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Developing a Training Lesson Plan

Developing a Training Lesson Plan – Week 6

Include the following in your lesson plan:

� Develop a timeline for your training program.

� List each learning objective.

� Identify the training method you recommend for each objective.

� Identify your training activities and link them to the learning objectives.

� Describe the method of training you selected for your training topic overall.

� Describe how practice and feedback are incorporated in your lesson plan to measure the transfer of


Write a rationale for your lesson plan, including the following:

� Describe the two potential training methods you considered for each of your learning objectives.

� Explain why you chose these training methods and analyze the pros and cons of each method.

� Articulate the effectiveness of each training method on a trainee’s motivation to learn.

� Explain why you recommend the training method you chose for your training program overall.


Developing a Training Lesson Plan

The lesson will last for a period of 1 hour and will be de broken down as follows:
Activity Duration
Introduction 5 minutes
Discussion in relation to the objectives of the training 25 minutes
Performance of training activities 25 minutes
Conclusion 5 minutes

Learning objectives
The learning objectives for this training lesson would be as follows:

  1. At the end of this training, learners should be able to generalise the impact of visual
    structures as wells as their functions and be able reflect upon them in their works.
  2. Learners should be able to integrate temporal, visual and spatial concepts with their
    content in order to give information about the intended of their artworks.


  1. Learners should in a position to identify and make comparisons of artworks from various
    periods and cultures.
  2. By the end of this training, learners should be able to give descriptions and place various
    art objects in the correct cultural and historical contexts.
  3. Learners should be able to demonstrate, describe and analyse how different place and
    time factors affect the visual characteristics that provide value and meaning to works of
    Having listed all the learning objectives of this training, the method of training that has
    been deemed appropriate is referred to as co-operative learning method.
    The link between training activities and the learning objectives
    Learners would begin by reading a piece of work by Calderwhich explains the
    philosophy and method of mobile-making.This activity will enable learners to easily integrate
    visual, temporal and spatial issues about the content provided and further give more information
    about that piece of artwork.
    Learners will be given time to think about the information the artists in the piece of work
    they have just read wanted to convey with their mobile before working on it. This activity will
    lead them to make a generalization aboutvisual structures as well as their functions.

Another activity is that learners will be allowed to cut and paint various shapes in relation
to what they have just read. After performing this activity, they should be able to demonstrate,
analyse and describe the place and time factors that affect the visual characteristics of a piece of
art work.

Learners will also be required to layout wires and various shapes on a flat surface. They
will also be required to experiment by subtracting or adding more materials on the mobile to
make it balance.
Co-operative Learning method
This is a learning method refers to a technique of both teaching and managing
classrooms, which lays more emphasis on community work or group work. It is a model that
encourages both social and academic growth and further includes another technique known as
‘think-pair-share’. This method of leaning is categorised as one of the learner-centered
approaches given that learners themselves are given the responsibility of learning and developing
at the same. The method believes that learners learn best when they work together with their
peers (Wrenn & Wrenn, 2009)

In this method, learners come together to explore answers to significant questions or even
come up with various projects on their own. A group of learners working together on the internet
to complete an assigned task is an example of cooperative learning. This method of learning is
also commonly referred to as collaborative learning because learners completetasks together in
small groups (Wrenn & Wrenn, 2009). However, they are individually accounted for their work.
These groups work with each face to face as members learn how to work with teams.
In these groups, learners will be able to develop their strengths and at the same time
improve on their weaker skills. They are also able to develop their interpersonal skills and learn
how to resolve conflict among themselves. An environment that is conducive for cooperative
learning requires three things. First and foremost, learners should be able to feel comfortable,
safe,and at the same time challenged (Wrenn & Wrenn, 2009). Another important aspect is that

the groups formed should be small enough to enable each learner to contribute in the process.
Lastly, tasks to be completed by leaners must clearly be defined for proper understanding.
How Practice and Feedback are incorporated in the lesson plan.
Practice and feed are very important ingredients in learning. This is because they speed
up the process of learning, help in long-term retention of knowledge and also facilitates the
ability to remember what was learnt. Instruction may not be entirely effective if not task is
practically performed and no feedback is given as well. This therefore means that the sooner the
practice and feedback is included in learning, the more likely that the process of learning will
take place (Davis, 2009). The more immediate the opportunity for practice and feedback, the
more likely learning will occur. This has been incorporated in the activities to be performed for
this lesson after which immediate feedback will be obtained from the students.  

Opportunities for Practice during the lesson will include the following:
Coming up with an issue about the topic at hand and calling upon one of the learners to
share the solution or answer in class, inviting one group to present their findings after each of
them has completed their work to rest of the members. They should also present the process at
which they arrived at the solution. Last, but not least, learners will be provided with homework
tasks that will test their understanding and knowledge of what has been taught.

Opportunities for Feedback during the lesson will include the following:
Once students have been allowed to share their solutions, they will be given a chance to
provide immediate feedback. The teacher will also make use of a digital dialogue which will
give him as well as the learners a chance to create videos and audio records about class
discussions. This one of the best ways that teachers can use in providing feedback to learners.

Rationale of the Lesson Plan
The two potential methods of training that were considered for the all the learning
objectives are as described below.
Direct Instruction
This is a traditional method of teaching that depends on explicit teaching by use of
lecture discussions and demonstrations led by teachers. It is categorised as a teacher centered
approach because it is the professor or the teacher who is the sole conveyer of knowledge.This
method is very important in the teaching of fundamental or basic skills in any area of content
(Davis, 2009). This is therefore why I chose this as one of my potential methods for this lesson.

Inquiry-Based Learning

This method of learning focuses on learners’ investigation and Inquiry-based learning is
a teaching method that focuses on hands-on learning and learners’ investigation. The teacher
only acts as a facilitator who provides guidance and necessary support to learners in the process.
This method is a student centered approach given that it is the learners who play the active role
in their own learning process which enhances long-term retention of knowledge among the
learners (Davis, 2009). For this reason, therefore, I considered inquiry based learning as one of
my potential methods in this art training lesson.

Pros of direct Instruction method
Most trainers prefer this method given the fact that it is well structured and can be validly
assessed. This method is very effective for teaching of young children as opposed to the use of
an inquiry-based method. It is actually the most organized method of teaching. It is so much
easier for teachers to help students in a structured guide of learning rather than leaving them to

leaving them to acquire knowledge by themselves lest they get confused along the way. Given
that it is a teacher centered approach, learners cannot get confused (Davis, 2009). Teachers have
the power to control hoe the lesson flows. They are also able to alter their activities and make
decisions on when they should move to the next topic. In this method, learners receive more
guidance because teachers ensure all of them have understood the topic under discussion.Direct
instruction is also a very good method when it comes to teaching of new skills and content. This
method is acceptable and promoted in many languages and culture and therefore, when used
appropriately, learners will achieve self-concept.
Cons of Direct Instruction

Learners are more likely to forget what they have been taught because the method
predisposes them to memorization method of imparting information. This practice poses great
danger to a learner in the event that he/she forgets what had been memorized. A learner will
therefore not have the ability and skill to make judgment on his own. When using adirect
instruction method, a teacher comes up with a problem and solves it on his or her own without
the contribution of the students which denies them the opportunity to discover what they did not
know (Davis, 2009).A learner is therefore unable to utilise process skills. Various researchers
have also found out that discovery learning is the best in obtaining good results, yet this is not
necessarily applicable in this method of learning.

For this teaching method to be effectively utilised, teachers need to have prior working
knowledge about the latest content. In most cases, however, teachers do not usually have
knowledge in the various artistic principles hence find it very hard to teach using this method.
The method does not foster both scientific and artistic attitude.

Pros of Inquiry based method
It has been proved through research that when inquiry activities are supplemented with the
existing curriculum based learning, there will be a great academic improvement among learners.
It is believed that children can learn best through the inquiry based learning because they are
given the opportunity of following their own interest. In this method of teaching, teachers are
allowed to set the stage for learning but they should also be in a position what activities the
students should engage themselves in as well as how those activities should be done
Cons of inquiry-based Teaching
Inquiry based teaching method has got certain disadvantages that are only associated with
it alone. A teacher’s role in any inquiry classroom is majorly that of facilitation. This is most of
the teachers experience interactional problems with their students. They also face a lot of
challenges in the maintenance and channeling of the interests of students as they undertake
enquiry activities while coming up with appropriate conclusions of about nature. In addition, this
method of teaching has so many social demands which teachers may be necessarily prepared for.
Teachers therefore need to be trained in methods that will specifically enhance their skills of
providing various directives in a very polite way while they share their authority in the most
strategic way possible while in the classroom.
It should be remembered that an inquiry-based method of instruction usually allows
students to come up with their own discoveries. These discoveries must therefore be always
transmitted through charts, tables, pictures, drawings and books among others. An inquiry
method of teaching also believes that learners should be provided with the opportunity to work
alone as they make their own choices and decisions relating to the topic of their interest. It

therefore means that learners work independently as their teachers observe and supervise from a
distance. It has however been noted that the process of learning or teaching cannot take place
effectively if learners are in isolation. All learners need the support of teachers or adults in the
case of children. Many teachers in elementary schools greatly support inquiry based learning.
Despite this fact, those teachers who were taught using a direct instruction method in during their
school days do not find this method very comfortable with them and hence not confident about
it. As a result, they still go back to direct instruction method.
Reasons behind the recommendation of cooperative training method in this program
Cooperative training method has been recommended for this program because of the reasons
explained below according to Barkley (2010):
To start with, this training method provides learners with the opportunity to think in a
high-ordered manner and not just listening passively. Learner will be able to listen to other
members as they give instant feedback on what they have learnt. When learners talk together,
there is usually provision of input and listening. Hence, learners will easily get access to the
ideas and thoughts of their peers and see whether they can fit their own thoughts and ideas
regardless of whether they agree in some way or not.
A Cooperative method of learning promotes the interaction between students and their
fellow students as well as with their faculty members. Students will therefore be able to
understand each other in understanding the content under discussion. As a result, students will
widen their thoughts on the problem and issue at hand. Teachers have the option of moving from
one group to the next as they listen to the ongoing discussions while they make appropriate
comments when necessary. They will also be able to answer questions may not have been asked

if they never closely interacted with the learners. The teacher can also clarify various aspects of
the content that may not have been understood properly.
This learning strategy also increases the ability of learners to retain knowledge for a
longer period of time in addition to limiting their anxiety. This is because they not overloaded
with too much information as they get time to think and discuss the information obtained.
This method will provide students with the opportunity to connect they have learnt with
real life situations. Some learners are often very hesitant when it comes to offering of their
opinions during very large lessons and therefore small groups will be very conducive for them.
They will therefore be able to share real life examples with one another, and in so doing, the
relevance of learning is highly increased.
Cooperative learning also encourages students to have very high confidence and self-
esteem.Learners assist each other in the discussions continue. There are high chances that
students will share their thoughts with the whole class following discussions from their small
groupings. They will be able to understand the information because of the fact they have been
able to articulate the content discussed with one another in their groups. Leaners find this form of
teaching very enjoyable and interactive, which in turn promotes greater satisfaction among them.
Learners will also develop a very positive attitude about the discussed subject matter.
The method will also lead to an improvement in social skill interaction among learners,
acceptance of one another and a sense of community. Thereafter, learners may even be able to
come up with their own groups of study where they can learn how to tutor or teach one another
as well as other better ways of passing information to one another.




Barkley, E. (2010). Student Engagement Techniques: A Handbook for College Faculty. San
Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Davis, B. G. (2009). Tools for Teaching, 2 nd ed. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Wrenn, J., & Wrenn, B. (2009). Enhancing learning by integrating theory and practice.
International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 21 (2), 258-265. Retrieved
from ERIC.

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