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The global economic environment

1)The nature of the project.2)The sources of information you plan to use.3)The most important concepts and techniques to be applied.The following conditions must meet in the project: 1)Assess the organisation in terms of its organisational strategy, objectives, mission and values.2)Analyse the environment in which the organisation operates with regards to industry, business life cycle, etc. […]

Economics essay

Economics essay And add some economics theory which taught in lecture due to 1/3 marks will be based on it (list on the instructions as well), such as the Multitasking and perverse incentives, Performance measurement and appraisals, CEO compensation, Intrinsic motivation, Incentivising across the hierarchy, Relative performance and promotions. Beside just rephrase the source you […]

Microeconomic theories

Explain the choices faced by agents in the situation. What incentives are faced byhomogeneous/heterogeneous agents? Use microeconomic theories to explain choices and incentives and “utility maximizing” decisions of agents in the situation? : III. Political gameThis project is based on using a relevant game to analyse a real (and current) political unrest.? Collect information by: […]

Statistics for Economists

Statistics for Economists 2 Coursework Submitting workAfter accessing the EC1009 Blackboard site, click on the SUBMIT WORK button in the left-handnavigation bar. Follow the instructions on the link �How to submit an assignment to Turnitin� (theinstructions will open in a new window). Work should be submitted into the area called ‘EC1009Assignment’.Please ensure your coursework is […]

HuStream Technologies Interactive Video

HuStream Technologies Interactive Video What is the long term business strategy for HuStream? In which areas should the business model bedirected? You may use any appropriate business model to analyze their business. How should HuStream’s co-founders seek the funding needed to support their company’s growth?Discuss the revenue model. What partnership model should the co-founders pursue […]

Buy American Requirements

Buy American Requirements One of the key points of the policies is that all steel, iron, and manufactured goods forconstruction purposes or any other related purpose should come from the United States’manufacturing industries (Goehle, 1989). The Buy American laid down restrictions shouldconform to the United States’ obligations through existing international treaties such as the FreeTrade […]

Macroeconomics Policies

Macroeconomics Policies what type of macroecomics policy (monetary,fiscal, structural) might include each of the following actions:a Abroad government initiative to shift from a high energy-use economy to a low -energy use economy.b A Government spending program to improve roads and other infrastructure during a recession.C series of internet rate cuts by the central bank to […]

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