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Effects of Computer Technology

Effects of Computer Technology

this is a discussion essay .it must use formal academic language and conventions, write in full sentences
in logical paragraphs, and in the Discussion Essay format as outlined in your study guide.

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Reference list using correct formatting for database resources, which are explained in the Referencing

Style Guide.



Effects of Computer Technology

Computer technology happens to be a significant part of the modern lifestyle as it drives
various aspect or dimensions in the society. Currently, many social and economic aspects depend
on computer technology for their success. Computer technology has become a principle factor
that drives the economies of nations across the world. Various industrial processes rely on
computer technology for their successful operation (Rivard, 2012). Besides, computer
technology has dominated work places as many activities that are performed in such places are
computer-related. Governments have also been noted to depend on computer technology to
execute their political operations, maintain the safety of their citizens and interact with other
countries. As such, computer technology happens to be a significant element in the modern
lifestyle. However, despite having several benefits, computer technology has also been
associated with other disadvantages, which have impacted people’s lives in a negative way.
Some of these disadvantages include poor personal lifestyles, unethical behavior among youths
and some adults, break-ups and separations, health problems and new forms of crime.
Computer technology has had a significant effect on the personal lifestyle of individuals,
especially the younger generation. In the present time, the younger generation prefers
communicating to each other or to other people via computer to communicating physically with
these individuals. Many young people are attracted to events that are considered fashionable or
trendy as in the case of computer technology (Balog et al, 2013). Thus, the use of conventional
mechanisms of communication has been overshadowed with the emergence of new technologies
of communication. For instance, the emergence of social networks has attracted many young
individuals who use these sites in creating new relationships and connecting with people from
different parts of the world. Taking this aspect into consideration, many youths have been noted

to be addicted to social networks in that they spend much of their time chatting with their friends
and making new relationships. As a result, the social lives of these youths have been adversely
affected. One of the major effects of social networking is that it affects the social skills of an
individual. In relation this, most of the young individuals that are addicted to communicating
with people or friend on the social sites experience problems relating with people physically.
This problem arises from the fact that most of these youths are used to interacting with their
colleagues via virtual means such as the internet. Research has revealed that majority of the
youth prefer to communicating via the internet with individuals at far distances to
communicating physically with individuals close to them (Balog et al, 2013).
In this manner, computer technology has contributed significantly to the disruption of
social ties as it does not promote the formation of relationships among individuals who are close
to each other. On the other side, the emergence of social networks, which are products of
computer technology, has helped in hastening the process of making relationships in relation to
the conventional method that was based on physical interaction. The presence of the internet and
social sites has provided a suitable platform on which people can develop relationships with
people from various backgrounds. Social networks such as Facebook have pages or groups,
which individuals can join share with members of such groups. Once a person has joined a group
he or she becomes a family or friends with persons from such a group. As such, computer
technology has helped in shortening the time required for people to form relationships. Thus, it is
clear that the unions that are formed via computer technology are not as strong, and can be
broken easily at any moment. In addition, such unions lack a sense of closeness as they are
formed between individuals who know little about each other, and have never met physically
(Balog et al, 2013). In relation to the aspect of social skills, despite computer technology

contributing to the diminishing of social skills of individuals via social networks, it also
contributes to the development of such skills as the internet contain adequate information on how
people can develop appropriate social skills. Therefore, a person can use the information
obtained from the internet in developing or strengthening his or her social skills. In contrast, the
information that one has acquired theoretically has been noted to be less effective in relation to
the information that an individual has acquired practically. As such, the information that is
contained in the internet cannot be effective in the creation of social skills. People can manage to
develop appropriate social skills when they interact with one another physically, which is not
facilitated by computer technology.
Computer technology has also contributed to the development of bad behavior among
many youths and adults. The internet acts a site where information can be posted and retrieved.
As a result, many people often go the internet to find information, which can helps in
accomplishing certain tasks in their lives (Dey et al, 2012). On the contrary, many individuals
with malicious intentions have opted to use the internet an avenue of spreading ill behaviors. For
instance, people have been noted to pornographic images and videos on the internet. Such videos
and images can be accessed by the youths who visit these sites, thereby making them develop ill
manners. In relation to this, the youth may be tempted to practice what they view on the internet
(Dey et al, 2012). Many instances of sexual harassments among the youth or even adults have
been associated with the internet. These youths often interact with individuals from various
backgrounds when they join social networks. As such, being that these youths are vulnerable,
they may be influenced by other individuals to practice certain behaviors that may not be
considered appropriate.

Moreover, the internet has also contributed to issues of violence and poor dressing habits
in the society. Being that many youths often tend to embrace events that are considered
fashionable, they always tend to imitate anything that they encounter in their life. For example,
the aspect of sagging or pulling the trouser slightly below the waste has been noted to be
common among many youths. Such forms of dressing are not considered appropriate in the
society as they demonstrate lack of manner or upright behaviors. The internet, which is
associated with computer technology, has been associated with the spreading of such behaviors
among the youth. Furthermore, it is a pity that some adults embrace such forms of dressing,
which are considered unethical. As such, computer technology has contributed to the
development of a new generation, which tends to embrace issues that are termed inappropriate in
the society.
On the other side, computer technology has also contributed to the promotion of dressing
habits that are considered appropriate. Events from fashion shows that are often posted on the
internet have helped in updating many people on the suitable forms of dressings. Besides, the
internet has sites people can access information on the suitable dressing codes. Many people that
have been interviewed on the suitable means of developing good dressing habits have pointed
out the internet an appropriate avenue, which can be exploited to help in instilling suitable
dressing habits in individuals. In addition, computer technology has contributed to the
eradication of violence in the society as seen in the peace conventions or concerts that are posted
on the internet (Dey et al, 2012). These conventions and concerts have been vital in emphasizing
the significance of peace and harms that are brought by violence. As a result, many people have
managed to experience a transformation of attitude and character from negative to positive in
relation to being violet.

Some cases of health problems and family break ups or separations have are associated
with computer technology. It has been proven that a greater percentage of individuals that handle
computers activities often spend much time sitting. As such, this habit always makes these
individuals to lose touch with the reality of life in relation to social activities and social skills.
Being that physical activities contribute to the development of good health, individuals that are
not involved in physical activities are always vulnerable to chronic illnesses such as diabetes and
high blood pretension. Research has shown that chronic illnesses such as diabetes and high blood
pressure are linked to occupational activities that involves much time of sitting such as use of
computers in handling operations (Diedericks, 2014). In relation to this, more time of sitting
without being involved in physical activities leads to the packing of weight, which is associated
with the development of obese that leads to chronic illnesses such as diabetes.
On the contrary, computer technology has also contributed to the reduction of cases of
chronic illnesses in several ways. New techniques of handling or regulating chronic diseases
have been developed as a result of computer technology. These technologies have helped in
determining the level or state of these illnesses in individuals, which has helped in developing
suitable ways of regulating such illnesses. These technologies also help in the detection of the
onset of such conditions, which has helped in preventing them from developing further.
Furthermore, the presence of entertainment activities such as music and sports that can be
accessed via computer technology help in reducing stress, which is associated with the
development of chronic illnesses. Computer technology has also contributed to separations or
breaks-ups of many families. When people spend much time on their computers, they often fail
to attend to their responsibilities. Such people often face problems having enough time to interact
with their spouses or partners (Diedericks, 2014). As a result, these individuals usually end up

being separated from their loved one who may develop a feeling of being ignored or not
In contrast, computer technology has helped in the development of marital relationships.
The presence of dating sites has helped many individuals find spouses and partner to who they
have ended up being married. Besides, computer technology has assisted in maintaining
relationships event when partners are far from each other. People can use technologies such as
mobile phones and the internet to connect to their partners in different regions. The internet also
has social sites where people can discuss issues concerning their marriages and how to build or
strengthen their marriages. In this manner, computer technology has assisted in building and
maintaining marital relationships.
In conclusion, computer technology has impacted human life both negatively and
positively. Computer technology has led to the emergence of poor personal lifestyles among
youths and some adults, health problems and separations. On the other hand, computer
technology has helped in forming relationships, detection and regulation of chronic illnesses and
eradication of violence. As such, computer technology has been accompanied by harms and
benefits, which affect the society in different ways.



Balog et al. (2013). A Multidimensional Model for the Exploration of Negative Effects of Social
Networking Websites as Perceived by Students. Journal of Baltic Science Education,
12(3) 378-388
Dey et al. (2014). Quality Competition and Market Segmentation in the Security Software
Market. MIS Quarterly, 38(589
Dey et al. (2012). Hacker Behavior, Network Effects, and the Security Software Market. Journal
of Management Information Systems, 29(2) 77-108
Diedericks E. (2014). Flourishing Information Technology Professionals: Effects on Individual
and Organizational Outcomes. South African Journal of Business Management, 45(1) 27-
Rivard, S. (2012). Information Technology Implementers’ Responses to User Resistance: Nature
and Effects. MIS Quarterly, 36(3) 757-897.

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