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Conversion Tricks and Estimation from Rapid Math Tricks and Tips

After reviewing chapter (week 4) Conversion Tricks and Estimation from Rapid Math Tricks and Tips

(Julius, 1992).

Generally speaking, most mathematics educators begin their journey into mathematics education
because they enjoy doing math. However, as they continue teaching, the opportunities to do new or
challenging math sometimes fade away. This assignment is an opportunity to rekindle your passion

for mathematics�by simply doing math!

Part 1

Read through the table of contents in the Julius (1992) text and select two days (day 24 and 28-see
attached) that contain number tricks that are unfamiliar to you. Read the instructions and complete the
practice problems until you are comfortable with the algorithm used. As you complete the exercises,

check your answers with those in the back of the text.

In 1 page, summarize the algorithms you chose and discuss your thoughts during the learning


� Was the algorithm difficult to learn?

� What previous knowledge did you draw upon to help you understand it?
� Did you enjoy the process of learning mathematics? Explain.

Part 2

Imagine you are preparing to teach one of the algorithms you just learned to a student at your
particular teaching level (currently teaching 8th grade or a higher/lower level if you choose an

algorithm that does not fit within your teaching level).

In 1-2 pages, describe how you would explain the process of the algorithm to the student.
� What prior knowledge would the student require and how would you tap into that knowledge to

teach the algorithm?

� What challenges do you think the student might encounter?

Word count:920

Part 1

In 1 page summarize the algorithms you chose and discuss your thoughts during the
learning process. Was the algorithm difficult to learn?
The algorithm that I selected was trick 47 that required me to use the number 3 in
dividing the problems. Moreover, I found the process challenging and actively involving as I
was able to concentrate on the entire process. The algorithm requires one to tap into their
previous knowledge in arithmetic operations to make it easy to solve. Additionally, the

algorithm learning process needs one to have an open mind. This is essential as it helps one to
willingly recalculate the solutions until they find the correct answers without giving up. The
algorithm was not difficult to learn as I have a reasonable basis in mathematics.
What previous knowledge did you draw to help you understand it?
For me to understand the concept of the algorithm, I focused on my previous
knowledge in arithmetic. I used the operations of division and multiplication to carry out the
calculations. Besides, my step by step organization was also pertinent in solving the
algorithms. It helped me when I was reviewing the algorithm to ensure that I had the correct
solutions. Moreover, the rounding off and approximation knowledge was essential in the
process of solving the algorithm equations.
Did you enjoy the process of learning mathematics? Explain
I enjoyed the process of learning mathematics. During the calculation process, I found
myself making simple mistakes that made me smile. At times, I was disappointed when I
found a solution, but when checking the answers, I found that it was wrong and I had to
recalculate. Moreover, to make the process more interesting, I worked on the questions
together with my friend. It was more of a competition where the one with the best scores at
the end was to get a reward. The incentive made the process more enjoyable and motivated
me to find the correct solutions.

Part 2

In 1-2 pages, describe how you would explain the process of the algorithm to the
Algorithm refers to a comprehensive step-by-step instruction formula that is required
for completing a task (Julius, 1992). The process of the algorithm is not complicated, and it

begins by working from arithmetic. The first step deals with the definition of the input in
algorithms. This makes it easy for the students to relate and understand what is required of
them when solving the algorithm. The second step deals with the definition of the variables.
This involves the evaluation of the different aspects that are linked to the equation. Also, it
simplifies the question making it easy to progress to the next step in solving the algorithm.
The third step deals with outlining the operations to be used in the algorithms. This
takes different forms which include multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction. On the
other hand, the operations can be mixed to make the process of solving the algorithm simpler.
The fourth step deals with coming up with the output results for the algorithm. The final step
deals with evaluating the conditional logic and determining if the solutions are correct
concerning the algorithm.
What prior knowledge about the student requires and how would you tap into
knowledge to teach the algorithm?
In carrying out algorithm calculation, the students require a foundation, in addition,
subtraction, division, and multiplication. Also, knowing the multiplication table forms a
foundation for them to manipulate the algorithm equations actively. When teaching
algorithm, I will emphasise on the logical organization of the solutions. The step-by-step
process ensures that students will not make any mistakes in their calculation process.
Additionally, using examples to show students how to carry out calculations will
provide them with a basis. Also, I will use flowcharts to provide the students with the
directions they are to follow during the calculations. Moreover, I will divide the students into
groups and allow them to repeat what I had done with simple algorithm calculations. The use
of flowcharts provides the students with clear steps that they can use in solving the
mathematical questions.

Furthermore, Providing the students with questions to work on them on their own will
boost their confidence in solving the algorithm. Also, I will encourage them to listen to a
podcast on the algorithm subject as this will provide them with alternative ways that will suit
their different learning styles. At the end of the unit, I will provide them with quizzes that
will indicate areas that they are encountering challenges. This will aid me to find different
ways to help the students understand before progressing to another unit.
What challenges do you think the student might encounter?
In the study of the algorithm, there are some challenges that hinder the students from
understanding the concepts. The common one is negative mentality when it comes to solving
the questions. Students have a phobia that the unit is difficult, and they, therefore, come to the
class with minimal interests to understand. They prefer memorization to the comprehension
of the concepts that form the basis of arithmetic.
Moreover, students who lack a good foundation, in addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division find it hard to perform complex calculations. This interferes with
the process of solving the algorithm questions. Lastly, poor organizations when carrying out
the calculations is a challenge in ensuring that the students can solve the algorithms.
Organization provides clarity to the student and helps them when evaluating the validity of
the solution.



Julius. E.H. (1992). Rapid Math Tricks and Tips: 30 days to number power. Wiley.

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