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Comments and Constructive Criticism

Comments and Constructive Criticism

The writer will have to read each of this post and react to it by commenting, analyzing and supporting with
relevant articles. The writer will have to read carefully before giving constructive comments or criticism on
the post. The writer should write a one paragraph of at least 150 words. APA and in text citation must be
use as each respond to the 4 article must have in text citations. The writer will have to use an article to
supports his comments and criticism on each of the article. Address the content of each post below in a
one paragraph each, analysis and evaluation of the topic, as well as the integration of relevant resources.
The writer cannot just say �I agree or disagree� the writer must constructively support and use relevant

sources to support his point why expanding on the article.
It is also very important that the writer responds are directly link to the article.


Comments and Constructive Criticism

Article 1
The author’s vivid expression of the accounts given by a face to face method of
gathering data is very specific. In the article, it is visible that the author has extensive
knowledge as portrayed in his way of writing and the content in his work. However, the author
lacks diversity in his content structure. From the first paragraph, there is a recognizable amount
of repetition. One major point seems to be discussed in one view or from a single perspective.
Moreover, the diversity of face-to-face interviews and research methods is not elaborated in an
efficient manner. However, to a certain point. The author seems to have captured the attention
of the reader in his very short article. His or her comparison between face-to-face and the
internet based survey is shallowly explained (Ritchie et al., 2013). The comprehension of the
significance of the researcher seeing the interviewee in reality has been given such a light
Article 2
Sara Singh’s methodology of conducting interviews and recording the views from the
respondents is essential for the provision of accurate results. He uses the data collected from
key members of the government such as the Ministry of public administration and archived
record plans from the national technology and parliamentary reports. This is indeed effective
since most of the samples collected from the records are accurate in nature. Swaratsingh uses
the case study methodology to state clearly his intent in his approach for conducting the
research (Takhar-Lail et al., 2015). He tries to specify his intent for workplace productivity and
competitiveness through ICT adoption and follows to illustrate his case. It is clearly evident

that there is a link between research methods and data collection techniques as he outlines since
most of his research methods were similar to his methods of collecting data. The sources of
data such as hosting interviews to respondents and the use of an audio visual material is clearly
evident in his research work.
Article 3
Africa is one of the fastest developing continents in the world (Baliamoune et al., 2012).
The GDP growth rates are Africa has increased significantly as shown in the estimated figure
provided by the author. The article clearly shows the steps achieved or the achievements of
African entrepreneurs in the recent times. From the article, it is also clear that Africa can
become the same as its global counterpart except for the lack of strategies to develop their
enterprises (Brixiova, 2013). The information depicted is on point. Moreover, it gives the
reader a scope into the current economic situation in Africa. The author has succeeded in
effectively elaborating the kind of thinking needed to empower the African business
environment. Entrepreneurs, therefore, need to add to their skills the mastery of the business
field in the African Scene. By doing this, more strategies can be created to ensure the growth of
their enterprises.
Article 4
Fraud is simply defined as the unlawful act of deception for personal gain using trickery
or unfair means. This leads to hefty losses accounted by the victim who has affected by this
heinous act. Fraud is existent in this age and society and is more so evident in businesses, and
this incurs hefty losses to the business itself and the owners of the business. The most common
types of fraud that are existent in businesses today are improper revenue recognition and

expense manipulation (Parkin et al., 2013). As we all know, revenue is an important aspect in
for the prosperity of any business activity since it provides a blueprint of the expenditure and
resource allocation for the activities that the business will undertake. This requires the active
initiative of all stakeholders to participate in all matters of revenue allocation and division.
Many This results in misappropriation of funds and embezzlement are rising from corruption or
negligence by the auditors and the stakeholders themselves. Therefore, as part of a business
organization’s structure, a fraud risk management plan has to be initiated to overcome such
occurrences. It encompasses corporate business cultures that build strong board governance
practices. This includes independent nomination processes, board ownership of agendas and
necessary information and a code of conduct specific for the management.



Baliamoune, M. N., Brixiova, Z., & Ndikumana, L. (2012). Credit constraints and productive
entrepreneurship in Africa. ICER-International Centre for Economic Research.

Brixiova, Z. (2013). Modeling productive entrepreneurship in developing countries. Small
business economics, 41(1), 183-194.`

Ritchie, J., Lewis, J., Nicholls, C. M., & Ormston, R. (Eds.). (2013). Qualitative research
practice: A guide for social science students and researchers. Sage.

Parkin, D., Appleby, J., & Maynard, A. (2013). Economics: the biggest fraud ever perpetrated
on the world?. The Lancet, 382(9900), e11-e15.

Pimenta, C., & Afonso, Ó. (2012). Notes on the epistemology of fraud (No. 011). OBEGEF-
Observatório de Economia e Gestão de Fraude & OBEGEF Working Papers on Fraud
and Corruption.

Takhar-Lail, A., & Ghorbani, A. (2015). Market Research Methodologies: Multi-Method and

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