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Assessment Strategies

Identify at least 2 of the assessment strategies listed in Section C of the ESOL Instructional Strategies
Matrix that you will implement with your English Language Learners. Explain how these strategies are
aligned to the �Attributes of an Appropriate Assessment Plan for ELLs.�
Please look at the attachment for the ESOL strategies to complete the assignments

Assessment Strategies

The two primary assessment strategies selected as listed in Section C of the ESOL
include the use of response cards and oral assessment that will be implemented in my English
Language Learners class.
Response Cards:
The response cards will ensure that the students are actively engaged in the learning
process through the use of relevant instructional materials, as aspect that will increase the
activeness of the students in responding (Tollefson, 2016). The students will make use of these
cards in answering the tutor’s questions by holding the cards to show their answers. In detail, is

imperative to note that the response cards increase and enhance the student’s level of accuracy
and frequency in responding to the questions during the class sessions.
Portfolio Assessments:
A portfolio is considered as a growing collection that depicts a student’s work with each
addition detaining the specified reasons of a selected element the student needs to explain. The
primary purpose of a portfolio assessment is to enable students to demonstrate their progress in
the course of learning (Tollefson, 2016). In building these portfolios’ the students within my
English Language Learners class will be in a better position to actively participate in the process
of learning and its assessment.
Aligning these attributes to the Appropriate Assessment Plans for ELL’s
It is essential to establish that these attributes are subsequently aligned to the ELL’s
assessment plans since they primarily detail the procedures involved in the assessment of the
student’s progress and weaknesses (Tollefson, 2016). On the other hand, these attributes aid in
identifying some of the services and programs that need to be incorporated for students who are
slow in learning with the aim of enhancing their participation during the instruction period.



Tollefson, J. (2016). Ideology, Language Variety, and ELT. The University Of Washington
USA, 2.

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