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Data Analysis & Findings


This chapter presents the evidence and/or results of primary research which you have undertaken.
Depending upon your subject area this can be in the form of detailed quantitative models, hypothesis
testing to some basic analysis using basic descriptive statistics or qualitative techniques dealing with
structured content analysis, textual analysis, to case study descriptions.

  1. The main part of the chapter is the presentation of the data that you obtained. Even projects of
    relatively moderate dimensions will generate a large amount of data which has to be considered

    Data Analysis & Findings
    This chapter presents the analyses of the data resulted from the study. The first part of
    the chapter focuses on the relationship between the variables and the findings. Using
    descriptive statistics, this chapter will employ both quantitative and qualitative statistical
    methods to explain the findings. The chapter will bear the quantitative analyses and
    illustration of the study findings.
    Throughout the study, only 95 questionnaires out of 100 were completed. During the
    study, it was evident that there were more males than females. The study findings indicate
    that 70.53% of the participants who participated in the study were males. Of 95
    questionnaires, females answered 29.47% of the questionnaires. This result indicates that
    there are more males working in Qatari O+G companies than females. With only 28 females
    included in this study, the findings indicate a sheer-discrepancy between the employed males
    and females in Qatar (Cheng & Liu 2014).


Figure 1: Gender
Majority of the participants who took part in this study were aged 31-35 years
(25.26%). Individuals of ages 25-30 equalled 24.21% of the participants. Similarly,
individuals of ages 36-45 also made 24.21% of the total population of the participants.
Additionally, older individuals of 46-60 years totalled 13.68% of the participants. The
younger participants of ages under 25 years comprised 8.42% of the total population of the
participants. Moreover, individuals over 60 years made 4.21% of the participants.
Age Distribution

Figure 2: Age distribution


Position at Experience of work
Among some of the internal factors that affect employees in O+G companies in Qatar,
job position and work experience were of great significance. As explained by Du, Tang and
Young (2012), job experience determine the level of performance among the employees. In
this study, majority of the workers had experience of slightly over 2 years of experience
(53.68%). 15.79% of the participants had experience for almost 2 years. Also, 9.4% of the
participants had experience of between 1 month and one year. Those with working
experience for over 25 years were similar to workers who had experience of 2-5 years i.e.
1.05%. On the other side, those who had work experience between 6 and 10 years, 10 and 20
years, 21 and 25 years were 8.42%, 6.32% and 4.21% respectively.
Work experience at current position

Figure 3: work experience at current position
Job Positions

In many organizations, there must be various hierarchies of job positions (Fan, Wong
& Zhang, 2013). In most organizations, there are three main job positions occupied by the
employees (Ellison 2013). For example, the participants in this study fell into three main job
positions namely: senior executive, middle level manager and staff. According to the
findings, the majority of the participants belonged to staff category. Idyllically, 57.45% of the
population were members of the staff as middle management had 29.79% of the participants.
The senior executive category had only 12.77% of the participants.
Job Positions

Figure 4: Current Job positions
Job Satisfaction
Job satisfaction is a strong indicator of employee performance in most institutions
(Gibbons & Kleiner 1993). Whenever employees are contented with their job statuses, their
performances must increase. This study reveals that majority of the participants (51.06%)
agree that they are contented with their current jobs. A significant 12.77% strongly agreed
that they are contented with their current jobs in O+G companies. On the other hand, 23.40%
somewhat agreed. Only 9.57% disagreed while 3.19% strongly disagreed that they are
contented with their work. The results however indicate that most workers are contented with
their current job positions in the O+G companies.


Figure 5: Job satisfaction
Certain companies motivate employees as a way of rejuvenating their performance
(Elangovan & Xie 1999). Ideally, most of the oil and gas companies use strategies that
improve career growth of the staff members (Chen 2008). The findings revealed that most of
the employees grow their careers while working in oil and gas companies. 74.47% of the
participants agreed that their companies enable them grow, while 25.54% disagreed.
Nevertheless, this finding shows that majority of workers in oil and gas companies grow their
Career paths allow growth of staff

Figure 6: Career paths allow growth of staff

Additionally, intrinsic factors such as organizational career development programs
can help in motivating the employees (Tsai & Wang 2013). In selective organizations, the
career development programs help in increasing the level of commitment among workers. As
such, workers performances increase as they are subjected to career development programs
(Gibbons & Kleiner 1994). The study revealed that majority of workers agree that their
companies have career development programs. Out of 94 participants who responded to this
question, only 26.59% disagreed that they do not have career development programs.
Career development programs

Figure 7: Career development paths
Another internal factor that influences the performance of the employees is the
internal training plan. Kent Romanoffken (1986) note that organizational training plans help
the employees in expanding their skills through team-building. This study hover revealed that
majority of the oil and gas companies lack annual training plans. 59.30% of the participants
disagreed while 40.70% agreed that they have annual training plans in their companies.
When it comes to employee factors such as work enjoyment, most employees alluded
to the fact that they enjoy working at their various companies. Specific external and internal
factors influence the workers enjoyment of work. For instance, Chen (2008) acknowledged

that level of compensation affects the attitudes that workers have at work. 74.73% of the
participants agreed that they enjoy working at their companies while 27.27% disagreed.
The nature of work also affects the extent of performance among most workers
(Connors 2004). Some workers find various jobs interesting while others find jobs
challenging. The performance of the workers greatly rely on the interest of the workers. The
study found out that most workers accept that their work is both interesting and challenging.
32.98% disagreed to the fact that their jobs are challenging and interesting. This indicates that
most employees working in Qatari oil and gas companies find their work interesting and
challenging. When asked whether they are still motivated in doing their work as the first time
when they joined the company, 75.79% of the participants agreed. However, the remaining
24.11% disagreed. As such, more employees have been demotivated at work thus, reducing
their performance.
The rate of work completion is a strong sign of good performance among employees.
Consistency among the workers is also an additional indicator of good performance. In this
study, most of the workers contended that they complete their work effectively. This is a sign
of good performance among most of the workers.
Consistency and effectiveness in work completion

Figure 8: Consistency and effectiveness in work completion

Further, internal managerial challenges such as micromanagement affect the level of
performance among most employees. For example, strict management prevent workers from
exploring further skills. As such, workers may feel demotivated hence, reducing the level of
performance. The study revealed that majority of workers in O+G companies are under strict
management. Nevertheless, not all employees do the minimum work just to keep their
employments. 54.73% of the participants disagreed with the fact that they do minimum task
to keep their jobs. This indicates the commitment among the employees in the oil and gas
companies. However, 45.26% accepted that the do minimum work to keep their jobs at the
company. Such employees are less motivated thus, they have low performance.
Employee compensation is a vital factor that affects the level of performance among
employees (Liu, Schuler & Zhang 2013). Well paid employees are motivated and committed
to delivering high expectations (Yoon, Seo & Yoon 2004). This study revealed that more
employees do not feel that their compensation match their experience. 52.17% of the
participants felt that they are underpaid while 47.83% felt that they are properly paid.
Salary matches experience

Figure 9: Salary matches experience
Nonetheless, some of the employees agreed that the compensation they get is fair
considering the type of job that they do to the company. Variations between various tasks
may affect the level of satisfaction. While certain jobs are paid low, others are highly paid.


Oil price drop and performance
Every employee has performance targets in every company. Ideally, the performance
target of every employee should be realistic to maintain the desired level of performance in
every company (Martínez-Cañas, Ruiz-Palomino & Sáez-Martínez 2011). According to the
study findings, 73.11% agreed that they have genuine performance targets. On the other side,
26.88% alluded that their performance target are not genuine. Oil price drop in Qatar has
affected most companies (Screyer 2005). The study revealed that oil price drops have
affected the working environments making it difficult to sustain good performance.
To some extent, the drops in oil prices in Qatar has led to workforce cut that has
affected most of the employees. According to (Liu, Schuler & Zhang 2013), work-related
stress may also affect the performance of the employees. The drop in oil prices has led to
uncertainty among most of the workers in oil and gas companies. Cutting workforce has
caused mixed reactions among workers in various companies. This has directly impacted the
performance of many employees. Consequently, dissatisfaction and poor job performance
have resulted in most of the companies. Nevertheless, only 30.85% of the participants agree
that they are dissatisfied with the organizational culture that has affected their performance.
Majority of the participants (69.15%) however believe that the change in oil prices has not
affected the performance.

Conversely, majority of firm managers engage the staff members into productive and
timely exchange of ideas. The results indicate that 74.19% agree that their leaders give them
timely correctional feedback. This improves the performance of the employees thus, it makes
them more committed and devoted to work. On the other side, some employees felt that the
reduction in oil prices led to reduction in spending, which has prevented company
expenditure on training and development. This has affected the job performance of some
employees negatively. For example, the study reveals that 74.44% acknowledge that
international drop in oil prices has affected their job performance. Although, 25.54% disagree
that this has affected their job performance.
Oil price change vs. training and development

Oil price drop & training and development
According to the findings, the motivational and empowerment strategies used by most
of the oil and gas companies have been affected by the drop in oil and gas prices. Most
companies have levelled their expenditure on motivational programs that aim at promoting
the skills of the employees. This phenomenon has reduced the employee performance in most
companies in Qatar. 70.22% admitted that indeed the drop in oil price has affected the
expenditure on motivational programs. This has consequently affected the performance of 66
employees among the participants. On the other side, 29.79% refused that there is


relationship between oil price changes and the expenditure on motivational and
empowerment programs.
Unprecedented drop in international oil prices affects the company sizes in most
nations (Yuan-cheng et al. 2011). To cope up with the unpredictable oil markets, most
companies lay off excess employees to create favourable economic atmospheres (Skudiene
and Auruskeviciene 2012). As a common practice in large companies, laying-off of
employees help in reducing the company size and expenditure. As such, the strategy may
affect the employees’ morale. Some employees may feel targeted or threatened when their
counterparts have been laid off. This exercise affects the job performance of most employees.
For instance, the study revealed that 72.33% agreed that oil price drops have affected the
company sizes. According to the employees, many colleagues have been laid-off as a result
of reduction in international oil prices. In this manner, the employees feel demotivated and
insecure, thus reducing their job performance.
Company size & employee performance

This chapter has presented the findings of the study where 95 participants successfully
responded to 30 different questions. The findings however indicate varied beliefs concerning
the relationship between employee job performance and the drop in international oil prices.

There is a strong correlation between the employee job performance and the drop in oil
prices. As the oil price drops affect other internal and external factors such as company
expenditure on employees, the workers levels of motivation and commitment become
affected. The subsequent chapter will conclude and recommend better approaches to future
research studies.


Chen, T. (2008). The examination of factors that affect the relationship between employee-
customer satisfaction in recreational sport/fitness clubs in Taiwan (Order No. 3319541).
Cheng, S., & Liu, J. (2014) “China’s R&D Production Efficiency and Impact Factors”
Transnational Corporations Review, 6(4), 362-378.
Connors, E. (2004). The effects of non-financial performance measures in a bonus
contract (Order No. 3145997).
Du, F., Tang, G., & Young, S. M. (2012) “Influence activities and favoritism in subjective
performance evaluation: Evidence from Chinese state-owned enterprises” The Accounting
Review, 87(5), 1555-1588.

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