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Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA)

Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA)

After reviewing the reading for Week 3,

Describe how teachers collect data in order to determine the functions of a behavior.

Analyze the importance of collecting and reviewing data before implementing specific interventions to
address challenging behavior.

Discuss three common behaviors a teacher may see in young children and target for modification or
replacement. Propose possible functions for each of these common targeted behaviors


Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA)

For over years, teachers have been troubled on the best approach to deal with
maladaptive behaviors characterized by many students. Initially, teacher saw that the best
method to deal with such behaviors was punishments. However, this approach was futile and
resulted to use of a more humanistic approach known as FBA (Functional Behavioral
Assessment). Therefore, the following discussion will engage in discussing how teachers
collect data in order to determine the functions of behavior. In addition, the paper will
address the importance of collecting data in the process stated above before implementing
specific interventions of challenging behaviors. Conclusively, the paper will wrap up by
illustrating some of the common behaviors a teacher may see in young children and target for
modification or replacement, as well as outlining possible functions for each of these
common targeted behaviors.
Miller & Lee (2013) gives that FBA is the deliberative process utilized to collect data
about events that predict and sustain a student’s problem behavior. The teachers can collect
data in order to determine the functions of behavior by using interviews and rating scales. On
top of that, the teachers can also gather information by applying direct and systematic
observation of the student’s behavior (Losinski, Maag, Katsiyannis & Ryan, 2015). More
indispensably, the teachers can manipulate or alter different environmental occurrences to
observe how behavior changes. The importance of collecting data in the processes stated
above before implementing specific interventions of challenging behavior is to determine the

interfering behavior. This is the central point in outlining interventions. Miller & Lee (2013)
argues that not only does collecting data give insights to what is the interfering problem, but
it also gives clues on how long the behavior has been snooping with student’s development
and learning. Besides the above two importance, collecting data have a magnitude of
illustrating where and when the behavior occurs (Miller & Lee, 2013). This is very decisive,
as it will assist the teacher to focus on the interventions on what happens before and after the
behavior. At last, collecting data has a massive importance on informing the teacher the
related variables that affects the interfering behavior, for instance, family, health status, or
medication of the student.
Some of the common behaviors a teacher may see in young children and target for
modification or replacement include aggressive behavior, timid behavior, and antisocial and
disruptive behavior. According to a research done by Losinski, Maag, Katsiyannis & Ryan
(2015), most teachers observe that children are associated to such behaviors as screaming,
pushing, kicking, pinching, as well as disobedience in following instructions. The above
aggressive behaviors can be dealt with using planed ignoring. This intervention apply that the
teachers ignores when a student engages in bad behavior. However, Miller & Lee (2013),
when the student indulges in gratifying behaviors, the teacher should pay attention to him or
her. Another possible intervention is that the teacher rewards the good behavior. Rewards can
range from gifts, applauses, or privileges to deal with timid behavior. Reinstating class rules
can also wipe out bad behaviors. For instance, rule such as “No yelling” can be restated as
‘Speak calmly in a respectfully manner’ and can delete disruptive behavior (Miller & Lee,
2013). In these cases, the student will start doing those actions that make teachers pay
attention or reward him or her and discard those that repel teachers away.

In summary, FBA can be a successful process if it is systematic. Collection of data is
appropriate to enact a useful intervention to deal with problem behavior. Therefore,
determining the different functions of behavior is the ultimate point to design the appropriate



Losinski, M., Maag, J., Katsiyannis, A., & Ryan, J. (2015). The use of Structural Behavioral
Assessment to Develop interventions for Secondary Students Exhibiting Challenging
Behaviors. Education 7 Treatment of Children, 38(2), 149-174.
Miller, F., & Lee, D. (2013). Do Functional Behavioral Assessments Improve Intervention
Effectiveness for Students Diagnosed with ADHD. A Single-Subject Meta-Analysis.
Journal of Behavioral Education, 22(3), 253-282.

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