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Topic: Detail the question you intend to answer, state why it is a globalisation issue, and outline
briefly your research approach. Summarise globalisation literature and media theory relevant to
your research question. Remember to relate your reading to your own

The advent of globalization has to some extent affected every aspect of humanity in the 20th and
21st century era. The genesis of the new wave of technology in specific has resulted in making
the world a smaller place. With the rise of multinational corporations, negative environmental

implications have been experienced among some countries. With these factors, it is extremely
challenging to get a proper definition of globalization. Due to the mixed effects that accompany
globalization, defining it seems tasking. Globalization, therefore, can be perceived of having a
positive, negative or marginal effect.


In the 21st Century, the term globalization is finding more roots as it directly affects the
future. Deferent views have been centered on globalization and understanding it becomes
complex. However, it entails the intensification of global social relations which have the
capacity to link distant localities in a way that the current happenings are shaped by events that
happen miles away and vice versa. This links can be either seen in the political, economic or
cultural aspects of a given country
There are many aspects of globalization. However, this paper will zero in on the three
main types that have been of vital significance in this era. These types include the political,
cultural and economic aspects of globalization. In the 20th and 21st century, there has been a rise
in global issues that have turned the world into a small global community. These factors range
from the encroachment of global cultures to international business platforms, the doors that open
up for nations to link with others and so on and forth.
Out of the confusions and chaos that are arising in remaining relevant with the current
trends brought by globalization, globalization still stands at the forefront of global issues
(Vadlamannati, 2015). Nations have been affected by the wave of globalization, a factor that has
turned into a globalization issue. This paper, therefore, seeks to by sect these global issues by
ascertaining the various types of globalization and identifying their impacts. It will also be
imperative to determine if globalization is beneficial or not.

The pace at which globalization is finding root in the contemporary society is becoming
more rapid from time to time. Those who are trained to analyze and track it tend to experience
difficulties in keeping up with the new impacts and effects of globalization. It is imperative to
clearly understand that humanities lives are influenced transcendently with forces that have

crossed boarders, which because of their power to influence and scope are changing the life on
this planet.
In as much as all levels of the society are being shaped by this process, is this change
positive, negative or marginal? In the wake of globalization, individuals are likely to find
themselves or their livelihood threatened or their identity overthrown, regions have the option to
either recreate themselves or die, and nations are experiencing instances of steady decrease in
freedom as a result of globalization (Vadlamannati, 2015). This in itself is a global issue.

Literature Review

According to Vadlamannati, 2015 globalization cannot be analyzed or addressed without
viewing its types and the various impacts they have on the economy of the world. In his opinion,
it is proper to justify that some types of globalization may produce beneficial results to a
particular region in the world while another time may not actually benefit the same region.
In Vadlamannatis view globalization is used to designate the power relations,
technologies and practices that typify and bring into being the contemporary world. He,
therefore, defines globalization as a tool that helps present the world today. However, some
ideologies argue at the manner at which globalization has helped resolve the world. Some of the
ideologies tend to hold that globalization has destructed the national heritage and cultures of
Contradictions are rising steadily challenging the concepts of globalization.
Vadlamannati, undermines the position that globalization is a full swing and that its existing
presence has the power, authority and scope to direct countries towards a beneficial state. In his
view, he asserts that globalization is a malady that disrupts in its inequitable effects.

Globalization has posed immense challenges for institutions while also weakening the support
and autonomy for those it excludes economically or culturally. In challenging these views,
analysts have attempted to clarify the aspects of globalization that have the potential to generate
social conflicts and unrest. By this, they have designed a human need theory that was developed
by John Burton to explore and mitigate this conflicts that arise.
Critiques have also argued in support of Vadlamannati view that globalization in as much
as has been seen as the height to economic rationality, also portrays its dark sides. They allege
that the contemporary form of globalization that is driven by economic power has been the
promoter of Western culture and corporations thus putting societies and jobs in poor countries at
risk by exploiting cheap labor. Globalization according to these critics has also degraded the
environment and undermined the developments of democracy and social stability by exposing
institutions to forces of economic changes that tend to be beyond their control. In their view,
globalization is uneven both in its effects and processes.
Types of Globalization

Economic Globalization
This form of globalization has led to economic developments and integrations of
countries by introducing approaches such as free trade and foreign investments among others,
with the aim of making the world a global village. It comprises of production, technology,
competition, corporation, and industries. The positive effects of globalization include the
provision of employment that have increased the living standards of various communities.
Access to new markets is also another contribution of the economic globalization.

Fair trade methods have been established among countries thus giving a country the
chance for home grown corporations to venture and compete in international markets.
However on the other side, economic globalization has significantly widened the income gaps
between the poor and the rich to a great extent (Vadlamannati, 2015). These have brewed a new
issue in the increase in poverty levels that has resulted from the difference in incomes between
countries. The growing inequality in the world may also be ascribed to economic globalization a
factor that has led to inequality between the rich and the poor in the world. The losers of
economic globalization remain to be the developing economies who in most instances open
doors for economic developments at the expense of their environment.
Political Globalization
Political globalization is also another form of globalization that has led to the creation of
a world government that regulates the relations between states. Globalization of this kind also
guarantees the rights that arise from economic and social globalization. Multinational
corporations have been instrumental in keeping nations in check (Vadlamannati, 2015).
This has seen the enactment of issues related to human rights from the international
governments. International peace has also been maintained as are result of this form of
globalization. Despite these governments have lost autonomy and are now faced with dangers
such as increase in cases of polarization of wealth, worldwide corruption and curtail scandals,
and lastly the capital transnational corporations have turned out more influential than any

Cultural Globalization

Cultural globalization is the leading cause of loss of national cultures and heritage. The
world has become a melting point, and every society is Americanized as a result of cultural
globalization. Culture is a tool that applies to the global context in which it has emerged. It
formulates the configuration of different ethnic groups, cultures, or races depending on the
period of history (Vadlamannati, 2015). When the process of acculturation occurs, different
cultures merge thus some of the features of a culture are adopted while the group remains


Having analyzed all this factors, it is imperative to sum up this dissertation by indicating
the fact that there is no distinct positive or negative answer on globalization. Globalization
should be understood on the context that it can be beneficial to some countries, people and
organization to some magnitude but its harmful effects can still be depicted in various ways. A
balanced approach in understanding and incorporating globalization is advisable to any country
that seeks its benefits.


Vadlamannati, K. C. (2015). Rewards of (Dis) Integration: Economic, Social, and Political
Globalization and Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining Rights of Workers
in Developing Countries. Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 68(1), 3-27.

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