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The Marketing Society. (2015, May 16). Decision-making and accountability.
Accountability is a crucial component of decision-making (The Marketing Society, 2015).
The concept promotes transparency as employees can determine persons behind particular
decisions. In most firms, managers fail to disclose their decisions and they do not account for the


results of their decisions. The Marketing Society investigated the expression of accountability
among senior staff in organizations (The Marketing Society, 2015).
Zenger, J. & Folkman, J. (2014, September 1). 9 habits that lead to terrible decisions.
Harvard Business School Publishing.
Zenger and Folkman (2014) purposed to establish the reasons why people made decisions
that they later regretted. The bloggers understood that people were likely to make poor decisions
when under pressure, especially if they had little time. They listed factors such as laziness and
failure to anticipate situations among the top causes (Zenger & Folkman, 2014).
Pillay, S. (2014, March 31). How to improve your decision-making skills. Harvard Business
School Publishing. Retrieved from https://hbr.org/2014/03/how-to-improve-your-
Pillay pointed out that all businesspersons encounter needs of making decisions on a daily
basis (2014). Some decisions could be simple, but others are complicated. The blogger explored
sources that advocated or discouraged certain practices in decision-making. The blogger
described certain ‘traps’ that people fall into when determining the course of their actions (Pillay,
Karelaia, N. (2014). How mindfulness improves decision-making. Forbes.


Karelaia argued that mindfulness helped decision makers reach conclusions, especially
from a leadership perspective (2014). The blogger explored the ways through which the concept
influenced the process of making decisions. The researcher found that mindfulness influenced
decision-making at particular levels. Such levels included evidence gathering and decision
framing (Karelaia, 2014).
Lee, E. O. & Emanuel, E. J. (2013). Shared decision-making to improve care and reduce
costs. The New England Journal of Medicine, 2013(368), 6-8
Lee and Emanuel purposed to explain how healthcare practitioners and other stakeholders
could apply the concepts of shared decision-making to facilitate the provision of services such as
health insurance (2013). The researchers advocated that practitioners document their processes
that involved shared decision-making (Lee & Emanuel, 2013, Pg. 7). They argued that the
practice would enhance the quality of healthcare while resulting in low costs.


Karelaia, N. (2014). How mindfulness improves decision-making. Forbes.
Lee, E. O. & Emanuel, E. J. (2013). Shared decision-making to improve care and reduce costs.
The New England Journal of Medicine, 2013(368), 6-8


Pillay, S. (2014, March 31). How to improve your decision-making skills. Harvard Business
School Publishing.
The Marketing Society. (2015, May 16). Decision-making and accountability.
Zenger, J. & Folkman, J. (2014, September 1). 9 habits that lead to terrible decisions. Harvard
Business School Publishing.

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