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Carrying out risk assessment and management

Every individual has a right to access to
good quality health care

Social and medical support services are
needed at some point in people lives

Private is important is service provision

Awareness promotion is also essential

LO1 Implementation of principles of
support in health and social care practice

Application of principles of support

Ensuring equality when providing care

Acknowledging diversity

Upholding to human dignity and worth

Other ways of application

Patient empowerment through various approaches
such as person centered

Empowering patients for them to make informed

Assessment of risk before any action is taken

Embracing social justice and integrity

Not restraining access to different health and social

Procedures for protecting clients,
patients, and colleague from harm

Setting up of policies and procedures

Allowing personalized care planning

Risk assessment and management


Other ways

Referrals to other facilities

Good record keeping

Raising an alert


Benefits of person-centred

Client empowerment

Improves emotional, physical and
psychological wellbeing of patients

Increases openness

Facilitates the work of service

Ethical dilemmas and
conflicts when providing care

Gaining informed consent

Making decision between client
versus public welfare

Right of an individual versus
rights of others

Limitation of confidentiality

A case scenario on ethical
dilemma and conflicts

Negligent by service providers

Poor services provision

Lack of concern concerning the
welfare and the hygiene of

Question and answer session

How best can principles of support be implemented to achieve
higher level of success?

-observing fairness and equality

What kind of harms occur in health and social setting

-Physical, financial, emotional, and psychological

How can the harm avoided?

-Setting rules and policies

Carrying out risk assessment and management

State some of the benefits of using person-centered approach


-Quality of care

What are some of the ethical, dilemmas, and conflicts you
have encountered in your organization?

-Individual rights versus others right etc.

Presentation evaluation

Use of different channels
to present

In depth research to use
evidence based research

LO2 Impact of policy, legislation, regulation, codes
of practice and standards on organisation policy
and practice

Implementation of policies, legislations, and code of
practice relevant to own work

Implementation after doing a thorough research

Interpretation of policies

Supervisor follow-up and coordination

Training and teaching about the codes and legislations
(such as Data Protection and Control of Substance
Hazardous to Health Regulation (COSSH)

Ways of developing local policies and
procedures in accordance with
national and policy requirements

Creation of working documents

Establishing local demographics

Consultations among stakeholders-
both local and national level

Modification of existing policies to
meet the current needs and thresholds

Impact of policy, legislation, regulation, and
code of practice on organisational policy and


Improvement of health and social care

Reduces health problems

Less waiting time

Reduced level of discrimination

Experienced staffs

Foster standardization leading to adherence to
codes of ethics


Negative impacts

High cost of formulating and
implementing the policies

Elongated period of transition- leads
to service disruption and delays

Service closure likely to be

How lifestyle choices impact upon

Leads to increased prevalence of
chronic ailments

Leads to increased number of patients
and deaths

Contributes to increased research

Increased medication cost

Strategies to change
lifestyle behavior

Creation of awareness

Investing in high

Formulating of policies

LO3 Theories that underpin health and social
care practice

Theories that underpin health and social care


Psychosocial theories


Social systems

Developmental theories such as psychosexual
stage theory, and Freud,

Eriknson’s psychological stage theory

Piaget’s cognitive developmental stage theory

Impact of social processes on

Literacy enhances the process of
understanding and learns easily

Others lead to domination, isolation,
inequality, stigmatization,
exclusion, marginalization, and

Effectiveness inter professional working

Ensures collaboration hence fostering

Ensures achievement of agreed outcomes

Quality of relationships improve

Care continuity assured

Provision of holistic care is achieved

Easy identification of professional goals

Conserves resources

Acts as a safety net

LO4 Development and
implementation of health and social
care Organisational policy

Own roles, responsibilities, and

Help deliver quality health care

Create cordial working relationship
respect al other stakeholders

Be honest, uphold to ethical standards,
and keep good records

Own contribution to development and
implementation of health and social care
organisational policy

Reading and understanding existing policies
before embracing or initiating any change

I share my opinions on what I feel need

I take part in consultations

Meet the quality assurance standards

Take part in clinical governance

Participate in creating of public awareness on
health and social issues

Own recommendations to develop
contributions to meet good practice

Entities need to have clear codes of ethics and

Need for continuous training and development

Accreditation of social and health institutions

Open channels to share information across

Participation in decision-making

Learning form seniors

Peer support and supervision


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