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Simulating Poverty

Simulating Poverty If you have not experienced poverty, it can be difficult to truly appreciate the extreme challenges ofsurvival. This can be especially true for your students as you work to build classroom community indiverse areas where not all students have the same life experiences. One way to help students developan understanding of others� challenges […]

Facilitating Equity

Facilitating Equity Through reflection on this week�s Required Studies (I will attached all readings) and your personalexperiences with equity and equality, consider how you might best impact change in your professionalworld. While you might not have the power to enact system-wide change, you have the power to begin change in your community of learners. 1.Reflection […]

Brockton High School

Brockton High School After reading the introduction and chapter 1 of the text (Blankstein, Noguera, & Kelly, 2016), write 2-3 reflective paragraphs that address the following: How did the culture created through the initiatives at Brockton High School reflect the intentions of the principles of courageous leadership described in the introduction of the text? Which […]

Non-Cognitive Skills

Non-Cognitive Skills Based on the information in the chapter 4 from the text (Burris, 2015; Harper, 2015; Barlowe & Cook,2015), Overcoming the Silence of Generational Poverty (Beegle, 2003), and 474: Back to School (ThisAmerican Life, 2012), compare and contrast the contribution of these resources to your understanding of poverty by answering the following: In what […]

Video Reflection

Video Reflection Why are differences sometimes threatening?What do we know for sure?What do we not know? What prevents us from being compassionate?What is the relationship between money and power?How do we know or identify privilege? What assumptions do we make about people from different races, ethnicities, and cultures? How does this look in a classroom?How […]

Personalized Learning

In chapter 7 of the course text, Blankstein, Noguera, & Kelly (2016) express the importance of �shiftingtoward a personalized learning structure: one where students collaborate with teachers as learningpartners to have a mutual stake in performance� (p. 135). The authors contend that, �While the originalidea has become modernized, especially due to the advent of technology, […]

Equity Images

Equity Images As you have learned throughout this course, the brain relies on all sorts of stimuli to learn. Students are often particularly receptive to visualimages that help make abstract concepts more concrete. This discussion will allow you to identify a visual image that represents the messagesyou want to communicate regarding equity. Locate a graphic […]

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