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A Taste of Alignment

A Taste of Alignment

Students will:

� Explain the necessary alignment between a company�s mission statement/key initiatives and project


� Analyze crucial considerations in developing an effective portfolio management system
� Analyze approaches used by project managers to influence upper-level management in selecting the

right projects

� Differentiate between project management and the management of


� Differentiate between project managers and portfolio managers

� Develop critical analysis and research skills that contribute toward building a knowledge base in

business and management

� Construct an annotated bibliography related to the Final Paper

Respond with your own thoughts to this posting in an edited, three-paragraph, formal academic peer

Conceptualization, Analysis, and Synthesis of Key Research Concepts
It is imperative to note that the writer has conceptualized, analyzed and synthesized the
research concepts in the paper by typically deriving data and information from both the primary
and the secondary sources in determining the response of the paper (Kerzner, 2013). The writer
makes use of various business related terms that synthesize the findings regarding the elements
being researched in the preliminary study, a factor that provided an avenue through which the
writer would search, select and analyze different literatures on the topic.

In considering the learning objectives, the writer conducted extensive research in
depicting the key elements that are required within the study. Through this, the writer gives a
proper illustrative background in the manner in which an organization may align its mission
statement/key initiatives and its project success (Abbas, & Sanavullah, 2008). The writer gives
adequate details on what a mission statement infers and its meaning and the manner in which it
functions within an organization. He also takes an in-depth analysis into the rationale behind the
alignment of a project with the mission statement and the initiatives of an organization as a
means of remaining competitive and achieving sustainability in both the local and international
Additionally, the writer also provides a cohesive summary on the concepts on the
implications of a project portfolio management. He clearly gives the approaches involved in the
alignment of a project portfolio with the initiatives of an organization and its mission statement
with the aim of achieving long term goals, a factor that enhances the growth in profits of an
organization (Cleland, 2007).
The writer also presents the attributes involved in measuring an effective portfolio
management system and derives the essential tools that may be used in the planning process of a
portfolio management system (Project Management Institute, PMI. 2013). In conclusion, it is
empirical to determine that the writer provided an in-depth academic argument and interpretation
of the requirements of the study through an interaction with different sources and materials.


Abbas, T. P., & Sanavullah, M. Y. (2008). Chaos: The root cause of project failures. ICFAI
Journal of Computer Sciences, 2, 66-79. Retrieved from Walden Library Database.
Cleland, D. I. (2007). Strategic management: The project linkages. In P. W. G. Morris & J. K.
Pinto (Ed.), The Wiley guide to project, program & portfolio management (2nd ed.).
Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Kerzner, H. R. (2013). Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and
controlling. John Wiley & Sons.

Project Management Institute (PMI). (2013). A guide to the project management body of
knowledge (5th ed.). Pennsylvania, USA: Author.

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