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Best Employers

Best Employers

Research at least one current article from a popular magazine that offers an article on the best places to
work. Use the Internet or the library. Choose a company whose best practices or best policies you want to
research. One place to consider in your search is the Great Place to Work Institute Web site, where you
can search new ideas and find links to best workplace awards.
�Best Employers
Create a summary of the company you researched in this unit’s studies and include some of the best
practices or policies that you believe are the reasons the employer made this list. Address the impact you
think these practices and policies may have in helping the employer avoid employment-related legal

Best Employers

Google is a global company which develops technology including social media apps,
smart contact lenses, smart phones, and we browsers to help keep people connected. The
company has been ranked 4 th in the Great Workplaces in Technology 2014 and 5 th in the Great
Workplaces for Millennials 2014 (Great Places to Work Website).
The great performance of Google is greatly influenced by the manner in which the
company treats its employees. The company provides relevant training, fair promotions and
personally challenging work to its employees. There is respect and cooperation between the
management and the employees so that managers trust employees to carry out a lot responsibility
without being micromanaged. The company also focuses on creating a great working atmosphere
so that employees find their workplace to be fun and cooperative. There is also time allocated for
fun and celebrations and caring and support. Google encourages workplace diversity and it
provides equal opportunities for minorities and non-minorities. It also promotes women
participation in leadership.
Google compensates the employees fairly, provides special and unique benefits, enhances
their work-life balance and shows genuine appreciation for their hard work. The company has
put in place compensation programs, perks to make life easier and work-life balance programs

such as health insurance covers and onsite health benefits. Google instills pride in its employees.
Many employees enjoy their work and they feel proud of their accomplishments, community
impact and the company’s reputation in the world. The company also has great managers who
act with integrity and care, are competent in their positions and give proper directions and vision
for the organization.
In conclusion, Google’s best employment practices and policies benefit the company by
motivating employees to give their best. Accordingly, the company’s policies and practices are
in line with the legal requirements such as equality at the workplace, rewards, and corporate


Great Places to Work website. Google Inc.

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