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Ethics, Moral implications in Schools

Identify a current application for digital technology that you feel has social, moral, and ethical implications
for teachers and/or students. If you are not currently working in an educational setting, please identify a
context that you are interested in using to frame your work. Technology is broadly defined to include
anything from a piece of hardware (laptop, gaming console, tablet) to software, apps, social media
platforms, etc.
For this assignment, write one paper framed to argue its point toward a particular audience. You must first
decide who you are considering to be the audience of the paper. Then, do the research and write the
paper as if you will be giving it to that audience. Your choices are:
Write a short policy brief that could be given to the school board, administration, or the legislature with
practical recommendations.

Ethics, Moral implications in Schools

Technology is increasingly becoming an integral part of everyday life. Our daily
activities are intertwined with the use of technology and divorcing one from the other is next to
impossible. There are enormous benefits of the use of technology, such as the ease of quicker
communication, easier access to information and many others. With the benefits also comes the
danger of misuse of these technologies (Betts, 2016). This presentation is on the ethics involved
in the use of social media in the school environment, in particular – cyber-bullying.
Cyber-bullying refers to the intimidation, harassment and any form of mental torture
using technology. This involves the use of social media sites, websites chatting and text

messages. This form of bullying interferes with the learning environment of students, disrupting
learning. It is normally an ongoing narrative and can be overlooked by teachers in the hidden
“jargon” of students. It may escalate to the level of a misdemeanour, the charge being that of
cyber-harassment. If the student is old enough, the charge can be altered to that of juvenile
delinquency. Reports of suicide and fatal revenge attacks have resulted because of cyber-
bullying (Betts, 2016).
The Ethical and moral use of social media begins with having a personal code of conduct,
delineating what is acceptable and not. Personal accountability is the pillar with which to
benchmark our actions in the responsible use of social media (Betts, 2016). Peer pressure to “fit
in” must be resisted, knowing that change begins a personal decision. Ethical behaviour must be
buttressed by a strong moral fabric. School management needs to adapt proactive approaches that
are relevant to the evolving technology. Codes of conduct for teachers and students need to be
reviewed to incorporate this new reality.



Betts, L. R. (2016). Cyberbullying: Approaches, Consequences and Interventions.

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