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Challenges in using system development life cycle

Challenges in using system development life cycle

Describe some of the challenges in using the basic System Development Life Cycle.
? Use a professional tone (as if responding to a business request)

Length: 1250 words (about 3-4 pages)

Paper must be double spaced, 11 point type, 1 inch margins on all sides.
Address each criterion in its own paragraphs(s) in order:

  1. Our first phase in the SDLC is planning. What part of the job of the analyst in identifying a business
    need looks interesting and enjoyable to you and could make good use of your skills?
  2. What part of the job of the analyst in identifying a business need looks unenjoyable to you and would

not really suit you?

  1. Of the five methods to gather requirements for a system during the analysis phase, which one method

seems most comfortable to your approach to people? Why?

  1. Of the five methods to gather requirements for a system, which one method seems least effective in

your opinion? Why?

  1. We have talked about use cases. What do you think works best about use cases and what do you feel

could be improved?

  1. How might you make use cases work better and is it worth it?
  2. We learned to use Data Flow Diagrams in our Analysis phase. What were the three most difficult parts

to understanding DFDs?

  1. What advice would you give a new student on learning the DFD process?
  2. The last element of the analysis phase describes the logical data analysis � creating an ERD. Why do

you feel this is useful during the analysis phase?

  1. Lastly, what would you change or add to make this course better for teaching future analysts?

Challenges in using system development life cycle 2

One of the crucial parts of the analysis phase of System development life cycle is the
identification of the various needs of the business. This paper discusses the various challenges and issues
regarding system development life cycle.
The phase that I find enjoyable and suitable to my skills is the identification and understanding of
the various business needs.The business needs in most cases are specific on what the system should
address and the kind of user groups it should target, an understanding of the needs of the business and its
various products and services, would make it easier to bridge gaps between the business needs and the
needs of the user groups.
Obtaining the various inputs of the user with regards to an already written business requirement
can be quite difficult. This phase involves doing an investigation which allows the user groups to identify
the business needs, and then conduct a measurement on them. Without a clear understanding of the needs
of the users, it becomes challenging to design the system, as it would not be suitable for their needs all the
same. In most cases, unfortunately, a majority of the users do not have sufficient skills that allow them to
articulate their needs. This makes it very difficult for an analyst to know, with exactness and certainty, the
needs of the user groups (Larsen et al. 1994). Proper research is called for in this phase to help ensure that
there are no gaps between the users of the system and the IT specialists involved in the design of the
system. Research in itself is a very involving process that poses its challenges and complications. For
instance in data gathering, it then becomes difficult to ensure that the data obtained from the user groups
depicts, their needs with some level of certainty. If intensive research is called for during this phase, then

Challenges in using system development life cycle 3

the logistics get broader and complicated which will make the process unenjoyable. The analysis of the
data that would enable for the realization of the actual needs of the user groups would not be very suitable
for me.

Method of gathering requirement that seems most comfortable
Among the methods of gathering requirements during analysis, I find one on one interviews more
easy method. One on one interviews allows the analyst to obtain the maximum information from the
interviewee, provided that the interview is conducted correctly and that, relevant questions are asked. It
also allows the targeted user to feel comfortable and can give crucial information, which would otherwise
not be possible with other forms of group interviews (Larsen et al. 1994). One on one interviews also
allows the interviewee to express their thoughts and limits the yes or no kind of responses that would
have limitations on the kind of information provided by the interviewees. It can also allow the use of
recorders upon request by the interviewers. This would ensure that no information is lost and that the
most are obtained from that process.
Method of gathering requirement that seems less effective
I find analysis of the existing documents to be the least effective method in my opinion. In most
cases, documents tend to be outdated. If such documents were depended upon, then the information
obtained would not suit the current needs of the targeted users. Going through every single document may
also be very hectic, and in most cases, there could be a lot of redundancy, which may pose challenges
with regards to voluminous information, which are hectic to analyse and understand (Weitzel &
Kerschberg, 1989). Some organizations and users do not keep substantial documents, and this is likely to
lead to lack of information if the documents are expected to be the sole method of providing this

Challenges in using system development life cycle 4

particular information. A system that is involved in very many business facets is likely to have very many
documents that would be time-consuming to analyze.

What works best about Use cases and the needed improvement?
Use cases are very essential in documenting business processes. They act as crucial touch points,
which can have current or future automation. In a case where an order is made, for example, the use cases
would describe the expectations of the order taker with regards to what the system should do in
processing that order (Weitzel & Kerschberg, 1989). They work best when there is a need to set
boundaries for various projects. The use cases, however, require specific improvements. They tend to
work well when incorporated with other systems and this has led to complain from users, that after
installation of use cases, they still have to install other models to run their businesses effectively. For
example, if the project is one that manipulates data then use cases may not be effective as they are just
capable of showing the process. Incorporation of multipurpose Use cases would ensure that they perform
the entire task and relieve the user off the trouble of having to install other models. A process with would
be costly regarding time and finances.
How to make use cases work better
Use Cases can be made to work best through having a separate requirement lists that allow for the
processes to be traceable; this would ensure that every requirement is fulfilling a business need. A
concurrent business model may be called for to ensure more effectivity of the systems.
Difficult parts in understanding Data Flow Diagrams (DFD)

Challenges in using system development life cycle 5

Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) can be difficult to translate and understand especially by users who
do not have a prerequisite detail on how it works. It can also be quite confusing to programmers as it
involves a lot of processes and when large data sets are involved either in data stores or data flows, DFD
can be cumbersome to use (Weitzel & Kerschberg, 1989).
Advice to the new students learning the DFD process.
Data flow diagraming is a very operative process in depicting information’s flow through a
system. They are more useful in the preliminary stage of a system and used in the understanding of
various current systems as well as representation of the various required systems. It is, therefore, a potent
tool in the system processes. DFD also brings along a couple of challenges which includes, but are not
limited to; difficulty in translation and understanding, and can be quite cumbersome for the large data
Importance of logical data analysis –Creating an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
The entity analysis diagram gives the analyst a clear and a greater level of the data view. It also
helps the analyst in bringing all the piece of systems together and ensuring that a conceptual database that
puts into considerations all entities are developed. This complete database system is very essential in the
system development as well as in implementation. The ERD and also essential in helping connect various
interfaces as well various systems together to make more sense out of the system being developed.
The course is exciting and understandable in various dimensions; it brings out in practical terms
the essence of system development cycle, the practical aspects and the various challenges involved in the
process. The course is therefore useful and impactful, in various ways which include but are not limited to
enhancing a growth among us students, and impacting us with knowledge essential to developing various

Challenges in using system development life cycle 6

systems. I, however, would like to recommend more practicalities where we are given practical
challenges and assignments to develop various systems.

Larsen, P. G., Plat, N., & Toetenel, H. (1994). A formal semantics of data flow diagrams. Formal aspects
of Computing, 6(6), 586-606.
Weitzel, J. R., & Kerschberg, L. (1989). Developing knowledge-based systems: reorganizing the system
development life cycle. Communications of the ACM, 32(4), 482-488.

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