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Employee Training and Development

Employee Training and Development

Essential Objectives of Selected
The selected article is Approaches to Training and Development. The main objective of
this article is to emphasize on the need to take a step by step approach in training. The author of
the article argues that in order for training to be fully effective and meet the intended goals, it is
necessary that it is done systematically. More often, trainers miss the point when they train in a
block format. This involves combination of many aspects of training which are taught but in
shallow manner (Kaur, 2010). At the end of the training, there is a lot that has been taught but
very little has been internalized by the trainees. Trainers must ensure that by the end of training

Employee Training and Development 2

program, the trainees have actually understood and can put into use what they have been trained
One of the ways of ensuring that training is systematic is preparing an agenda for each
training forum. Before the trainer can embark on training, he or she must prepare in advance
what need to be trained. At the university level course instructors are required to prepare a course
outline (Kaur, 2010). The outline gives, at a glimpse, what is to be covered for the entire
semester. This helps both the instructor and the learners prepare in advance making the learning
process easier and easy to demystify. Having an agenda also helps the instructor to easily
identify whether there are any crucial areas that have been left out. An agenda is a guide that
directs both the trainer and the trainees.

The article selected for this assignment supports in many ways my existing knowledge of
training. The article has indicated clearly that training should not be done for the sake of doing it
and completing the same. More often, both the trainers and the trainees focus on the end goal
which is to complete the task until they lose focus of the main goal. The article emphasizes that
the goal of training should be to ensure that the trainees learn the material prepared by the

The author of the article also notes that moving systematically is crucial in ensuring that
the trainees are not lost in the cause of the training. When a trainee is bombarded with too much
jumbled information they tend to get lost. At the end of the training, the trainees are left more
consumed than they were before the training. However, with a systematic mode of training, it

Employee Training and Development 3

becomes easy to help any trained who may have challenges understandings some of the concepts
(Blanchard & Thacker, 2013).
The article also supports my thoughts by arguing that every area in employment requires
training. Even those who offer training will from time o time require refresher courses to better
their skills. As such, no trainee is excluded from training. Every person must endeavor to add to
their pool of kills in order to better their act. For trainers, they must remain on toes considering
the dynamic nature of their field. Approached and trends change give only the latest in the
market to their trainees.

The article also asserts that approaches chosen for training must also be carefully
considered. A trainer should always go for an all accommodative and all inclusive method that
ensures different needs are taken care of (Blanchard & Thacker, 2013). The author further notes
that necessary to remember that the needs of trains vary. As such, it is paramount that each need
is well taken care of. The only way to do is to use an all inclusive approach.


Blanchard, N. P., & Thacker, J. (2013). Effective training (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Prentice Hall
Kaur, S. (2010). Approaches to training and development. New Delhi: Mangalam Publishers

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