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Algebra or algebraic

Part 1

Select one children�s book you have read or would like to read that relates to algebra or algebraic
reasoning. You will need to read the book for this assignment. Note: Please do not choose McKellar�s

(2009) Kiss My Math, as it is required reading for this course.

Once you have read the book, discuss the following in your paper:

  • Give a brief summary of the book.
  • Which mathematical concepts are discussed in this book? Give specific examples.
  • How would you incorporate this book into a math lesson? Be specific.
  • What types of questions would you ask when incorporating this book into the lesson?
  • What supporting resources would you include with the lesson?
  • Was the book entertaining as well as educational?
  • Who would you recommend this book to (e.g., grade level audience, kindergarten teachers, middle

school teachers)?

  • What are the benefits for incorporating literature into a mathematics classroom?

See One Grain of Rice (Simon, 2008) for an example of how one teacher incorporated the book One
Grain of Rice into a math lesson. Select a book other than One Grain of Rice for your paper.

Part 2

Write a lesson plan using the CU Lesson Plan Template (Concordia University, n.d.) (I have attached it)
to use your chosen book in the classroom. If you have a lesson plan format you use already, you are
welcome to use it if it addresses all the same areas used in the Concordia template.

In your lesson plan, please explicitly note where and how the literature you have chosen will be utilized.

Submit your Unit Plan Part 2 (include the answers to the questions above) in one document.

Part 1

Summary of the book (Pre-algebra) and the lesson plan for algebra
Mathematics has never been fun without the grasping of the concept of algebra. It is said
to be the backbone of other topics. Often times, students develop a dislike for mathematics
because they feel unsuccessful. The solution lies in understanding the basic elementary algebra.
Understanding the topic at early age can prove to be beneficial in the latter stage of learning
other complex subjects and the application of the same towards real life (Media, 2012).
Various guidelines have been put in place in order to understand algebra without much
struggle. The following areas have been have been explicitly explained in the book Rooster’s Off
to See the World: the concept of positive and negative numbers, algebraic expressions and
equations, and solving these equations. In order to understand the concept of positive and
negative numbers, learners should have the understanding of basic integers. A number line is
used to properly explain this concept. From zero, numbers to right are said to be positive while
the ones on the left are negative. In a number line, for any two numbers, the number on the right
is always said to be greater than the on the right. For the negative numbers, the closer a number
is to zero (0), the larger it is. This means that -3 is greater than -5 since -3 is closer to zero than –


  1. Any time you count toward the right side, there is a gain in amount. Conversely, when you
    count towards the left side, there is a reduction in amount. While adding two positive numbers,
    their sum will always be positive. The sum of two negative numbers is always the summation of
    the numbers, and then the negative sign is retained. When you are adding a positive and a
    negative number, the difference between the two numbers is first found, and then the sign of the
    bigger number is retained ( Carle, 2013).
    In this case, the difference is 3, while the sign of the bigger number is positive (+).
    Therefore, the answer should be +3 or simply 3. The equation should be -7+3=10. In
    multiplication of integers, positive numbers retain the positive sign. Multiplying a positive and a
    negative number will always be equal to a negative number. Multiplying two negative results to
    a positive number, always. Division of two positive integers results in a positive integer.
    Division of a positive and a negative numbers is always equal to a negative result while division
    of two negatives results in a positive answer (Fisher, 2016).
    Having known how to work out integers, an algebraic expression is the next concept to
    grasp. Algebraic expression incorporates the use of letters, to represent numbers. It is a statement
    written by using numbers, variables, and signs. The following is an example of an algebraic
    statement and statement:
    If a number is increased by 8, then the number that is increased is represented by a letter,
    say x. the expression will be, x+8

In this case, x is known as a variable. When a number is included in the variable, say 4x,
4 is said to be a coefficient. The coefficients of x and y in 2x+5y are 2 and 5 respectively.
From the algebraic expressions, an algebraic equation is formed through having an equals
sign. For example, in the algebraic expression x+8, if we added an equals sign to have the result
of 10, the expression would be:
Solving an algebraic equation involves finding the value of an unknown variable. In this
case, x is unknown. To solve for x, you subtract 8 from both sides as follows;
Since 8-8 is 0, 10-8 (which is 2) is the end result for the equation. Therefore, the value of
x is 2. Application of algebra can be in the use of thermometer, graphs and word equations.
The book, Rooster’s Off to See the World will be incorporated in the mathematics lesson
through encouraging the learners to read the book and assigning some problems from the book
for the students to solve. The students can as well use the book during their part time discussions.
The questions to be asked will be: are the diagram in the textbook relevant as far as students
understanding is concerned? Does the book covers all the topics about pre-unit algebra? Is there
a summary at the end of each topic? Why does the order of topics have a flow in helping the
student to have a good background of algebra?
The use of real life examples will further the understanding of the students. PowerPoint
presentation will make the lesson even more fun. Video games that are geared towards helping

the student understand more will also be incorporated. Tasks such as these also speaks to a
variety of the multiple intelligences.
The book uses simple and clear examples. The book is both entertaining and educative as
it uses the real life application and contextual examples with diagrams. The book is
recommended to be used by both students for grade 5 to 8 as well as the teachers in these grades.
The parents can as well use the book with their children while at home. The book has some
literature alongside each example. The literature is not too long to cause boredom. It is sufficient
enough for the pre-unit learner.
Engaging literature into mathematics helps the students to dispel the myth that the subject
is dry and unimaginative. The concepts help bring in the meaning to abstract mathematical
concepts. Using literature in pre-units is a good way of incorporating stories into teaching.
Generally the conceptual understanding of math’s skills is built up through illustrations in texts
(Lawson, 2012).


Concordia University Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Name: Algebra
Teacher: Your name School Site: Your school name
Subject: Algebra Unit: Basic algebra and its application Grade: 5 lesson #
(2 of 3)
 Illinois algebra standards


 Chicago algebras standards
 Mathematics performance for the students in the grade 5

Lesson Goal
To help the grade 5 students understand basic algebra concepts and use the concept to
apply the concept in a real life situation and in their day-to-day activities. This will help them
remember the ideas and therefore maintain their ability to solve even more complex concepts in
the future.
All Lesson Behavioral Objectives
 Students will demonstrate their understanding of the concepts of concepts
of positive and negative integers through group presentation.
 Students will demonstrate their knowledge of number sentences by
completing the magic age ring assessment with at least 80% accuracy.
 Students will be tested and examined to ensure that they have obtained a
complete grasp of algebra and how to apply it in solving various problems.

Integration of Language Arts, Math, and other Subject Areas
 Reading will be used during the lesson. The students will actively
participate in class activities like reading important aspects, preferably the introduction
and the application part.
 Language is important. Any presentation, assessment and the video
presentation uses the language as a means of communication during and after the lesson.

 Math is integral in the class, as the students will be required to apply
concepts of addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, and application in class.
Differentiation Strategies (explain the special considerations for instruction for
certain students)

 504 Plans
o Use of audio-video materials and PowerPoint presentations in the
o Providing them with preferred seating arrangements
o An Extended time during class assessments
 English Language Learners (ELL)
o Have reading exercise in the classroom
o Use of real life experiences to create interest
o Build-text specific knowledge by providing students with materials
to read before class session
 Individualized Education Plans (IEPs)
o Providing them with alternative presentation plans by presenting
only to the teacher
o Understanding the behavioral cues that stand out for the students
o Providing them with alternative ways to do their test like use of
diagrams to explain the concepts
 Special Education (SPED)
o Providing the students with extra lessons to ensure that they
comprehend the lesson


o Use of games to enable them to understand the material
o Use of flash cards to summarize the concept for ease
comprehension of the algebra topic
 Talented and Gifted (TAG)
o Grouping them together with the rest of the students, and
encouraging them to work together
o Discouraging independent learning
o Emphasizing the concept of correlation for the students

Safety Considerations
 Ensuring the students maintain a mutual relationship among themselves to
promote social learning environment.
 Provision of guideline tools that can enable the students to work on their
assignments on time.
Resources Needed for the Lesson (list all in APA style)
Carle, E. (2013). Rooster is off to see the world. New York: Simon Spotlight.
Fisher, R. W. (2016). Mastering essential math skills: pre-algebra concepts. Los Gatos,

CA: Math Essentials.

Lawson, M. (2012). Algebra made easy: a practical approach to algebra. United States:

CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.

Media, M. T. (2012). Pre-algebra/algebra daily warm-ups, grades 5-8. Place of
publication not identified: Mark Twain Media Inc. Pub.

Equipment and Materials Needed for Lesson
 Projector
 Audio visual materials ,
 Flash cards
 Laptop
 Fruits (Oranges, bananas, and apples)
Prerequisites: student prior knowledge or skill(s) needed for this lesson
Grade level 5 should be mastered especially the topics to deal with BODMAS in
mathematics that is brackets of division, multiplication, addition, and subtraction.

Implementation: include time estimates for each section
Motivator (no more than 5 minutes)
The teacher will put the class into groups of four. Each group will be provided with three
oranges, four bananas, and five apples. The students will use the first letters of the fruits to
categorize the fruits into different equations. The students in various groups will exchange and
solve the equations for each group. The first group that gets the right answer shall get one fruit
from each group, which they will then share the fruit among themselves.
Procedures (class period length minus 10 minutes for motivator and closing)

  1. The teacher will review the power point presentation slides with the
    students focusing on the concepts of complex multiplication of positive and negative
    numbers, solving algebraic equations and application of algebra
  2. After the lesson, the students will be divided into groups of four where
    they will solve various algebraic equations e.g. finding the value of x in an equation like

8x +24 – 6= 42, among other equations.

  1. The students will then be given a short writing prompt that will focus on
    them highlighting areas they find challenging in the lesson.
  2. The assignment will focus on students coming up with class presentations
    on the area of application in algebra in their daily lives. The students will be expected to
    have a sentence on the application like ‘shopping in a mall.’
    Closure (no more than 5 minutes)
    The teacher will show the class a short animated video clip (downloaded from YouTube)
    intended to summarize the various concepts in algebra.


Carle, E. (2013). Rooster is off to see the world. New York: Simon Spotlight..

Fisher, R. W. (2010). Mastering essential math skills: pre-algebra concepts. Los Gatos,
CA: Math Essentials.
Lawson, M. (2012). Algebra made easy: a practical approach to algebra. United States:
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.
Media, M. T. (2012). Pre-algebra/algebra daily warm-ups, grades 5-8. Place of
publication not identified: Mark Twain Media Inc. Pub.

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