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Responding Effectively to Toxic Gas Emission

Responding Effectively to Toxic Gas Emission

Private Sector Partnerships: Natural/Man-Made Disasters
Locate the proper Response Partner Guide and the Emergency Support Function Annexes from the NRF
Resource Center for this SLP. Also, refer to previous readings and required websites. For our focus in the
Module 4 SLP, examples of private sector partners of an emergency response plan for a town or city

1.Transportation (e.g., trains, planes, ships)
2.Telecommunication systems
3.Utilities (e.g., water, electricity, waste disposal)
6.Retail (e.g., lumber outlet, supermarket)

There are other partners within this category; familiarize yourself with them.

Scenario: For this scenario, we are assuming that you have included the above private sector partners in
your Emergency Response Plan. A number of railroad tank cars overturned releasing a toxic gas into the
air. Gas clouds are traveling in the vicinity of a large residential area and an elementary school. You are
the Incident Commander and tasked with coordinating an effective response. You have already alerted
law enforcement and HAZMAT first responders.
Using the six private sector partners above in your response, what other step would you need to take to
ensure the safety of the town�s citizens? Be specific and cite your sources.

Responding Effectively to Toxic Gas Emission

Toxic gas emissions into the air in a large residential area, and even worse where an
elementary school is located, are a very dangerous disaster. As the incident commander, there is
still more to be done even after alerting law enforcement and HAZMAT first responders. The
next step to be taken is to contact the transportation partners. Since it will be more harmful to sit
and wait for help to come, it is important to start transporting people from the area as soon as
possible (Bennett, 2011). In this situation, trains will be used to move the children from the
elementary school as fast as possible. This is an important step as it removes individuals from the

site which may pose a danger to their lives. This partnership with transportation will also come
in handy when transportation vehicles which are headed toward this direction are diverted. It is
important to make this area a no go zone to reduce the rates of people who may get affected as a
result of the toxic gas. Controlling traffic that is headed towards this direction can be
complicated, especially because there are many routines. However, when the transportation
partners step in, it will be easier to manage as they will offer their employees as well.
Next, the telecommunication systems partners will be contacted. This step will be
effective in warning individuals of the dangers associated with coming to this region. At times,
when the public is not notified, it will be impossible for people to stop driving to the area. This is
because it takes time for the emergency transportation partners to be in place and start
functioning. Fortunately, with the availability of telecommunications partners, a wider range of
individuals may be notified through the media (Wasileski, 2014). The availability of these
partners will also mean that individuals can communicate with the people who are in the affected
area and still awaiting their evacuation. This is important as it promotes calm in the population.
The people who are away from the area can relax and not come to the affected area when they
know that their loved ones are safe. These communication systems will also be effective when
the members of the rescue team need to communicate to others about the materials needed or
similar things. When the communication lines are not interrupted at times of emergency, the
process becomes swift and hence information can be passed and acted upon on time.
After that, the next step will be to contact the utilities partners. In such a situation,
utilities are usually needed to support both the rescue team as well as the individuals who are still
present in the affected site. For instance, water may be needed to help alleviate symptoms of
poisoning from the gas. It may also be required when there is a case of an injury. Therefore,

these partners will be contacted to ensure that all the required utilities are available in good
number. This is also taken as a precautionary action since the individuals present may not
necessarily need them (Harris, 2013). However, it is always better to be safe than to start
transporting these items when need arises.
Banking partners will be contacted to offer financial assistance, which is mostly required
in such situations. Financing is important when the team will need to purchase first aid kits and
other medical equipment. Not all these are available through donations and nonprofit
organizations. Some are usually rather expensive and they may need to be purchased from other
institutions. They also offer financing for fuels of vehicles being used for this transportation of
people and for the provision of first aid supplies to the region. This form of financing is required
since there is no partner from such an institution whereby the group can be able to obtain free
fueling of vehicles and trucks.
Hospitals who are also partners of this group will be contacted to inform them of the
current situation. Since they are partners, they may have to send off aid and medical personnel,
as well as be ready for any individuals who may be brought with an urgent need for medical
attention (Karagiannis, Piatyszek & Flaus, 2013). When qualified medical personnel are present,
the rates of possible deaths as a result of intoxication will be reduced. This is because all
individuals who are present at the area will be checked for any signs or symptoms that may
insinuate negative effects of the gas. When a person is identified as being affected, first aid will
be quickly administered before taking them to the hospital. Their admission will not take time,
and the patients will start being attended to immediately because the hospital will have been
informed earlier, hence they will have had ample time to prepare and stock up on the required

The last step will be to inform the retail partners. This may be helpful since the group
may be given some of the necessary utilities on loan, which may be later catered for by the
banking institutions.


Bennett, B. (2011). Effective Emergency Management A Closer Look at theIncident Command
System. Professional Safety, 56(11), 28-37.
Harris, A. (2013). Never Stop. Engineering & Technology (17509637), 8(7), 48-51.
Karagiannis, G., Piatyszek, E., & Flaus, J. (2013). Model-Driven and Risk-Based Performance
Analysis of Industrial Emergency Plans. Journal Of Contingencies & Crisis

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