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Creating a Training Environment

Creating a Training Environment

Your organization has traditionally encouraged its employees to work in teams to improve efficiency. You
are tasked with outlining a culturally sensitive orientation and training program for your new employee.
The key element of the orientation and training is to promote the company’s culture of a teamwork-based


Explain your mindful approach to designing training that is best suited to assist employees with
developing a mindset that builds team spirit, morale, and support for success. Use the following questions

to guide your response:

� Based on what you know of the culture in Japan and Turkey what obstacles, if any, might you

encounter as you train new hires in your organization’s environment?
� How will you design a training environment that minimizes these obstacles?



According to the author, it has been proved that relations in many workplaces are highly
affected by culture differences. Sometimes, they also affect interactions between companies and
customers. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the various ways of solving problems and
encouraging employees to work as a team so as to be more productive. Due to the need to avoid
problems in workplaces, most companies have introduced strategies and training programs to
educate new workers (Farrell, & Hurt, 2014). Although there is no proper agreement on how to
make the training successful, two important suggestions have been put across.
Firstly, there should be equity in every company in the sense that if a company is
determined to get rid of cultural differences, interactions should involve every worker regardless
of the rank. Secondly; an organization should ensure that its programs tackle more significant
problems like enhancing communication instead of dwelling so much on less important issues
like etiquette. Some employers tend to concentrate on teaching their workers to respect them,
how to address them, and when to bow before their seniors (Farrell, & Hurt, 2014). In order to
have an effective training program, both visible and invisible differences among all the
employees should be solved irrespective of their different cultures.
Design a Training Environment

In order to have a good and effective plan, that will help the employees from different
cultures, it is important to handover different responsibilities to different people after which they

are interchanged after a certain period of time. This will help the workers realize that they are all
equal irrespective of their cultural differences. It is important for a trainer to spend time and
evaluate his or her workers and try to obtain information so as to have a clear mind on what
needs to be addressed (Kuvaas, Buch, & Dysvik, 2012). This will help the trainer to seek
information from different departments thus making the process easier.
A good trainer should interact with other instructors from different departments, which
helps them to be diverse and always have something different to offer. In larger organizations, a
decision has to be made on whether the trainer wants to have one lesson for all employees or
group them according to their levels. In order for the outcome to be impressive and be of great
help to the workers as well as improving their understanding, training should be conducted
differently since the learning abilities vary from one employee to another (Kuvaas, et.al). Some
understand when given materials to read others, are good at observing and others by listening
from informants. The workers tend to benefit more when training is done in favor of their
preferred style. The workers should be allowed to contribute and give their views and feelings
about different issues since they have the highest contribution on the success of any organization.

Obstacles in training new employees

Different cultures differ in the way they express themselves in different situations. A
misunderstanding is created whenever two people from different cultures try to analyze
something together. When expressing a point, a person may have good intentions but somebody
else from a different culture might end up having a wrong perception about it. Therefore, trainers
may find it difficult to teach workers with a different understanding about different things and
who react differently in different situations. Language barrier is also a very common challenge

faced by trainers (Yap, & Webber, 2015). If some employees use only their mother languages to
communicate, it may be extremely tricky for the trainers to meet their demands. Time may also
be a problem since the trainers need time for themselves. All these differences are likely to
cause disagreements in workplaces thus leading to poor performances at work.


It is very significant for new employees to be directed before they begin their work as it
helps them to understand, appreciate and change according to the expectations of the job. It helps
the employees to be successful and adjust immediately. This enhances oneness among the
workers who interact during training and gives them the spirit to work together as a team.
Training should consist of introductions to the employees, community, job and the organization.
When all this is done, the rest is left to the employees to make sure that they work to their level
best and maintain an established relationship. All the basic information about an organization,
are attained through training.
These include the position of an employee, the community and help the worker to know
where and when to go and how to interact with others. It is important for employers to have a
prolonged orientation period as it allows workers to have enough time to absorb information
slowly by slowly thus enhancing understanding. The success of any organization depends on the
effectiveness of its workers. The first thing that a new worker should focus at is trying to
familiarize his or herself with other workers. If employees take the training positively, the
outcome can be very impressing, and it can lead to considerable improvement thus improving the
quality of work they offer.



Farrell, L., & Hurt, A. C. (2014). Training the Millennial Generation: Implications for
Organizational Climate. E Journal of Organizational Learning & Leadership, 12(1), 47-
Kuvaas, B., Buch, R., & Dysvik, A. (2012). Perceived training intensity and knowledge sharing:
Sharing for intrinsic and prosocial reasons.Human Resource Management, 51(2), 167-

  1. doi:10.1002/hrm.21464
    Yap, Q. S., & Webber, J. K. (2015). Developing Corporate Culture In A Training Department: A
    Qualitative Case Study Of Internal And Outsourced Staff. Review Of Business & Finance
    Studies, 6(1), 43-56.
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