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Data Collection

Describe the data collection method(s) you will use (such as questionnaire, interviews, focus groups), and
justify how these will be sufficient to answer your research question. Include as much detail as you can
about your participants and how they will be chosen. Briefly describe how you will analyse the data
collected and the tools needed for a proper analysis based on your chosen method.

Data Collection Phase of the Research Process

Type of Research
The research method that will be used for this study is qualitative research method that
will be used in determining the underlying reasons as to why sustainable energy resources in the
oil-rich GCC states are affected in the event of price depletes. Through and action oriented
research method, the qualitative research method will also gain insights into the motivations and
opinions of various stakeholders within these states, and also determine the problem by
developing hypotheses for a potential quantitative research (Burrell, & Morgan, 2011, pp. 29).
This discipline will investigate the why and how of the issue being addressed and also examine
these phenomenon’s through an observation of the numerical representations and statistical
analysis. In as much as a questionnaire will be provided to the respondents for the purpose of
statistical representation, interviews with the experts within this field will also remain essential in
the study.
Sampling Method

The primary sampling method that will be used in this study is that of a randomized
sampling method that will help in obtaining results that would be used in representing the
entirety of the oil-rich GCC states and the manner in which they are affected by a deplete in oil
prices. A number of GCC states and organizations will be acquired and three of them will be
picked through a randomized sampling method (Easterby-Smith, Thorpe, & Jackson, 2012,
pp.98). These states and organizations will be the primary target source of respondents that will
be used in the research. Contacts will be made to these organizations and stakeholders in GCC
states through emails where questionnaires will be administered. On the other hand, a letter of
consent will be sent along with the questionnaire, including the protocol of the study.
The respondents of this research study will be obtained from the GCC oil-rich states,
organizations, governments and individuals. The research study therefore seeks to dwell on these
entities since they remain relevant for the study and fits the resources and time of the research
study (O’Gorman, & Mackintosh, 2015, pp.103). The randomly sampled respondents will be
required to provide their consent and approval to engage in answering the questionnaire until the
required number of respondents are achieved which stands at 50. In additional to this the study
will also seek the opinions of different experts within the field who will enlighten on particular
areas of the study.
The questionnaire will entail information about sustainable energy resources for the oil-rich GCC
states and how they are affected when the prices of oil are lowered. On the other hand, the
questionnaire will also provide a backdrop on the benefits of oil among these member states,
organizations, governments and individuals and the manner in which they are affected by such

oil drops in prices (Sang, & Seong-Min, 2013, pp.93). The questionnaire will additionally seek to
determine the opinions of these entities, states, governments and individuals in changing to other
economic activities rather than dwelling on oil alone for economic development.
Data Analysis
In this process, the study will incorporate analytical procedures that are designed to draw
inductive inferences from data with the aim of providing the results of the study. It is essential to
detail that the qualitative research will be inducted through the inclusion of statistical procedures
that will see a continual process of iteration where data will be continuously collected and
analyzed in a simultaneous way (Toksoz, 2012, pp.198). On the other hand, the research will
make consultations with specialists on statistics with the aim of correcting the statistical methods
used in evaluating the results that are obtained in the study. Through the co-operation of high
probability, an efficient statistical method will be chosen in determining the results of the study.
The study will

Political and Ethical Challenges that May Arise in the Study
It is significant to note that the study will ensure that appropriate measures are instituted
before engaging the respondents in this study. This will include the acquisition of their consent
before engaging in the research study (Toksoz, 2012, pp.199). On the other hand, it will be
essential to ensure that the confidentiality of the participants is well covered and the study
follows in all the research protocols required in meeting its end objective.



Burrell, G., & Morgan, G 2011, Sociological paradigms and organisational analysis: Elements of
the sociology of corporate life. Heinemann: pp. 29-67.London
Easterby-Smith, M., Thorpe, R. & Jackson, P 2012, Management research, 4th ed. London: pp.
98-120. SAGE Publications
O’Gorman, K. D., & Mackintosh, R 2015, Research Methods for Business and Management, 2nd
Edition, Good fellow Publishers Ltd: pp. 103-193. Oxford.
Sang, K, & Seong-Min, Y 2013, ‘Return and Volatility Transmission Between Oil Prices and
Emerging Asian Markets’, Seoul Journal Of Business, 19, 2, pp. 73-93, Business Source
Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 16 June 2016.
Toksoz, M 2012, ‘The Gulf Cooperation Council and the global recession’, Journal Of Balkan &
Near Eastern Studies, 12, 2, pp. 195-206, Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed
15 June 2016.

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