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Appropriate Qualitative Methodology

�Read the required Learning Resources.

� Return to your chosen research topic-problem identified in Week 1 (as subsequently amended) and

consider a qualitative approach

� In approximately 550 words, explain how your research ideas could take the shape of a qualitative

research project.

�Which qualitative methodology would be most suited to your research paradigm?
�In what way could you contextualise your research from a qualitative perspective?
� Which sampling methods would be most valuable for your data collection?

� What are the key differences in planning your research from a quantitative and qualitative perspective?



How research ideas could take the shape of a qualitative research project.
Research ideas can take shape in the qualitative study through development good
research questions. With good research questions, it becomes easier to not only shape but also
give a qualitative research direction in ways that are mostly overlooked (Buchanan & Bryman
2007). Effective research questions may not necessarily generate a credible study, however,
poorly developed questions will be lead to the challenge in developing sequent phases of the
research. In qualitative research, research questions is an important for comprehending various
Appropriate Qualitative Methodology

The research paradigm is the philosophical worldview and understanding that underpins
how to perform and analyze a given research project (Cresswell, 2014). After establishing the
worldview it is necessary to choose the appropriate qualitative methodology suitable for the
research paradigm. Therefore, when it comes to identifying and exploring the human resource
strategies that influence employee engagement within organizations in Qatar, grounded theory is
appropriate. Grounded theory has widely used the methodology in qualitative research (Bryman
& Bell, 2015). In this case, it involves a researcher avoiding confinement within the limitations
of existing theory (Collis & Hussey, 2013).
Additionally, a researcher must be objective while allowing data collection procedure to
inform fresh theories. With grounded theory, data collection is a continuous procedure of
comparing information as it emerges and purposes to provide a broader assessment of
phenomena towards data saturation to help in determining dimensions. Much as time constraints
and challenges associated with coding may be problematic in small studies, grounded theory has


the ability to capture intricacies in organizational scenarios and connect research to practice
(Bryman & Bell, 2015).
Way to contextualize the research from a qualitative perspective
In qualitative research it is necessary to relay relevant information to readers, particularly
clarifying the objective of the study, the role of the researcher and sampling technique to adopt
(Creswell, 2014). Therefore, in this study, I will contextualize my research by putting data into
context that entails presenting background data on the human resource strategies that influence
employee engagement within organizations in Qatar and further examine my role as a researcher
in collecting data as well as analysis. Data to help contextualize can be related to different
elements including legal, economic, time and location (Collis & Hussey, 2013). For the current
study, data will be found from published information on organizations in Qatar from different
sources to help provide a detailed recognition of qualitative research.
Sampling Methods

Cluster Sampling
This sampling technique entails the selection of a certain group within the entire
population. The selection largely depends on the accessibility and identifiable characteristics of
the group. However, if the population large multiple clustering levels can be employed. For
instance, in this research, the focus will be on human resource strategies that influence employee
engagement within organizations in Qatar. Therefore, the selection of clusters will be based on
the type of organization, human resource strategies, type of employee and so forth. After
establishing clusters, the random sample might be selected from every cluster. Owing to the fact
that numbers may be assigned to sampling units, simple random sampling will be suitable


(Saunders, Lewis & Thornhill, 2012). After which, these numbers will be randomly selected to
form the suitable sample.
Quantitative and qualitative perspective
The main difference between qualitative and quantitative perspective in planning research
is that quantitative research is objective while qualitative is subjective (Cassell et al., 2009). An
objective study presents results that are based on views; however, they are supported by
statistical analysis. The subjectivity of qualitative perspective is highlighting on theories and
feeling hence, it does not allow drawing a definitive conclusion.

Bryman, A. and Bell, E., 2015. Business research methods. Oxford University Press, USA.


Buchanan, D.A. and Bryman, A., 2007. Contextualizing methods choice in organizational
research. Organizational Research Methods, 10(3), pp.483-501.
Cassell, C., Bishop, V., Symon, G., Johnson, P. and Buehring, A., 2009. Learning to be a
qualitative management researcher. Management Learning, 40(5), pp.513-533.
Collis, J. and Hussey, R., 2013. Business research: A practical guide for undergraduate and
postgraduate students. Palgrave Macmillan.
Creswell, J.W., 2013. Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approach.
Sage publications.
Saunders, M., Lewis, P and Thornhill, A. 2012. Research Methods for Business Students, 6th ed.
Pearson Learning Solutions.

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