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Benefits of Core Values

Benefits of Core Values

Identify and assess the benefits that should be part of a core package and those benefits that should be
part of a flexible package. Defend the use of such benefits and how they may be superior to others with

regards to motivation.

The following conditions must meet in the essay:

1) I want a typical and a quality answer which should have about 1100 words.

2) The answer must raise appropriate critical questions.

3) The answer must include examples from experience or the web with references from

relevant examples from real companies.

4) Do include all your references, as per the Harvard Referencing System,

5) Please don�t use Wikipedia web site.

6) I need examples from peer reviewed articles or researchs.

DQ5 2

A core benefit is a package that is known to include supplemental health products due to
its great concern to everyone (Martocchio, 2010). The many benefits of core values entail an
open public process that deals with the education of thedifferentdepartments in an organization
so that they understand the plans providedby the employer. This is best done by revising the
plans submitted by the employer on labor recommendations done on the process in order to
define and update the essential health benefits. Corevalues benefits by taking into account
advances, effects of benefit regarding changein cost and also assists in balancing the cost and the
comprehensiveness of the health benefits. Essential health benefits also include the
hospitalization, laboratory services, prescription drugs, rehabilitative, devices, emergency
services, ambulatory patient services, maternal and newborn care that come as core
benefits.Essential health balance is a core rule that helps in the provision of health information
on its importance to offer benefits that are equally compared to the ones offered bythe
benchmark plan.The benchmark plans include any of the large three national Federal Employee

DQ5 3
Health Benefits Program and thelargest state employees’ health benefits plans options by
enrollment(Ryan, Vanderbilt, Lewis & Madden, 2013). Theseplansare now providing benefits to
the customers despite them clarifying that in the remainingstates a selection should not bedone.
Supplemental health benefits are best in offering of the health cost issue that can help
employers in the saving of money and be able to offer benefits to their employees.Supplemental
health insurance helps employees fill the gaps in lost coverage, hence, an important cost
management tool to even employers (Martocchio, 2013).Core benefits in supplemental health are
evident since, products do not automatically increase each year. Therefore, even at the loss of
their jobs they are assured of taking coverage with theircurrent employers at the same
price.Employers can pass increased costs to their employees despite the healthinsurance cost
trying to take a large shareof their company whereby, this is possible due to the benefit attained
from having a catastrophic coverage. The benefit to employees is that supplementalproducts do
not have to cost them anything sincethey are now viewedas part of acorebenefitspackage.
Core value brings out the benefit of the actuarial value which is calculated as the total
average costs of the covered benefits that a certain plan onthe table will be able tocover over a
certain period of time (White, 2009).Accreditation is a core benefit and it entails the non-state-
based market place accepting the existence health plans that should be accredited from
anacknowledged accrediting entity.The market place has the access to be able to meet certain
customer standards and the ability to realize the importance of time that is highly needed by the
issuers to be able to obtain accreditation which is a corebenefit on time. Other examples of core
benefits include the housing that are either provided by the employer or paid for by the
employee, group insurance either on health matters or even on dental ground, protection,
reimbursement and the funding of education and other specialized benefits.The core benefits

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employees,though assuring them of economy, security, especially on the sideof staff members
and this helps in the increase of the work retention in return. This helps the employees to be
rewarded by theorganization management due to their commitment for the job (Lamy, 2010).
A pliable material is what makes up a flexible packaging material that retains the element
of flexibility which improves the life of the employees. These materials include: grocery bag,
flexible packaging materials, andflexible drink pouches thathave a common characteristic of
being flexible.These materials are of great benefit to the consumers since they are lighter and one
does not tire from carrying themwithconsumers having an added appeal to their
convenience.They have a variety of benefits that are economically friendly due to the less
materialthat is used to create them (Beam, 2007).Less weighing material will always have fewer
transportation cost incurrence and also theenergy that tend to be wasted is lessascompared to
heavypackaged materials.When there is the use of less material there is benefit to the
environment with less water and energy also being utilized in the creation of a flexible
packaging. However, this is due to the less material which is also left in the landfills following
the low weight of the material thatis contained in the package.
On the other side, someflexible packaging materials canbe frozen,heated and printings
easily done on them, therefore, helping give the material better advantage as compared to other
available material since it’s a preferable choice to many.Flexible packaging has another
usefulness of ensuring food safety and also prolongs the shelf life: hence, ensuring that food
remains clean and durable for the scheduled time (Stabb, 2007).
Many of the packaging materials can easily change their shapes and most of these
materials are found in consumer, industrial and institutional products where theyare

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evencommonly used.Bags, overwrap that changetheir shapes areallsaid to be flexible since they
are able to change their shape. Food industry contains a lot of products that are categorized as
flexible packaged material comprising of beverages, baked food, coffee, cookies, frozen food,
confections and breakfast product among others. There are other manufactured products that
have been of great benefits to industries which mainly are: sporting goods, photography,
household cleaners, electronics tobacco and toys (Beam, 2007). Flexible packaging materials are
of different types and they include the high impact polyethylene, low-density polythene,
biaxially oriented nylon and biaxially oriented polypropylene.
Customer has great benefit on the matters of the packaging design since it involves hand
design process and the modeling process that are most preferred by mostconsumers.The
varioustype of the design gives choice to both the designing team and theclient to be able to
decide on the mostpreferred design to be used for the customer’s product. Beam, McFadden &
Stefano (2012) argues that, the appeal of the consumer also increases with increase of the
tailoring of the consumers packaging material because this in return will help the competition
edgeof the company in the industry.The traditional flexible packaging materials have an obvious
appeal and this is an advantage to the consumer who prefers using such flexible packages for his
convenience. Several industries take advantage of the benefit that come as a result of the flexible
packaging and so they compete hard to produce quality materialsin order to dominate the market.

DQ5 6

Beam, B. (2007).Employee Benefits.Kaplan Publishing; 8 edition
Beam, B.T., McFadden, J., & Stefano, K. (2012).Employee Benefits. DF Institute, Inc., d/b/a
Dearborn Real Estate Education; 9th edition
Martocchio, J. (2010). Employee Benefits. McGraw-Hill/Irwin; 4 edition
Martocchio, J. (2013). Employee Benefits: A Primer for Human Resource Professionals.
McGraw-Hill/Irwin; 5 edition
Lamy, L. (2010). Core-selecting package auctions: a comment on revenue-monotonicity.
International Journal of Game Theory. Vol. 39 Issue 3, p503-510
Ryan, M., Vanderbilt, A., Lewis, T., & Madden, M. (2013). Benefits and barriers among
volunteer teaching faculty: comparison between those who precept and those who do not
in the core pediatrics clerkship.Medical Education Online. Vol. 18, p1-7

DQ5 7
Stabb, J. (2007). Mortgage affinity programs can add value to employer benefit packages.
Employment Relations Today (Wiley). Vol. 33 Issue 4, p15-19
White, J. (2009). Gap and Parallel Insurance in Health Care Systems with Mandatory
Contributions to a Single Funding Pool for Core Medical and Hospital Benefits for All
Citizens in Any Given Geographic Area. Journal of Health Politics, Policy & Law. Vol.
34 Issue 4, p543-583

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