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Communication in a Multi-Generational Workforce

Communication in a Multi-Generational Workforce

xisting Qualitative Studies

Return to your Literature Review and peruse the qualitative studies you found for additional resources
that pertain to your topic. Conduct additional searches through the Walden Library for relevant studies
that either pertain directly to your topic or that pertain to related topics and could inform a qualitative study
of your topic. Perhaps these studies provide a model, research instrument, framework, or hypothesis that

informs your own evolving thinking.

Post a brief synopsis of the qualitative studies you have found as a “.doc” or “.rtf” attachment. For each
entry, provide the full APA citation, as well as a brief paragraph explaining the contribution the study
makes to your own topic, either directly or tangentially. In the text of your posting (to which you will attach
your synopsis), introduce and summarize the qualitative studies as a collection, and post at least two
questions that will elicit suggestions and further responses from your colleagues.

My thesis topic: communication in a multi generational workforce



Multi-generational Workforce

Communication is an essential object in every work place and enhances productivity
depending on the relationship developed among workforce members. The recent research reveals
that young people always get it difficult to respond by receiving calls from their superiors at
work. Instead, they prefer sending them a text or a mail typically making communication
somehow weaker. This affects the workforce and work relations especially on superior workers
of the female gender who perceive such actions as frustrating resulting to anger (Delcampo,
Haggerty, Haney, & Knippel, 2012). The change in mood at work place affects the relation with
other members at work and finally affects the work output. New workplaces also provide a
diverse relation with people which requires keen evaluation and understanding in order to
determine the right form of communication.
Multigenerational Workforce requires a dynamic communication strategy an approach
depending on the involved members. The younger generation and older generation prefer
different communication styles. The young generation relates fear to respect and to message and
email communications rather than phone communication. The younger generation also tends to
use colloquialisms and language that are not a preference of the older generation but rather
interpret it as lack of respect.
Negative stereotypes by both younger and older generations’ influences the manner in
which they perceive each other and communicate to one another in the workplace setting.
Cultural expectations between the younger and older generation also influence the workplace
communication (Bruce & Montanez, 2012). Young worker mostly comes from families in which
both parents are working thereby placing work-life balance to be of greater premium. On the

other hand, older generation co-workers may require to have expected a lot of personal sacrifice
in personal time for a job. Changes in working approach are mandatory in establishing better
communication in the workforce.



Bruce, A., & Montanez, S. M. (2012). Leaders Start to Finish, the Road Map for Developing Top
Performers. United States: Abella Publishing Services, LLC.
Delcampo, R. G., Haney, M. J., Haggerty, L. A., & Knippel, L. A. (2012). Managing the Multi-
Generational Workforce: from the G1 Generation to the Millennials. England: Gower
Publishing Limited.

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