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Hypothesis and Theory of Why changes are important in organizations

Hypothesis and Theory of Why changes are important in organizations

Order Instructions:

“For the week 3 assignment please expand on the information for your post in a way that you would
include it into your paper such as: submit your hypothesis and discuss the relevant theories (literature
review) that would support your hypothesis. Be sure to write at least 2-3 pages. Be sure to review the
resources I have shared with you in another announcement on how to set up a research proposal that

includes a hypothesis and literature review.”

And the week 3 assignment is


Define the scope of your choice for this course. By this I mean, what is the core question and sub-
questions that have focused your mind in developing an outline? What are the anticipated activities of

your project or internship? What is your hypothesis or theory?


The core question that I have regarding my project is in the topic itself �Why changes are in important in
organizations?� Being my degree in Business Administration minor in management, it would definitely

help when it comes to operate a business and make solid decisions regarding changes into that
organization. My plan is fully discuss all the possible reasons on why changes are important in
organizations and also provide all the benefits that the employer and employees can actually get from
that. It is very challenging when it comes to changes in organizations because employees always happen
to make it harder than they are, due to the fact that they are used to their ways and afraid the new
changes will create problem and effect their job assignment, therefore they are hoping not to ever have to
deal with any type of changes. My theory will be an example of how some employees was resistant of
changes, but the organization was able to reassure them about the benefits and how the outcome will be
in their favor. Also how the organizations will address these changes to make employee feel at ease.

Topic: Why changes are in important in organizations
Thesis: This paper is a discussion that attempts to understand the importance and causes of
organizational change and its elements, approaches, process, resistance and management, and
finally the possible factors leading to its breakdown

Scope of the choice for this course
The core question seeks to address the importance of change in organizations. Given that I am
taking a degree in Business Administration with a minor in management, the exploration of this
topic will be significant in situations where I will be operating a business enterprise, especially in
the context where solid business decisions will need to be made regarding changes in the

business organizations. The sub-questions that arise from this particular scenario include: what
adjustments are needed to manage organizational change? What the challenges are in
implementing organizational change? What are the reasons why organizations need to initiate
change? What is the importance and influence of organizational changes on both employees and
employers? And how is organizational change developed? (George & Jones 2007).
Literature review:
Throughout the outline of my literature review, I will focus on the importance of change and
why businesses need to embrace change. Change is significant to organizations because in the
absence of change, businesses will not be able to achieve a competitive edge over and will
therefore won’t be able to meet the need of what is mostly regarded as customer loyalty. Further,
the importance of organizational change will be addressed in the realms of technology, customer
needs, growth opportunities, and changing the organizational status quo. The paper will mainly
focus on these reasons among others for initiating organizational change: crisis, performance
gaps, new technology, identification of opportunities, reaction to internal and external pressure,
mergers and acquisitions, change for the sake of change, just because it sounds good to change,
and plan for abandonment (Hammer & Champy 2003).
In addressing the challenges, I will focus on the organizational challenges that are a result of
employees always happening to make it harder than they are, due to the fact that they are used to
their ways and afraid the new changes will create problem and effect their job assignment,
therefore they are hoping not to ever have to deal with any type of changes. However, I will
counter such issues by arguing that organizational change is a reaction to the ever-changing
environment, a response to a crisis situation that currently exists, or something that is triggered
by the leader (Haveman, Russo & Meyer 2011).

The adjustments needed in an organization in the period of change require successful
organization because they are not merely adjustment processes, and hence they require sufficient
capabilities of management. Further, in the body of this paper I will address the organizational
change causes, the various elements of the organizational change, the resistance, processes,
management, and finally the possible factors that may result to its breakdown (Armenakis, Harris
& Mossholder, 2013).
Theory of the discussion in the paper
My theory will be a case example of how some employees were resistant of changes, but the
organization was able to reassure them about the benefits and how the outcome will be in their
favor. Also how the organizations will address these changes to make employee feel at ease. The
process of change will ensure that their work performance will increase progressively. As well
there are long term health goals including increasing ability, better customer relations, supplier
relations, and positive work culture. Ultimately, the firm will be better and competition would be
overcome (Cummings & Worley 2011).



Armenakis, A. A., Harris, S. G., & Mossholder, K. W. (2013). Creating readiness for change.
Human Relations, 46, 681-703.

Cummings, T. G.., & Worley, C. G.. (2011). Organization Development and Change. Cincinnati,
OH: South-Western College Publishing.

George, J. M., & Jones, G.. R. (2007). Understanding and Managing Organizational Behavior
(5rd). New York: Pearson Education, Inc.

Hammer, M., & Champy, J. (2003). Reengineering the Corporation. New York: HarperCollins.


Haveman, H. A., Russo, M. V., & Meyer, A. D. (2011). Organizational environments in Flux:
the impact for regulatory punctuations on organizational domains, CEO succession, and
performance. Organization Science, 12, 253-273.

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