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Communication in multi-generational workforce

Communication in multi-generational workforce
My topic: communication in a multi generational workforce.

Eventually, the University will require you to make a formal proposal for your research. This week, you will
gain some practice creating a portion of such a proposal by drafting a submission to your Instructor.
Using your work in this week and in previous weeks, propose a quantitative study, addressing the
�Formulate relevant research questions and hypotheses.
�Can your idea be tested with any of the various types of experimental designs? Why or why not?
�What is your design? Why have you chosen that design?
�What is your target population? How would you identify and recruit participants?
�What data collection method might you use? How would that data help answer your research
�How consistent are these data collection methods with methods used in existing research on your
topic? Why did you choose these methods? What are the alternatives?
�How would you ensure quality and reliability of the data?
�How might you analyze the data?
�What are the target audiences for your findings?


Nowadays the workplace is composed of different generation of the employees, 9.5% of
the silent generations have retired and the baby boomers have delayed in their retirement plan.
The generation X is currently in the corporate management while the generations Y are recently

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venturing in the workforce. The collision of these generations if not handled with great care can
result to a long-term conflict in the work place. The current workforce is almost old and the
generation X is smaller in number in the industry. The demand for the talented and bright leaders
in the generation is increasing and the supply of this generation will decrease and this could lead
to leadership deficit (Davis) .
There has been great shift from the normal traditional career paths and work values such
as long term tenure, work ethics and loyalty since the age difference has become pronounced.
Each generation came of age at a specific moment in the history and the behavior and beliefs of
these staff will extend to how they view their work and the management (Romo) . Each
generation has his own view of business issues such as leadership, solving problems,
communication and making of decisions. Over the past years, different generations would be
separated by status and ranks. The oldest staff would hold the executive position, the middle-
aged will hold the low management jobs and the young staff would hold the frontline jobs
(Cennamo) . During this time, there was less conflict within the workforce. Today the distinct
generations are supposed to work together side by side to make decisions, manage projects and
solve problems (Blythe) .
When communicating members of different generation, it is important to create an
attitude of respect and the best preferred rule to use is the Titanium rule which requires that you
do to others, while keeping in mind their preferences. This means that you do to others as you
will wish them do unto to you. When communicating with members of the World War II
generation, you should ensure that the tone of your voice and the words are respectful, use good
grammar and the language should be formal and professional (DiRomualdo) . For the baby
boomers, the conversation ought to be relational and may be offer coffee. When it comes to

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generation Xers, never waste person’s time, you are required to be straightforward and refrain
from corporate speaking. You can use an email and state clearly what you want and how want it.
The millennial generation needs you to be positive, make use of text messages, and avoid
sarcasm, cynicism and being condescending (Susan A. Murphy) .
Problem statement

The issues identified previously can be address in a more effective way to produce an effective
and efficient organization. All the leaders in whichever rank should aware of these generational
issues in the workforce. Every employee whether in the executive, line management, subordinate
or supervisory level should consider the best method and language to use when communicating
with members of different generation.

Purpose of the study

This study seeks to offer the managers and the organizational leaders with proper
information on the communication methods and preferences attributed to different generations in
a multi-generational workforce. This study will provide the managers with information on how
to communicate effectively with other employees and help resolve the generational workforce
conflicts. The results of this study can help the managers during the selection of employees and
will ensure enhanced collaboration, communication and productive of the employees.
Work cited
Blythe, J., Baumann, A., Zeytinoglu, I., Denton, M., Akhtar-Danesh, N., Davies, S., et al.
“Nursing Generations in the Contemporary Workplace.” Public Personnel Management
(2008): 138-158.

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Cennamo, L., Gardner,. “Generational differences in work values, outcomes and person-
organizsation value.” Journal of Managerial Psychology, (2009): 891-906.
Davis, G. “Managing a Multi-generational Workforce.” Managing a Multi-generational
Workforce. (2009).
DiRomualdo, T. “A Look at Workplace Generational Conflict.” Journal of Financial Planning
(2006): 18-21.
Romo, Annastiina. MANAGING MULTIGENERATIONAL WORKFORCE. bachelors’ thesis.
tokyo, 2012.
Susan A. Murphy, PhD, Claire Raines Associates. Leading a Multigenerational Workforce.
Washington, DC: 601 E Street, NW,, 2007.

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