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Administrative Systems

Administrative Systems

Assessment One

1. Identify what would be some of the requirements for this type of system.

The administrative system would require several things to be in place: the components of the system to support the system, the number of the users and the type of users who would use the system, what the organization requires the purpose and nature of the system, the purpose and the nature of the organization, and the size of the system. In addition, the size of the system, the skills of the existing staff, their training and the work practices are also very important.

2. Who should you consult with (speak with) to ensure their needs were met?

In order to ensure that the needs of each stakeholder are met, several people need to be consulted: the organizational personnel, the clients from outside and the casual l personnel have to be consulted for any success to be realized.

3 Who would you need to obtain approval from to spend the money to investigate and develop your system?

Before spending any money on the development and investigation about this system, several people need to be consulted for approval. Some of the people that have to be consulted include: Administration system consultants, software suppliers, people who determine efficiency of the system, those who supply equipments, technicians who deal with information technology, those who offer training in information technology, people who work within the organization and also those who supply equipments to the office.

 4 Develop a flow chart of how the system would work, based on the needs of the users and stakeholders.

                                              IF NO                                                                       IF YES

5. Develop materials of what your system would look like.  Add extra pages if necessary.

The materials to be used to offer for assistance include: invoices, checklist and quotation sheets.

Invoice               From:  Cypress Technologies     Invoice Number:  _________ Suite 7, 77 Marwood Place       Invoice Date:  dd/mm/yyyy Crestwood, B.C., V6T 7Q7       GST Registration No: _________ 1-888-888-888                           To:  Sarah’s Computer Bin           8424 Business Plaza             Vancouver, B.C.             Attn:  Sarah Norgaard                           Item Unit Cost Quantity Price GST PST Subtotal HP OfficeJet Inkjet Color Printer $583.97 1 $583.97 $29.20 $40.88 $654.05                                             Grand Total $654.05                                   Payment Terms:    To be paid within 30 days of Invoice Date      


Personal Affairs of Business Owner  
 ActivityPerson Responsible  Due Date/ Regularity  Some Actions to Consider  
 Ensure trust distributions are properly made   At least annually  There have been considerable changes to the tax treatment of trusts. These changes could expose you to large unforeseen tax bills. Speak to your adviser about your trust.  
 Undertake tax and personal financial planning .   Annually (before year – end)  Year-end presents a number of tax planning opportunities and risks. Speak to your accountant about tax and personal financial planning. ·Don’t invest in any year-end tax planning schemes until you speak to your accountant.  

6. Obtain costs for your system.  Where electronic systems are required use $1000K for a computer with a monitor and point of sale equipment at $5000K per register.  Access for EFTPOS is included.  For any programs necessary estimate at $7000.  Where you are missing costs contact your trainer for a figure you can use.

Internet services2000
Computer system1000
Point of sale equipment5000

7. Identify methods you could use to implement your ideas.

The method that will be used to implement these ideas would involve: the staff confidence will be boosted to ensure that they adopt this system; the management strategies will be changed to ensure that the people responsible are able to implement this system, will ensure that the culture of the organization is completely changed ,the systems have to function very correctly, people from outside sources will be consulted in order to get more input on the system, the staff members will be trained and the roles of all the staff members will be redefined.

8.  Write a procedure for how this system is to work.  Include a step by step process using the following as a template.

The purpose of this procedure is to describe an electronic administrative system that would help in ordering of goods from clients.

The procedure applies to an owner of a shop. However the owner of this shop is computer illiterate.

Step 1: the user has to start the program in order to access into the subsequent processes that are relevant to the needs of the company

Step 2: The owner has to input the order. The system displays several orders that the owner requires. From this menu, the owner will be able to select the specific orders which are required.

Step 3: The owner will then specify the amount of items that are required.

Step 4: In order to ensure that there is no any delay, the owner will have to specify the exact date when the goods have to be delivered by the suppliers.

 Step 5: as soon as the owner is satisfied with the order, the order is submitted to the supplier for consideration and delivery.

Step 6: the owner will then wait for the response from the supplier. As soon as the owner receives a response from the supplier, the program can then be terminated.

9.  Identify the training requirements for the other staff, the owner and the suppliers.

On the job trainers Professional development Skills assessment  Coach, mentor and/or buddy systems  Training handbooks Videos Online tutorials  

 10.  Define what possibly could go wrong if your process was put into place and what could be done to stop that from happening.

Loss of staff confidenceOngoing assessment of staff skills
Need for additional trainingOngoing feedback opportunities
Need to modify systemproviding professional development opportunities  
Temporary reduction of work outputBoosting staff confidence

12.  One of the suppliers has stated they found the system confusing as some were identifying materials to order based on name only rather than product code and there was often a mistake on the unit price.  What would you need to change in your process to ensure these issues were improved?

                   In order to ensure that there was no confusion on how to use the system by the client, I would ensure that the system offers comprehensive audio direction to the client in order that there was minimal or no confusion at all. In addition, would use codes that closely represent each type of commodity. Through this approach, the user of the system will easily navigate through the whole process.

 13.  What processes could be used for monitoring the new system for accuracy, assisting staff in its use, useability from staff and suppliers.

In order to monitor the new system for accuracy, assisting staff in its use and usability from staff suppliers, several processes have to be considered. The feedback from both the internal and external users is very key. This are the people who use the system on day to day basis hence are the right people to provide reliable feedback. In addition, the trained technicians can assist in observing the performance in order to ensure that the system is in a perfect condition. Furthermore, monitoring tools and processes help keep records of how the system performs on a day to day basis.

14.  What modifications would need to be made to your system if the boss wanted to make sure the ordering system would link with the creditors accounting system?

                     If the boss wants to make sure that the system links with creditors accounting system, several modifications would have to be done. This would include provision of additional equipments that would aid in the linking of the current system. In addition, there should be some form of training on the negotiation of the time limit within which the changes have to done. Furthermore, the roles of the administration and their duties have to be redefined in order to ensure that all the changes are effectively implemented. Also, the company would have to develop specialized software to handle these changes.

15.  How would you communicate that to the current users of the system?

Current users of the system would be communicates to through the email messages and facsimile messages. This would pass any important information to the users about the changes being implemented to the system. In addition, through meetings and training days, the users would be trained on the use of the new system and informed on the advantages of using this system in comparison to the older system. Furthermore, office memorandums, professional development time and photocopied instructions would be provided to aid in ensuring that every member is informed on the changes.

Assessment Two

1.   Write a report to the director outlining the requirements for an administrative system the costs as found in your investigation and which cloud system you would select based on the needs of the organization.  Within this report

  1. Include an implementation strategy with an action plan identifying the responsibilities for and a timeline for completion (use the attached action plan template).

                                The method that will be used to implement these ideas would involve: the staff confidence will be boosted to ensure that they adopt this system; the management strategies will be changed to ensure that the people responsible are able to implement this system, will ensure that the culture of the organization is completely changed ,the systems have to function very correctly, people from outside sources will be consulted in order to get more input on the system, the staff members will be trained and the roles of all the staff members will be redefined.

                     The cloud technology would therefore require a very elaborate action plan for its implementation. The action plan would therefore entail: the components of the system to support the system, the number of the users and the type of users who would use the system, what the organization requires the purpose and nature of the system, the purpose and the nature of the organization, and the size of the system. In addition, the size of the system, the skills of the existing staff, their training and the work practices are also very important

  • Define a procedure staff can use to work with this new technology.

The purpose of this procedure is to describe the implementation procedure for cloud technology for an organization on behalf of its director.

 The procedure applies to a director who wants to improve the performance of the organization which is having challenges dealing with accounting processes and serving its clients.

Step 1: the program has to be started to allow for the normal processes to take place. Step 2: the end user has to specify the activity that wants to be performed

Step 3:  input the information about that particular activity

Step 4: specify the form of output required

Step 5: Make any changes

Step 6: Generate the output.

  • Discuss contingencies (problems) which may occur and how you could address them.
Loss of staff confidence by both the staff members and the customers in the systemongoing assessment of staff skills
Need for additional training due to the introduction of a new systemongoing feedback opportunities
Need to modify system due to huge challenges as a result of several tasks within the organizationProviding professional development opportunities  
Temporary reduction of work output due to the staff members still getting used to the system.Boosting staff confidence
  • Define a monitoring system which could be used to ensure the system is secure and usage needs are maintained

The system has to be monitored in order to ensure that the system is secure and the usage needs are well maintained. The feedback from both the internal and external users is very key. This are the people who use the system on day to day basis hence are the right people to provide reliable feedback. In addition, the trained technicians can assist in observing the performance in order to ensure that the system is in a perfect condition. Furthermore, monitoring tools and processes help keep records of how the system performs on a day to day basis.

  • Identify the training needs for staff

      The staff ought to be trained on how to use the cloud technology. This is simply because the technology has new procedures that are different from the current system being used. In addition, the staff members ought to be trained on how to upgrade the system and handle any challenges in case they arise.

  • What legislation should be considered

      Several legislations have to be considered during and before the start of the implementation of this technology. The intellectual property right has to be effected. This would ensure that no one claims ownership of this technology apart from the real developers.

2. Create a training presentation (you will not present this, you will just prepare a presentation) for staff to understand and use this new technology.

               The technology is aimed at offering rapid solution to the several challenges experienced in this organization. As a result of the adoption of this technology, the organization will be able to store its data safely, the procedures will be performed efficiently, the customer data bases will be accessed very fact and the accounting information would be processed within a very short time

             The technology therefore would entail several stages which are very simple to navigate and use. To begin with, one will be required to specify the activity that is to be processed. This would be displayed on the desktop. The software platform is user friendly hence easy to use. The next step is to input the instruction which then be processed and the output displayed inform of an output. Every kind of data can be processed as so long as correct information is provided.

3.  As a result of the use of cloud technology, orders have increased dramatically requiring more data to be kept in the cloud.   What modifications would need to be made to ensure these changes could be handled successfully?

                      In order to ensure that cloud technology is handled successfully due to its excellent performance, several modifications have to be done. This would include provision of additional equipments that would aid in the linking of the current system. In addition, there should be some form of training on the negotiation of the time limit within which the changes have to done. Furthermore, the roles of the administration and their duties have to be redefined in order to ensure that all the changes are effectively implemented. Also, the company would have to develop specialized software to handle these changes (Wollmann & Kuhlmann, 2014).


Wollmann, H., & Kuhlmann, S. (2014). Introduction to comparative public administration:

               Administrative systems and reform in Europe.

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