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Global leadership development programs

It is certainly a clich� that we are living in a �global world� and as such the concept of �global
leadership� may be seen to be a somewhat nebulous one but the reality is that there is increasingly
greater communication on a global scale and leaders need to cope with this. Morrison (2012) seems to
suggest that MNEs � presumably Western ones � do not recognise the extent to which leadership skills
on a global basis need to be developed and as such may have a poor understanding of how to develop
them. Please see the attached article and think of suggestions for improvement.
please read the attached file:

Morrison, C., (2012), Global leadership development: a case of misplaced optimism? People & Strategy.
Vol. 35 Issue 2, p18-20.

Global leadership development programs
Developing global leadership mindset is an iterative procedure. The process integrates the
knowhow, cultural competence, communication and managerial expectation. To select a good
global leader, the organization should identify the talents, experiment their abilities by offering
them opportunities to work with cross cultures in order to nurture their talents. This will enhance
their creativity; make them more vibrant and empowered. However, most companies leadership
development programs are not in place. The programs are facing numerous challenges. For
instance, most organization selects the high potential managers to participate in the development
program i.e. lack participants selection criteria. In most cases, these managers global mindset are
more individualistic than collective. The individualistic cognitive approach influences the global
leadership development program performance negatively. It also denies other young and talented
leaders from participating in such programs (Morrison, 2012).

In this context, Conventional definition of global leadership that implied that posting staff
overseas or establishing new operations there. Most of the organizations base their leadership
development programs using their long term strategies; keeping their focus more internal. With
the increase globalization and internationalization of financial markets and the multicultural
society, there should be a clear distinction between national leadership and international
leadership; the two leaderships should be re-interpreted/re-defined to include the concepts that
domestic contexts are taken overseas whereas the international dimension comes to local
territory i.e. link their interdependency. Secondly, a standardized global leadership program
evaluation metrics should be established to evaluate the program’s effectiveness. These metrics
will assist in; establishing criteria for choosing participants; evaluation of the current and future
organizations leadership competencies; measure the outcomes produced by the leadership
development program and lastly to identify gaps and facilitate in shaping the content to eradicate
the gaps (VanderPal &Shan, 2014).
Morris.C. (2012) Global leadership development: A case of misplaced Optimism? People
&Strategy 35; 2, 18-20
VanderPal, G., & Shan, VC. (2014) An overview of global leadership: ethics, values, cultural
diversity and conflicts. Journal of leadership, accountability &ethics 11; 3,166-177

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