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  1. What is disintermediation? Give an example.
  2. What is multichannel marketing? Give an example. How does omni-channel marketing
    differ from multichannel marketing? As a consumer, do you value omni-channel
    marketing? Why so/not? As an e-marketer, what are the key challenges you might face
    when implementing omni-channel marketing strategy?


E-marketing 2

Disintermediation refers to a process where the supply chain for example consumers are
given a direct access to entities at another stage of the supply chain simply by elimination of the
need for intermediate entities like retailers within the access.it can also means the elimination of
the all stages of the supply chain (Scott E. Sampson, 2001) .
Examples of disintermediation include Dell and Apple companies who sell their products
directly to the consumers.
Multi-channel marketing refers to a process of launching and creating the same campaigns in a
multiple marketing communication channels. Multi-channel marketing is a straight forward way
of recycling of similar content across all the channels.in a multi-channel the marketers are able to
share information across all the mediums where various people cannot be connected to you.
Difference between Omni-channel and multi-channel
Multi-channel refers to the merging of business operation in such a way that ensures the
customers carryout transactions through numerous connected channels. Such channels include
online stores, mobile app stores, telephone sales and any other transacting methods with
customers. The marketers operating across the multiple channels wish to put the same message
to every customer in order to avoid confusing and alienating the customers.
On the other hand, Omni-channel is the evolution of multi-channel. However, Omni-
channel concentrates on a seamless method of approach to consumer experience via all the
shopping channels available. Such channels include computers, televisions, direct mail, mobile
internet devices, radio and catalogue. For any company to be Omni-channel it should ensure

E-marketing 3
proper planning, execution, measurement and optimization its efforts via each client touchpoint.
The company will have to think about the best strategic approach to the selling and also servicing
of the clients no matter the type of channel they consider to use (A WINTERBERRY GROUP
WHITE PAPER, 2013) .
As an e-marketer Omni channel is the best approach to marketing process. This is simply
because Omni-channel marketing involves integration of the basic components of marketing
communication such as branding, cadence and offer which serves to present identity to the new
customers. Omni-channel marketing helps to promote development of customer-centered
approach to promotion. Such approach is driven by the need to identify and have engagement
with the true ideal customers. Omni channel promotes rethinking and reorientation of
infrastructure, strategy and the allocation of various resources and this dictates how the brand
will activate their media (Andrew Solmssen, 2012) .
The challenges associated with Omni-channel marketing includes.
The organizations willing to use Omni-channel marketing will have to guard itself against
business-as-usual disruption requirement. The organization should ensure that it does not lose
both the medium and short-term competitive ground as it pursues the objectives that will provide
the platform for a long-term success.
The organization faces the challenge of capturing and identifying opportunities for quick wins it
should reinforce its support and buy-in from the broader spectrum of the organizational
Another challenge is that the organization should guard itself against poor decision making. The
organization will be required to evaluate its strategies constantly to ensure that there is agreement

E-marketing 4
with the customer best interests and the business strategy. The Omni channel marketing requires
alleviation of the data governance to high strategic priority.
Work cited

A WINTERBERRY GROUP WHITE PAPER. (2013). Taking Cues From the Customer: “Omnichannel” and the
Drive For Audience Engagement. Taking Cues From the Customer:.
Andrew Solmssen. (2012). Omni-Channel marketing:Your next challenge. Omni-Channel marketing:Your
next challenge.
Scott E. Sampson, S. E. (2001). The Impact of Disintermediation in Retail Supply Chains. Orlando Fl.:
Brigham Young University.

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