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America Goes Dry with Prohibition

1) America Goes Dry with Prohibition (2:34)


Who was Carrie Nation?

After WWI support for Prohibition grew �by three factors�. What were these?

Prohibition is repealed in 1933, and what couple of Depression-era rationales supported the repeal?

2) The Harlem Renaissance (2:53)

1920s 2

Why did many African-Americans migrate north to big cities around the time of WWI, according to the


What musical becomes a cross-over smash hit?


Who was Carrie Nation?
A protestant that opposed manufacturing and selling of alcohol. She attacked breweries
and smashed bottles of alcohol.
After WWI, support for Prohibition grew “by three factors”. What were these?
New soldier recruits could be tempted to drink alcohol

1920s 3
To conserve grain
Anti-Germany, sentiments against beer manufacture
Prohibition is repealed in 1933, and what couple of Depression-era rationales supported
the repeal?
Great depression
Help farmers to sell grain to make alcohol
Government could get revenue by taxing alcohol brewers

2) The Harlem Renaissance (2:53)

Why did many African-Americans migrate north to big cities around the time of WWI,
according to the video?
Were renowned for what they did. Moved to explore and to lead better lives
Artist and intellectuals for artistic exploration
what musical becomes a crossover smash hit?
Shuffly music
What caused the Harlem Renaissance to “fade”?
Crush of stock market
3) Many Moods of Al Capone (2:00)

1) How did Capone and his mafia make money?
He worked in a bowling alley
2) How was he a philanthropist?
He created a citywide program and gave free milk to school kids

1920s 4
3) List THREE other facts you found interesting about his life.
He evaded tax
His gangs fall apart
Never convicted for the crimes
Was deaf and blind

4) 1920s Inventions (1:34)

Liquid fluid
Traffic signal
Radio networks
Regular television broadcast
Insulin injection
Automatic dish washer
5) The Model T (3:18)

What did Ford take to an unprecedented scale?
Invented gasoline that powered vehicle -automobile
How did Ford take better care of his employees than other industrialists?

1920s 5
Paid competitive wages
For whom were Model T Fords built, making them different from cars in the past?
Common man
6) 1929 Stock Market Crash (2:25)

What did banks do that regular people were also doing before the Crash?
Speculating stock prices
What’s a bank run?
A situation where depositors demand for their deposits in bank but the bank does not
have money to give them
What happened to many, many thousands of people who were ready to retire?
They could not get their money as banks did not have money
7) Dust Storms Strike America (2:56)
By 1936 how much money are farmers losing a day? More than $1dollars
1) Describe the D-Day invasion. (Who invaded? Where? Why? How so?) [The best depiction of
D-Day is the beginning of the Steven Spielberg film Saving Private Ryan. If you have time,
watch this film or re-watch it.]
The D-Day invasion occurred on 6 June 1944. The Allied forces invaded Germany at the

1920s 6
seaborne. This invasion led to the restoration of French Republic as well provided contribution to
Allied victory during the war.
2) How did women in America help fight WWII? Specifically, who was “Rosie the River” and
what did this character encourage women to do?
They took the role of men who participated in the WWI. Rosie the River was a woman that
worked in factories that manufactured ammunitions and war equipment. She encouraged women
to support their men counterparts and championed social movement that saw an increased
number of women get jobs.
3) What was the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944? What was decided at this international
meeting that propelled the US to the superpower it became?
Was a meeting that brought together delegates from 44 nations (Allied) at Mount Washington
Hotel. Contributed to the formation of International Monetary Fund
4) What was the “GI Bill”? What all did it do for returning vets (and can you discern how these
benefits would change life in the US for this generation)?
A law that provides various benefits to veterans that returned after World War II. The law
allowed various benefits such as low interest rates for starting a business, low cost mortgages,
expenses to attend university, vocational education of high school, cash benefits, one-year
unemployment compensation.
The benefits would change the current General if they were provided. The veterans’ would be in
a position to lead good lives as well further their education to impact on the society.

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