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Law an Effective Way to Improve Academic Performance

Title: Is the Law an Effective Way to Improve Academic Performance Prepare a debate on the positive and negative effects of legislation regarding mandated assessments foryour district�s students.Build a case that presents the pros and cons of the issue. You may use current legislative mandates suchas No Child Left Behind and Adequate Yearly Progress to […]

Aligning Assessments to Standards

Aligning Assessments to Standards Review the information on your state�s Department of Education website regarding statecurriculum standards. ( My state is Florida)Select one content standard objective from curriculum standards.Develop an assessment plan that addresses a strand, concept, and performance objectives to align withthe state curriculum standard. Ensure that your plan relates directly to the standard […]

Formative Assessments

Formative Assessments Create two formative assessment activities that could be used to gather specific information about student learning and performance.Use the following criteria in developing your formative assessments:Quick: The assessment activity should take no longer than 10 minutes.Embedded: The assessment activity should be embedded into instruction.Non-graded: The assessment results should be used to inform instruction […]

Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs)

Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs) Conduct an Internet search for online resources that illustrate the types and functions of ClassroomAssessment Techniques (CATs).Design four CAT assessments that align to standards and content area instruction.Identify each assessment as summative, formative, standardized, or self-assessment.Summarize the benefits of each CAT.Test 1: Direct Paraphrasing: Kindly paraphrase the following excerpt of Shakespeare’s […]

Curriculum Development

Curriculum Development a literature and Internet search for information about curriculum development and change in your contentarea of interest(math). Create a timeline that includes at least eight events that shaped curriculumdevelopment from a historical perspective in your selected content area. Write 100- to 200-wordsdescribing the importance of each event. Include an APA-formatted reference page CURRICULUM […]

Classroom Management

Classroom Management a literature and Internet search for information about curriculum development and change in your contentarea of interest(math). Create a timeline that includes at least eight events that shaped curriculumdevelopment from a historical perspective in your selected content area. Write 100- to 200-wordsdescribing the importance of each event. Include an APA-formatted reference page Classroom […]

Classroom Management

Classroom Management Introduction: For this task, the scenarios based on the grade level you desire to teach. You will demonstrate yourknowledge of how to create an emotionally safe environment with classroom management and how tointervene using instruction and technology. Apply this knowledge to the grade level you desire to teachand adapt or highlight aspects of […]

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