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Comments and constructive criticism

Comments and constructive criticism

The writer will have to read each of this articles and react to them by commenting, analyzing and
supporting with relevant articles. The writer will have to read carefully before giving constructive
comments on the article. The writer should write a one paragraph of at least 150 words. APA and in
text citation must be use as each respond to the two articles must have in text citations. The writer will
have to use an article to supports his comments in each of the article. Address the content of each
article below in a one paragraph each, analysis and evaluation of the topic, as well as the integration

of relevant resources.

Comments and constructive criticism

Article 1

In this article, the student is spot on by stating that in the management of a company’s
strategic initiatives, the project manager should link the objectives of the project to the
company’s overall vision, mission and goals by initiating a strategy as this would help the
organization attain its goals and objectives. Schmidt (2010) pointed out that each project has
to support the strategic plan of the organization. To ensure this linkage – that is, to ensure that
every project in a company actually contributes to the company’s strategic plan –, projects
should be integrated within the organization’s strategic plan and this integration necessitates a
process that can be used to prioritize projects based on their contribution to the strategic plan.
In the discussion post, the student is also right by revealing that the project strategy translates
into the strategic plan of the organization. An organization’s effectiveness and efficiency is
very likely to improve when the project manager properly aligns the project objectives with
the organization’s overall goals, vision and mission (Gale, 2013). This is something which
the student has rightly articulated in the post.
Article 2
In this discussion post, the student eloquently and accurately stated that the mission of
a company is a potent driving force that steers the company forward and that a key role of the
project manager is to ensure that every project actually aligns to the organization’s mission
and key strategic initiatives. To add on this point, projects are the tools that are used to
implement an organization’s strategy. Effective project management should start with
choosing and prioritizing those projects which actually support the strategy and mission of
the organization (Purushottam & Rwelamila, 2011). The priority system has to focus
attention on the organization’s major goals and mission and foster consensus to which
projects are of the greatest priority. In essence, it gives rise to a portfolio of projects which
balance opportunities and threats and provide a better resource usage (Morris & Jamieson,
2012). In addition, the student has rightly pointed out that if the project is not aligned with the

organization’s mission and key initiatives, then the projects are likely to fail. Moreover, the
company’s mission and key initiatives may not be attained without the alignment.


Gale, S. F. (2013). Four Steps to a Stronger PMO. PM Network, 27(12), 30-35.

Morris, P. G., & Jamieson, A. (2012). Moving from corporate strategy to project strategy.
Project Management Journal, 36(4), 5-18.

Purushottam, N., & Rwelamila, P. D. (2011). Strategies in a multi-polar world: opportunity
for application of project management approaches. Business Studies Journal, 3109-

Schmidt, T. (2010). Strategic Project Management Made Simple : Practical Tools for
Leaders and Teams. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley.

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