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Career Path Development



Analyzes course concepts, theories, or materials correctly, using examples or supporting evidence.

Applies relevant professional, personal, or other real-world experiences to extend the dialogue.

Use your Blanchard and Thacker text, Effective Training, to complete the following:

Read Chapter 11, “Employee and Management Development,” pages 399�434.

This chapter discusses the value of employee development and some techniques used to develop
employees. It also presents management development techniques including job rotation, coaching, and
mentoring; and discusses the role of managers.

Career Path Development


Career Path Development

At my former place of work, there exists a formal career path. Most of the time, my job
has been concentrated on the functions of an assistant department manager. The department
manager usually acted as a mentor as well as coach. In addition, the organization I had worked
for provided mechanisms of self-learning to boost our adaptive strategies (Gowan, 2014, p.259).
Job rotation was encouraged in my organization whereby I could switch places with other
assistant department managers in the organization to eliminate monotony. On-job training was
encouraged to ensure that employees circulated information among themselves at the place of
work. Off-job training was experienced, for instance, before I first took the position of the
assistant department manager, and I was introduced to training by the head of the departments
outside the place of work. The managers had critical roles in ensuring that the employees were
motivated. They were on the first line to address conflicts through excellent conflict resolution
skills such as compromising and absorption (Gowan, 2014, p.302). Furthermore, the managers
encouraged volunteering whereby we were able to build new expertise and practice existing
skills in a different background from our daily jobs.
The career path was pertinent in developing me as an employee by instilling me with the
needed skills and expertise to handle work challenges. Furthermore, the career path enabled me

to realize the importance of sharing ideas among employees for effective career planning. The
career path also allowed me to form better correlations with my colleagues and leaders in the
organization that enabled me to seek assistance whenever I was faced with a difficult situation.
The career path that I wish to have is a management career path that not to work longer as an
assistant department manager, but as a department manager himself until I become the CEO in a
Bakery industry (Blanchard & Thacker, 2013). This will help me as an employee to add more
knowledge about dispensing orders rather than receiving orders as an assistant department
manager. In addition, the path will assist me in getting self-esteem in making the industry
achieve its objectives under my management as well as fulfilling my personal job satisfaction.



Blanchard, N. P., & Thacker, J. (2013). Effective training (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Prentice Hall. 399–434.
Gowan, M. (2014). Moving from jobs loss to career management: the past, present, and the
future of involuntary job loss research. Human Resource Management Review, 24(3),

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