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Community Need Assessments

Research Methodology for Community Need Assessments

Identify a research methodology that can be used in a community needs and asset-based
assessment (community survey, key informant interview, focus groups, etc.). Discuss
strengths and weaknesses. How would this methodology support your community needs
project? Describe how community culture would influence your implementation of the needs


Research Methodology for Community Need Assessments
Community needs and asset-based assessment are used in public health for surveillance and
a strategic tool to plan for the activities and projects. The methodology employed aids in the
identification of the community needs, assets, and resources available and how to integrate them
into the community to address the various needs. The method of choice also aids in ensuring that
further research and study can be carried out on the needs of the intervention measures to address
the needs. Qualitative assessment methods of analysis are best suited for the assessment of
community needs and asset-based assessment as they record the community’s reactions, feelings,
and emotions (Swider, Berkowitz, Valentine-Maher, Zenk, & Bekermeier, 2017) . It also generates a
lot of different data, which is useful in defining and prioritizing the needs of the community.
Moreover, qualitative assessment methods tend to yield more reliable information. The most
common qualitative methods that are used are individual and group interviews, observations, and
community meetings. The focus of the research methodology utilized is the individual and group

Strengths and Weaknesses

The strengths of the individual and group interviews in the assessment of the asset bases
assessment and community needs include the reliability of the information as it is collected from a
first-hand account and experiences of the various requirements. Moreover, they are easy to
schedule and carry out. Additionally, the interviewee can use structured or semi-structured
questions that will be answered (Winterbauer, Bekemier, VanRaemdonck, & Hoover, 2016) . The
interviewee also has room to include a narrative that explains their stand on the answer given to a
posed question hence providing additional information. On the other hand, interviews can lead to
bias if not carefully conducted. Group interviews can also be non-inclusive due to the dominance of
a section of the participants in the group.

Community Culture

Community culture affects community needs and asset-based assessment by exerting its
influence on the respondents and the interviewers, which may lead to bias. Moreover, it may also
lead to the omission of relevant information on a given topic leading to misinterpretation and
misrepresentation of the needs and asset-based assessment (Swider, Berkowitz, Valentine-Maher,
Zenk, & Bekermeier, 2017) . Formal and informal community culture also interferes with the
interaction of the community members by influencing cohesion. Moreover, it influences the social
structure, and individuals relate daily. Additionally, it also shapes the values and attitudes shared
and upheld in society.


Swider, S. M., Berkowitz, B., Valentine-Maher, S., Zenk, S. N., & Bekermeier, B. (2017). Engaging
communities in creating health: Leveraging community benefit. Nursing Outlook, 65(5), 657-

  1. doi:10.1016/j.outlook.2017.08.002
    Winterbauer, N. L., Bekemier, B., VanRaemdonck, L., & Hoover, A. G. (2016). Applying community-
    based participatory research partnership principles to public health practice-based research
    networks. Sage Open, 6(4), 1-13.
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