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Crafting and Critiquing a Doctoral Problem Statement

Crafting and Critiquing a Doctoral Problem Statement

Crafting and Critiquing a Doctoral Problem Statement
Few are willing to brave the disapproval of their peers, the censure of their colleagues, the wrath of their
society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one
essential, vital quality for those who seek to change a world that yields most painfully to change.

�Robert F. Kennedy, June 6, 1966

As you have progressed through the early stages of your DBA journey at Walden, you have begun to
form relationships with your fellow candidates, and they should have become trusted colleagues. Such
colleagues can provide necessary support. They can also provide objective, thoughtful critiques to help
you improve upon your work. As Kennedy noted, it takes bravery to face the critique of one�s peers. It
also takes courage to give thoughtful, rigorous, and constructive criticism. Yet both are vital to your
continued success. If you expect to receive the full benefit of such a critique, you must invest the time and
thought necessary to give such a critique to your colleagues. Your doctoral problem statement will serve
as the foundation for the remainder of your doctoral study. Nothing is more important to success than

constructing a proper foundation. Use the opportunity to give and receive critique from your colleagues to
ensure that foundation is solid and secure.

To prepare, recall the potential research question you identified in DDBA 8006: Contemporary Challenges
in Business. You may wish to develop that question into a formal problem statement for this Discussion. If
your research interests have changed, you can develop a new question into a problem statement for this
Discussion. !!!

By Day 3 of Week 8, post a 400�500 word doctoral problem statement that adheres to the guidelines
outlined in the DBA rubric. The problem statement must comprise of the following four parts:

�The hook with citation (current/peer-reviewed scholarly article)
�The anchor with citation (current/peer-reviewed scholarly article)
�The general business problem
�The specific business problem
Note: Your problem statement must include proper APA citations and adhere to APA guidelines.


Crafting and Critiquing a Doctoral Problem Statement

Topic: Challenges of adopting technology in business
The business world is evolving at a fast pace with the advancement of technology.
Technology continues to advance everyday and the business fraternity across the world is
utilizing this platform to engage in move innovative ventures. The study investigates on the
inherent challenges that businesses should be aware of when embracing technology. To achieve
this, the author will use qualitative research method. Information pertaining to the topic will be
gathered through interviews and questionnaires. The respondents will consist of managers of
selected companies that have embraced technology in their business processes. Questionnaires
are easy to use as instrument of data collection, since they allow the respondents time to provide
their responses without any pressure.
The target population includes managers of small, medium, and large-scale companies
that have embraced technology in their businesses. The reason for selecting this population is
because they are in charge of the operations and functioning of their organizations. They make
various decisions pertaining to their business operations and, therefore, have requisite
information and experiences about the functioning of technological systems in place.
Furthermore, the target population is knowledgeable and it will be easier to establish rapport
with them to facilitate the collection of information.
The study will be limited to the US because of the many companies, where a sample will
be selected. The reason for selecting this location is that the researcher is familiar with it, and

due to proximity. Furthermore, it is well connected with transport lines and has enough
companies that have embraced technology.
Any study carried out should have some impacts on the members of the society. This
study has impacts both on the business practice and will contribute to social change. Businesses
have tended to embrace technology without having to ponder about the negative impacts of their
decisions. This has contributed to failure of entities to realize their set objectives and even
leading to many of them closing down. Technology has various loopholes such as security risks
that businesspersons must take precautionary measures to avoid. It is, therefore, important for
businesses that would like to embrace certain technologies to consult professionals and cushion
themselves from some of the risks. For instance, the concept of could computing has received a
lot of approval from businesses because of its benefits However, it is a concept that exposes
businesses to insecurity. Therefore, businesses must understand such aspects to avoid losing their
money (Lasica, 2009). Another challenge relating to technology is the high cost that makes it
difficult for business to operate smoothly (Voorsluys, Broberg & Buyya, 2011). Fraud and
cyber crimes are other challenges that businesses that are adopting technology need to be
cautious about. This will help people to adopt appropriate business practices, hence, avoiding
these consequences.
Society as well stands a chance to benefit especially if there are amicable ways to
safeguard businesses from these challenges (Lynne & Loebbecke, 2013). Cases of fraud and
cybercrime affect the economy and the society in general. Therefore, this study will provide the
flaws of technology adoption in order to assist entities to come up with lasting solutions of
ensuring proper utility of technologies to advance the common good of the society.



Lasica, J. (2009). Identity in the Age of cloud computing: The Next-generation Internet’s Impact
on Business, Governance and Social Interaction, The Aspen Institute.
Voorsluys, W., Broberg ,J., & Buyya, R. (2011). Cloud Computing Principles and Paradigm,
John Wiley and Sons.
Lynne, M., & Loebbecke, C. (2013). Commoditized digital processes and business community
platforms: new opportunities and challenges for digital business strategies. MIS
Quarterly, 37: 649-653.

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