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ACM Word Template for SIG Site

Taking ones goods or services to the internet definitely increases
the potential of the business in all ways. But the utilization of the
e-commerce in business transactions requires commitment to safe
and secures transactional details that include credit card
information and financial details from the customers. The rapid
growth of e-commerce has also brought its own challenges on
security threats that are also growing at the same rate. Identity
theft and data security breaches are common complaints among
online customers. The safety of online transaction is a major
concern to all customers who shop and bank online. These
research paper looks at the safety of all online transactions.
General Terms
Your general terms must be any of the following 16 designated
terms: Management, Measurement, Documentation, Performance,
Design, Economics, Reliability, Security, Standardization,
Languages, Theory, Legal Aspects, and Verification.
Keywords Electronic Funds Transfer, Phishing Scams, SSL

    Online transactions provide ease of shopping and comparisons of
    products and prices. It’s an attractive option for shoppers who
    don’t have to travel from place to place looking for the right
    product but just by a click one can purchase a range of products
    from domestic appliances to complex art designs or movies.
    Online transactions make it possible for the users to gather more
    information on a range of products and prices before settling on
    the right product. The increased ability of the consumer to obtain
    adequate information about a product makes the internet the
    number one stop shop for most customers globally. All
    individuals participating in e-commerce rely heavily on internet
    based information technology to complete their transactions. E-
    commerce allows business to transact, communicate anywhere
    and ay anytime hence it literally allows all the geophysical
    Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for
    personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are
    not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies
    bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise,
    or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior
    specific permission and/or a fee.
    Conference’10, Month 1–2, 2010, City, State, Country.
    Copyright 2010 ACM 1-58113-000-0/00/0010 …$15.00.

barriers that exist physically to disappear opening up the whole
world of people as potential customers.

The safety of online transaction depends largely on the safety
measures that the online user takes to prevent identity theft
(Obringer, n, d).
An online transaction popularly referred to as a pin-debit
transaction which entails the use of a protected password to
authorize the transfer of funds through an electronic system
known as the electronic funds transfer or EFT. When a vendor
purchases or sells goods via the internet, one has an option to pay
using the credit card which means that the transaction would be
paid via the offline credit card processing network or via the
online electronic funds transfer that requires a personal
identification number authorize the transfer of funds. Online
transactions are involves the exchange of funds which are
facilitated by EFT networks popular ones are pulse, interlink or
the star. Each bank has to register its own EFT network among the
ones operating in the market and which commonly charge an
interchange fee of 1% per every transaction and it’s charged to
vendor or merchant. In the year 2010 the interchange fees
amounted to over $20.5 billon.
To cushion the online users against financial losses some
insurance companies have included in their policies identity theft
insurance. However some online transactions are relatively unsafe
depending on the nature and medium used to transact them
(Eurostat, 2013)

  1. Transactions from a public network
    These transactions are probably the most unsafe ones. To a
    common and ordinary internet user the transactions are seamless
    and largely invisible as the online customers is led to believe but
    to fraudsters and hackers every time a customer uses a public
    network all the information is there and several tricks re used to
    filter information to payment gateways. Free Wi-FI exposes
    network data transfers to some sniffers who may be hanging on
    the belief that someone may transact valuable information using
    the free internet services. However, modern desktop browsers
    have sophisticated systems that can detect fake replacement of
    security certificates by middlemen who intercept data from one
    computer to other websites visited hence pay close attention on all
    computer alerts especially when transacting sensitive businesses
    over the internet.
    When connected to a private network that is relatively safe like in
    the office or home then the safety of your online transactions are
    relatively safe only ensure that an active security solution is
    always on whenever you are transacting online that also monitors
    the web browser. The constant warnings from your web browser
    should not be ignored as they may create loopholes for fraudsters.
  2. Transactions from a Tablet or Smartphone
    If you prefer to transact using a tablet or smart phone then avoid
    using the available mobile browser. Mobile browsers are not
    sophisticated as the desktop browsers especially on security
    perspective. It’s safer to install and use banking applications that
    have been supplied by your respective bank. These applications

have standard encryptions that are much safer on mobile
applications. Make use of some mobile browser platforms that
have improved security suites and which offer free trusted
security solution but consider installing even a free security
solution instead of using none at all. When connected to some free
public network remember that your transactions are vulnerable to
some one-ni-the middle especially if you are using your phone or
tablet it’s better to switch off the free Wi-Fi and instead use the
4G connection from your mobile provider your transactions would
be much safer (Adrian, 2012).
Please use a 9-point Times Roman font, or other Roman font with
serifs, as close as possible in appearance to Times Roman in
which these guidelines have been set. The goal is to have a 9-
point text, as you see here. Please use sans-serif or non-
proportional fonts only for special purposes, such as
distinguishing source code text. If Times Roman is not available,
try the font named Computer Modern Roman. On a Macintosh,
use the font named Times. Right margins should be justified, not
ragged (Aldrich, 2011).

  1. The Use of Passwords
    All online transaction are also referred to as a pin-debit
    transaction which utilizes the use of a protected password to
    authorize the transfer of funds through an electronic system
    known as the electronic funds transfer or EFT. No matter how
    safe a password is or hard to crack avoid using the same password
    for email accounts as well as for other websites that are in
    operation. Having the same password for e-mail account, PayPal
    or Amazon is a huge mistake. Consider all the places that you
    transact your businesses and assess their online security
    arrangement and make the right choices.
  2. Transactions from a public Computer
    Some public computers have been specifically programmed to
    record most of the activities from the user including the keeping a
    record of the entire password used. The fraudsters keep track of
    their victim’s financial transactions and only strike at the right
    time (Laudon & Guercio, 2014)
  3. Payment gateways
    For online vendors to process their online payments, payment
    gateways must be established or set-up or he company’s e-
    commerce website that would enable the clients to pay via debit
    or credit card. The choice of a payment gate determines the safety
    of the online transaction for both the vendors and the clients. The
    gateway records the submitted vendors or customers billing
    information from the vendors or customer’s computer via a secure
    server to the vendors or customers merchant account in a
    respective processing bank. The payment gateway is seamless and
    largely invisible to most online customers but to fraudsters all the
    information is there for the taking.
    For safe online transactions, the payment gateway selected by
    vendors should maintain all their business transactions in
    advanced datacenters that utilize the best and latest security
    methods. The payment gateways should be fully compliant with
    most credit card providers control systems and their security
    initiatives. These security initiatives include cardholder
    information security program, site data protection or the discover
    information security or compliance. The best payment gateways
    should be labeled as PCI level one.
  4. Government Regulations
    The government of the United States of America has made some
    efforts to ensure that online transactions are relatively safe.

Through the Federal Trade Commission or the FTC, the US
government regulates the electronic commerce activities. These
activities include commercial e-mails, consumer privacy and
online advertising networks. The FTC Act in the US regulates all
forms of internet advertising that includes online advertising
which have to be truthful, non deceptive and not misleading. The
CAN-SPAM Act if the year 2003 regulates the standards of direct
e-mail marketing. The FTC Act expressively prohibits deceptive
and unfair business practices hence all corporate private policies
that relate to –commerce are subjected to the FTC enforcement.
The other specialized Acts that deal with specific specialized
fields like the Ryan Haight Online Pharmacy and Consumer
Protection Act of the year 2008 that was amended to include
controlled substances and online pharmacies. The UNCITRAL
model international law on all electronic commerce was adopted
in 1996 to address different contradicting laws globally relating to
e-commerce and which was mandated to harmonize and provide
uniformity e-commerce laws globally. The International
Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network (ICPEN) that
was established in 1991 to tackle consumer problems across
international borders while ICPEN initiative was also established
in 2001 to report specifically all online complaints globally.

  1. Global Online Trends
    The United Kingdom had the highest e-commerce market as
    compared by the amounts spent per capita (Robinson,
    2010). China’s e-commerce increased by over 384 million online
    internet users in 2010 generating a total of $36.6 billion in 2009
    (Olsen, 2010). The level of trust among the vendors played a key
    role in the expansion among the vendors as well as the customers.
    The transactions between China and other foreign countries also
    grew by 32% up to $375.8 billion in 2012 accounting for about
    9.6% of the total international trade in China (Tong, 2013). Online
    companies have also had improvement their market share. Global
    online company Alibaba controlled over 80% of the Chinese
    market in the year 2013 (Millward, 2014). The total e-commerce
    sales in the year 2012 amounted to over $1 trillion (Millward,
    2014). Mobile devices are increasingly replacing personal
    computers in online transactions both in large as well as small
    businesses globally. It’s estimated that in 2014, transactions from
    mobile devices accounted for slightly over 25% of all the global
    transactions. The rapid expansion of the online business has been
    attributed to the advanced system quality, service and users
    satisfaction. Online transactions have a very high degree of client
    customization and enhanced core competence that has made the
    internet services highly competitive.
  2. Deterring Fraud
    The payment gateway selected should be able to support
    minimum fraud detection plus the implementation of the required
    authentication procedures necessary to prevent identity theft.
    Credit card theft can only be perpetuated by someone who
    possesses the card number and not the physical card itself. The
    payment gateway must have these two required authentication
  3. The AVS Code (Address Verification System) that
    authenticates the purchases made by the credit card and
    the billing address. When transacting the customers are
    frequently required to provide a billing address that
    should match the one on the credit card. The major
    shortcoming is that most customers have numerous
    cards and matching their accuracy of information like

updated addresses or mistyped addresses makes the
authentication vulnerable to future fraudsters.

  1. CVV (Card verification Value) also referred to as Card
    Security Code is a standard authentication system that is
    based on a 4 or 3 digit number that appears on the back
    of Visa, master or Discover cards or the front part of the
    American Express card. The number referred to as CSC
    is the one used by merchants to secure transactions and
    the last 4 digits are to confirm that the customers really
    have the card physically.
    To ensure adequate security, choose a secure payment
    gateway that has a provider who ensures that all the security
    facets of all the financial transaction are addressed and
    secured possibly through a 128-bit digital certificate that also
    has physical together with information security. The payment
    gateway provider should also have a firewall and other
    intrusion detection systems among the operating system and
    its application layers (Power, 2013).
  2. General Safety of Online Transactions
    Online transactions are massive and billions of dollars exchange
    hands every day. Online shopping has introduced a convenient
    way for shoppers while online prices for products and services are
    relatively low compared with the physical world. Most people
    regularly shop and bank online. Good measures are already in
    place to safeguard most online transactions as its success depends
    largely on the trust people place on their security. However, the
    internet is susceptible to modern threats and other perils
    associated with the digital systems. The general safety of all
    online transactions also depends on individual measures that the
    users take to safeguard their own transactions. Picking a secure
    password goes a long way in ensuring that most of your
    transactions are safe. The use of multi-case passwords makes it
    difficult for hackers to generate identical passwords. Banks also
    make use of the two factor authentication system where through
    the mobile phone short messaging service is generated and sent to
    the account holder anytime funds are either deposited or
    withdrawn from the card holder’s account (Iyogi, 2015).
  3. Secure Online Transactions
    There are few basic procedures that may assist the internet user in
    confirming the security of financial transactions. Before
    transacting any sensitive information on the internet ensure that
    the web site is secure by confirming the https address has the
    browsers security symbol that indicates that the site is secure. The
    http and the https are totally different. The first one is not
    encrypted hence its unsecure while the second is encrypted and
    secure. If someone tries to intercept information from the second
    address then the information would not be helpful at all. The other
    symbol is the security lock that appears beside the address and
    resembles a small padlock but it’s a sign of security symbol.
    All sites that are secure have SSL certificates. The SSL certificate
    ensures that all information passing through the site is encrypted
    and it also acts like a driver’s license. All the addresses from SSL
    sites have the https security symbol word for Table and Figure are
    spelled out. Figure’s captions should be centered beneath the
    image or picture, and Table captions should be centered above the
    table body (Zezoni, 2012).
  4. Phishing Scams
    All secure sites generally protect their clients from cybercriminals
    but the fraudsters can contact you directly by utilizing the
    phishing scams. Phishing scams are imitated notices from

financial institutions, your Credit Card Company or even bank.
These cybercriminals generate and send counterfeit emails that
appear like official emails with reputable websites that pretend to
be trustworthy but the whole concept is to trick unsuspecting
clients to provide their credit card numbers and other account
details. To be safe always call your bank before sending any email
with your personal financial details (Millward, 2014).

  1. Conclusion
    The safety of most of the transactions that are carried out on line
    depends on the personal security measures that have been taken
    by the user. Cybercriminals thrive on impersonating their victims
    by stealing their identity through the hacking or generating
    passwords from public computers that a user may have used and
    left his password inadvertently. Carelessness and ignorance can
    lead to huge losses and the recovery process may take too long
    that is if it can be effected as most online users are spread all over
    the world. The documents that are carelessly disposed mostly
    have enough information a criminal needs to steal ones identity
    and empty all the savings in your bank accounts. The safety of all
    online transactions also depends on individual measures that
    safeguard personal transactions. Using a secure password goes a
    long way in ensuring that most of your transactions are safe. The
    use of multi-case passwords makes it hard for hackers to generate
    identical passwords. Banks also make use of the two factor
    authentication system where through the mobile phone short
    messaging service is generated and sent to the account holder
    anytime funds are either deposited or withdrawn from the card
    holder’s account (Laudon & Laudon, 2011). Before replying to
    any email especially the ones that require personal information
    such as credit card details and other personal account details
    always call your bank directly to verify the information to avoid
    any phishing scam. Before transacting any sensitive information
    on the internet ensure that the web site is secure by confirming the
    https address has the browsers security symbol that indicates that
    the site is secure and also confirm the SSL certificate is available
    to ensure that all the information sent from your email to your
    bankers are all encrypted and all the sites that you transact with
    have the https security symbol. Online transactions make it
    possible for the users to gather more information on a range of
    products and prices before settling on the right product (Geena,
    2010). The increased ability of the consumer to obtain adequate
    information about a product makes the internet the number one
    stop shop for most customers globally. All individuals
    participating in e-commerce rely heavily on internet based
    information technology to complete their transactions. The
    internet has provided a revolution in all aspects of shopping,
    banking and education (Girdhar, 2013). E-commerce allows
    business to transact, communicate anywhere and ay anytime
    hence it literally allows all the geophysical barriers that exist
    physically to disappear opening up the whole world of people as
    potential customers. The internet has provided a revolution in all
    aspects of shopping, banking and education. All the citizens of the
    earth have an obligation to ensure that all the personal transactions
    are conducted prudently and safely to avoid any unnecessary
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