,
which may force the government to borrow money from the World Bank.




Green logistic government policies are essential for environmental conservation and
furthermore for a better society living. The government should encourage green logistics through
the media by ensuring that companies which practice green logistics are legitimate. In another
action, it can impose heavy taxes on companies which do not produce environmentally useful
goods. In the above discussion, these policies have significant advantages and should be
encouraged. Government policies on green logistic have significant effects on the society. This
calls for a relation between the society and the government as some of the policies may lead to
hazards in the society.



Bag, S., Anand, N., & Pandey, K.K. (2017). Green Supply Chain Management Model for
Sustainable Manufacturing Practices. In Green Supply Chain Management for
Sustainable Business Practice (pp. 153-189). IGI Global
Dekker, R., Bloemhof, J., & Mallidis, I. (2012). Operations Research for green logistics–An
overview of aspects, issues, contributions, and challenges. European Journal of
Operational Research, 219(3), 671-679

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