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Arguments for Team Utilization

Creating a Report

Continuing your research using the South University Online Library and the Internet, complete the report.

Your report must include the following:

� An outline of how you have formulated your response to Richard Hackman’s statement. Your outline
should provide a reasonable framework for the report and show where you are going to use each of the

pieces of information you found through your research

� An introduction to the report that explains the purpose of the report, the significance of the topic, and a

preview of the main points to be discussed

� The body of the report that uses clear headings and topics arranged logically, in an appropriate tone


� Meaningful conclusions and practical recommendations in the report

� Multiple current and credible source

Creating a report

Complex projects consist of numerous aspects, activities, and decision making processes,
which require different skills and capabilities to achieve the project objectives satisfactorily. The
use of teams in managing such projects is therefore inevitable. The statement by Richard
Hackman, indicating that teams may not work effectively for complex projects does not auger
well with the absolute demand for skills and capabilities required in the management of complex
projects. Therefore, I disagree with Richard Hackman and maintain that teams are an important
prerequisite in managing complex projects. This report is an argument for the utilization of teams
in managing complex projects. It attempts to deduce the reason behind Hackman’s statement and
explain the importance of using teams and how project leaders can ensure that teams remain and
asset for the project.

Arguments for Team Utilization


Richard Hackman postulates that it may not be best to use teams in executing complex
projects. This may be explained by the belief that complex projects are very sensitive and that
they require significant precision to ensure that their objectives are achieved. According to
Hackman’s view, he may have considered teams as being prone to conflict, slow in decision
making due to numerous ideas and lack of creativity as members try to fit into the team (Allen,
2014). The benefits of teams however outweigh the cons as discussed in the next section.
Different aspects of a complex project require varying skills, experiences, and
capabilities. These can only be obtained by including team members who possess certain
strengths to ensure that all aspects of the project are effectively achieved (El-Sofany, Alwadani
& Alwadani, 2014). By utilizing teams, the project brings together individuals with various
strengths, who then contribute to the various aspects project execution including budget
management, procurement, technology and operations (Zofi, 2011).
In the management of complex projects, teams ensure enhanced creativity because each
team member brings in valuable ideas that may be used to accomplish project objectives. Based
on the ideas, the best and most innovative ones can be used to enhance project performance
(Zofi, 2011). This further enhances the decision making process.
Effective use of teams can simplify project tasks by distributing tasks and responsibilities
among team members. Depending on their strengths, skills and experiences, team members are
given specific tasks to complete. This ensures that projects can be completed faster and in a more
professional manner, as opposed to where there are no teams (Zofi, 2011).
Recommendations for Team Utilization

Due to the complexity of managing teams in projects, various challenges may also be
witnessed, thus limiting performance (Allen, 2014). This to a significant extent explains


Hackman’s view on teams in the management of complex projects. To enhance efficiency of the
team in managing complex projects, you will need to consider some of the factors that promote
team success in complex projects as follows.
Take the position of a team leader not manager: This calls for the project leader to play
the role of a team leader, effectively guiding the team members to achieve shared vision (El-
Sofany, Alwadani, & Alwadani, 2014). As opposed to being a manager, a leader is hands-on and
is basically part of the team. He guides the team as opposed to giving orders or tasking team
members with doing the work.
Identify best expertise: Having the most effective team calls for careful selection of the
best talent and expertise. This will ensure that the project objectives are effectively achieved.
Motivate the team: Teams are more likely to be successful when there is motivation. As noted by
Conill (2013), project leaders must ensure that the team is well remunerated, recognized and
rewarded for their efforts. This will ensure that they are more committed towards achieving
project objectives.
Enhance communication: Poor communication could thwart a team’s performance
capabilities, leading to increased conflict and inefficiency in delivering task objectives. The need
to develop effective communication channels is therefore necessary to ensure information is well
disseminated (Saonee, et al, 2011). The medium of communication also matters significantly.
According to the media richness theory, face-to-face communication is important in enhancing
communication as opposed to written communication (Guffey & Loewy, 2012).
Involve team members: Team members want to be recognized and feel as if their efforts
and contributions matter in the project’s execution (Conill, 2013). It is therefore important to
involve team members throughout the project.


Develop conflict management skills: Conflict will always occur where teams are involved
and it is therefore important for project managers to develop conflict resolution skills (Hill &
Lineback, 2013). This will ensure that conflicts do not limit the project’s ability to achieve its


In conclusion, I disagree with Hackman’s view on utilizing teams in complex projects,
arguing that teams are highly important in the execution of projects. This is because team
members bring in valuable skills and expertise, ideas and can share responsibilities to promote
project performance. I however concur that the management of teams is equally complex and the
project leader must therefore possess various skills necessary to manage the team effectively.
Special emphasis is given to team leadership, hiring individuals with best expertise, effective
communication, team member involvement and effective conflict resolution.



Allen, P. (2014). Evolution: complexity, uncertainty and innovation’. Journal of Evolutionary
Economics, 24 (2), 265-289, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost,

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