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Comments and constructive criticism

Comments and constructive criticism

The writer will have to read each of this articles and react to them by commenting, analyzing and
supporting with relevant articles. The writer will have to read carefully before giving constructive
comments on the article. APA and in text citation must be use as each respond to the two articles must
have in text citations with a pear review article to support your comments. The writer will have to use an
article to supports his comments in each of the article. It is important that the writer for each paragraph
give constructive feedback and avoid � I agree , and I you are correct as the only respond.

The writer should use proper grammar and also prof read the paper as APA is critical.


Comments and constructive criticism

Without doubt, project management lifecycle has a number of processes, and the RBS
(requirements breakdown structure) helps determine the most appropriate PMLC. The RBS helps
identify gaps and the requirements’ completeness, and I agree that this can cause PMLC to
change. The different PMLC’s choices are used based on RBS’s completeness. Cunningham
(2012) indicated that the extreme, adaptive, iterative, incremental, and linear are the PMLC
models and their differences is dependent on solution uncertainty. Basically, uncertainty
increases with risk management need, and it increases the need for higher client involvement and
just-in-time planning. There is a great need for managers to consider different factors so as to
choose the correct PMLC (Hsieh et al., 2010). The kind of project ultimately determines the
approach to be used.


Cunningham, S. (2012). Stimulating innovation systems by moving from innovation to
innovation systems. Management Today, 30, 8, 30-37.
Hsieh, T.-J., Chen, Y.-J., Wu, W.-L., & 2010 Portland International Conference on Management
of Engineering & Technology (PICMET). (2010). Does business group affiliation make
firm innovation different? Evidence from Taiwan. 1-9.


Agreeably, Wysocki (2014) asserted that the projects management approaches are the traditional,
agile, and extreme. The medical hardware company’s marketing campaign can be developed
using the traditional approach. Based on the fact that companies associated with this approach
are seen as complex mechanisms, it is without doubt that rigorous hierarchy can work best. This
would mean the management being accountable for every move and causes being linked to the
effects. The teams involved in such an approach are ultimately skilled and experienced, and there
is low complexity and risk, and few change requests.
On the other hand, the agile approach can fit best for the inventory control software
system’s installation since this requires initiative and responsibility distribution, and project
situations are more uncertain and complex. Undoubtedly, Wysocki (2014) noted that this
approach would promote adaptability and flexibility, and Ouf and Nasr (2015) indicated that it
can promote higher productivity and promote meeting the quality standards.


Wysocki, R. (2014). Effective Software Project Management, Wiley Publishing, Inc., p.48.
Ouf, S., & Nasr, M. (April 01, 2015). Cloud Computing: The Future of Big Data Management.
International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing (ijcac), 5, 2, 53-61.

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